I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 34 The troubles of the little bird Yumayu

Chapter 34 The troubles of the little bird Yumayu
The houses built in Japan are not valuable, but the land is valuable.

Because most of the land is an independent property right that can be used freely and passed down from generation to generation.

For land in a core area such as Kagurazaka, Shinjuku District, the current starting price is at least 300 million yen per square meter.

When asked about this topic, Kotori Yumaumi frowned beautifully like a willow, and sighed.

"Since Akagi Shrine was built in 1300, Kotori Yushi has shouldered the responsibility of enshrining the shrine for generations."

"Oh, that really has a long history... So, you invited me to visit, just to prove that you are really a wealthy witch?" Sousuke Araki said perfunctorily without sincerity.

Maidens, monks, and priests are extremely common social roles in Japan, just like ordinary company employees.

For example, Araki Sousuke often saw the recruitment revelations of working maidens on job search websites.

But to become a formal clergyman, one can only pass the inheritance from generation to generation or undergo extremely rigorous examinations.

"Of course not. What I want to prove to Your Excellency is my identity as a 'Destroyer'."

Kou Yumaumi's eyes were serious, and he took out the "Exorcism Exemption License" that had been repaired with transparent glue.

"Is it this prop again?"

"This is not a prop, it is an exemption officially recognized by the Metropolitan Police Department... Wait, don't you have one?"

"This kind of children's cosplay props, why do I have..."

"So that's the case, no wonder...you are... an illegal exorcist." Xiaotiao Youzhengyu's eyes were filled with shock, revealing an expression of sudden realization.

No wonder there has never been heard of such a powerful person in the Spirit Eliminators Association.

Since the "Hundred Eyed Ghost Rebellion" that year, supernatural cases have once again attracted the attention of the authorities.

Even those who have the ability to eliminate spirits must obtain the officially recognized "exemption from spirits" before they can accept commissions and carry out activities to eliminate spirits independently within the scope of permission.

After all, non-standard despiritual behaviors are very likely to lead to many uncontrollable consequences such as the strengthening of "spirit" resentment, the spread of fear, and changes in the rules of conduct, which will cause more casualties and plant far-reaching disasters.

Those who have the ability to remove spirits but do not want to enter the official field of vision are called "illegal removers".

It's no wonder that the other party has such superb spirit-killing skills, but has always denied the spirit-killing thing.

"What kind of illegal exorcist... It's not feasible to spread feudal superstitions and label things indiscriminately here. After all, there are no so-called ghosts in this world. The scientific knowledge taught in high school textbooks in your schoolbag is The truth that makes the world go fast?"

Sousuke Araki was lying on the tatami with his head propped up, picking his nostrils, and his whole body glowed with a light called "science".

"I know that words and this waiver alone can't make you approve, so I specially invited you to the shrine today. My cultivation is still very shallow, and I can only be within the torii gate of Akagi Himemei. I can do it..."

Kou Yumaumi's eyes suddenly became serious, and he took out a triangular talisman paper from his schoolbag, and held it between his fingers.


The triangular talisman burst into flames so abruptly.

In the eyes of Xiaoniao Youzhengyu, a large amount of spiritual power spread from the talisman paper, lingering in front of the two of them.

"This is a large-scale spirit removal spell that I can only cast under the protection of Goddess Chicheng Jiming."

"Oh, that's awesome. This is the recent popular online method of applying phosphorous powder on paper in advance, and using the principle of friction with air to make the paper burn..."

Araki Sousuke immediately held the venue and started applauding.

In his eyes, there was no so-called spiritual power at all, it was just that the talisman paper ignited spontaneously without wind like a magic show.

"It's not that kind of obscene thing...Such a large amount of spiritual power, why don't you pretend not to see it?"

Watching the talisman paper in his hand burn out in embarrassment, Kotori Yumami felt that he was wasting his spiritual power.

After lowering her head in silence for a while, she raised her head and looked at Sousuke Araki very sincerely.

The other party just kept making jokes and wanted to get over it, so she could only get straight to the point.

"Akagi Shrine was known as one of the 'Edo Three Shrines' in the Edo period. However, after several fires and reconstructions, and the gradual thinning of the Kotori family's bloodlines, it became unknown to the public. .”

Having said that, she raised her finger and pointed to the high-end residential building outside the door.

"The place where the house is located originally belonged to the gods... But ten years ago, due to poor management and the dilapidated shrine in urgent need of repairs, the land was forced to be leased to a real estate agent..."

"So? I don't have incense money to offer to the gods to buy back the land." Araki Sousuke joked after drinking the green tea on the table.

At least you have a large piece of land left, you should be able to eat and drink for a lifetime if you sell it...

However, in case the other party was desperate against himself, he held back this sentence.

"So... I know that it is extremely impolite to inquire about other people's ways of eliminating spirits. However, I hope that I can grow into a skilled spirit remover who can make resentful spirits 'become Buddhas', just like what your Excellency did that night That way. With the current land price in Tokyo, only in this way can I have the opportunity to earn enough remuneration in my lifetime to return the land that belongs to the gods to the gods, and wash away the shame of Kotori Yushi and Akagi Shrine."

Ignoring Araki Sousuke's teasing, Yumami Kotori, sitting cross-legged behind the table, bowed her head seriously to him.

"I understand what you said."

Looking at the girl's sincere eyes, Araki Sousuke realized that the other party did not seem to be a "superstitious scam".

After all, such an elaborate one-person deception would not be used on the poor and white self.

Perhaps, some of my actions that night caused the girl to misunderstand from a superstitious perspective.

Mistakenly thinking that you are a powerful colleague who grabs business?

"Ahem, the crux of the problem is that I can't get rid of spirits at all, and the old lady that night was just an old man walking like flying..."

Saying so, Araki Sousuke got up and prepared to leave.

The next movement of the witch on the opposite side made him sit back.

Ignoring Araki Sousuke's rhetoric at all, Kotori Yumasumi took out a stack of banknotes from her schoolbag, leaned over and pushed them in front of him.

"This is the reward for the entrustment of removing spirits from the convenience store that night... Although it was the spirits that you rescued, I also helped them perform a blessing ceremony afterwards, so I dared to share [-]%. After all, it was the task that I accepted first... ...and the current economic situation of the shrine is not well off."

Looking at the thick stack of "Fukuzawa Yukichi" ([-] banknotes) in front of him, Araki Sousuke lightly pinched it with his hand.

Judging by his many years of cash register experience in convenience stores, the thickness is at least 20 yen!
With a keen sense of smell for money, his brain immediately started to run wildly, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

What kind of feudal and superstitious "exorcism ceremony" is this so profitable?

The other party only gave me [-]%, which means...

The girl sat in a convenience store all night wearing a priestess costume, ate a free fresh expired meat bun, drank a bottle of green tea, worked hard to cashier, loaded goods, washed Kanto cooking machines, steamed meat buns, beat bad boys, maintained The self of the store order...

The income is almost a hundred times higher! ! !
No wonder so many people are willing to be magic sticks.

 If you don't vote, I don't vote, when will Araki come out!

(End of this chapter)

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