Chapter 439 Meat
More than ten minutes ago, the "meat" that was mutated from the remnant of Namaruhashi Tadaya's wraith was pressed to the ground by Niya, a nun holding "Mjolnir False", and beat it like a steak hammer to loosen the meat. .

In the beginning, these lumps of rotten meat were not her enemy at all, and they were often torn apart immediately under the thunder, turning into perfectly cooked lumps of charred black meat.

However, the vitality of this strange piece of meat is terrifyingly tenacious, and it seems to be splitting out all the time...

Those scorched and shattered parts often resurface after a few minutes, crazily devouring all the surrounding organic matter to repair themselves, evolving and splitting into independent forms.

Moreover, as they continued to fight, Niya discovered a shocking thing.

That is, these "meat pieces" that continue to split are not only rapidly increasing their resistance to their own attacks, but they are also imitating their own body shape, trying to create similar characteristics with that chaotic body.

It's like a piece of cancer cell that divides crazily, adapts to the environment, and erodes everything all the time.

What's even more frightening is that, being stared at by the green eyes of the tentacled fascia stretched out by the flesh, her ears are gradually filled with seductive and insane roars with unknown meaning, and the spiritual power in her body is also rapidly passing away...

It seemed that there was a powerful consciousness that was constantly trying to invade her mind.

"...Vice President Changtian, you took the initiative to take action without my permission before, so you can't count me as asking for help!"

As soon as Niya finished speaking, the hammer in her hand had turned into that cheap carpentry hammer again as if there was a leak of air, and fell to the ground.

"Tsk... is it time yet? A soft thing that can't last for 3 minutes..."

Her "false name crowning" can condense people's belief in legendary things into entities, and give similar-shaped things "real names" in a short period of time, thereby achieving the effect of "false artifacts".

However, the ghosts in front of her had already developed a strong adaptability to the thunder force on the hammer, so she didn't intend to continue using this weapon.

"Don't worry, because of some emergencies, the test is suspended...Your Excellency's performance, I will seriously record it."

Hiroshi Toda bent down to pick up the carpenter's hammer that Niya discarded, and took out a puppet made of straw and red string from his arms.

"Continue to drag on, I'm afraid the situation will become more ugly, I will try to temporarily control them..."

These "meat lumps" full of organs, eyeballs and tentacles in front of him have completely deviated from his cognition of more than 20 years of experience in eliminating spirits.

Under the gaze of more and more green pupils densely packed on those tentacles, he felt the whispers lingering in his ears getting harsher, and the spiritual power was also rapidly flowing out of his body, Hiroshi Tokota didn't intend to drag it any longer.

He bent down to pick up a wriggling lump of minced meat at his feet, and stuffed it into the scarecrow puppet.

"If I'm not mistaken, although these guys seem to be numerous, they actually share a group consciousness just like cell groups..."

Immediately, a rusty blood-colored iron nail appeared in his hand.

"And among these guys, there should be something similar to the 'matrix'. You take advantage of my control of their gaps and launch an all-round attack to see if you can destroy the 'matrix'."

"If it doesn't work, then seize the opportunity and kill them separately. After activating the large array props to limit the range of activities, find a way to get rid of these things that are killing more and more..."

With quick eyes and quick hands, Hiroshi Changtian put the scarecrow in his hand on the ground, and nailed it down with a wooden hammer and iron nails...

A black spiritual power centered on the scarecrow and spread towards the surroundings.

Secret Technique Niigata Prefecture Natural Organic Wala Pure Handwoven Voodoo Dolls.

"Puff puff……"

As if someone had pierced the soul fiercely with a thin needle, the dozens of ghosts wailed in pain at the same time, and crumbled into a ground of minced meat.

"Hey, it seems that the Japanese spirit removers are not as short and weak as imagined, and I can't be underestimated..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Niya raised her skirt and took out a utility knife from between Bai Nen's legs.

"Give you your real name...GRAM!"

As the holy light surged, the utility knife in her hand had turned into a half-handled, slender, straight double-edged sword with a golden hilt.

"With my current ability, although I can only restore half of the broken sword and there is no scabbard, it is enough..."

Holding the half-handled sword in his hand, the deafening whispers that had been lingering in Niya's ears were all quieted down, and the spiritual power in his body also stopped flowing.

It seems that there is a power that symbolizes glory and death, and is firmly guarded in her body.

"The light and shadow that cut off day and night..."

An orange-red fire-like sword energy emerged from the top of the broken sword.

"... Your world has reached sunset!"

With Niya's swing, the sword energy quickly extended, cutting through the dozens of immobile "meat"...

"Even, this style, can't kill it completely?"

After one blow, Niya seemed to lose all strength, holding his sword on the ground, staring blankly at the piece of flesh that was still wriggling tenaciously in front of him.

"...or is it that the 'matrix' is not actually inside?"

Niya couldn't help looking into the deep cracks in the support tower that was divided into two by her...

Several tentacles covered with eyeballs are wriggling out from inside.

"Don't think so much, go first! Before they recover and spread, you have to rush to join other people..."

Seeing that the blow was ineffective, Tokita Hiroshi put away the exorcism cloth and took the lead in a certain direction to break through without hesitation.


"found it……"

In the dark ruins of the Suzumori Execution Ground, several men in black robes and masks were cautiously lurking in the bushes with weapons in hand.

In their evil eyes, a slender little witch with a pretty face was standing alone under a memorial monument, looking around blankly like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Not far from her, a thin priest seemed to be trying to make a phone call.

"Tsk tsk, looking at that heretical witch, I can no longer hold back the cosmic energy in my body... After a while, I will completely fill her with cosmic energy surging out, and let her know the greatness of the galaxy!"

"No, let me do this sacred mission! My cosmic energy has already overflowed my body..."

"Hiss, if that's the case, that priest is mine..."

"Stop arguing, let's do it first and then talk..."

Just when a few people couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts, they approached the target cautiously under the cover of the woods...


A figure wrapped in a black robe, with its feet hooked on the trunk, hangs down silently like a bat.

Before a few people could react, he had directly grabbed the heads of two of the men who were still arguing about the "right of first move"...


Under tremendous force, the two men aggressively "kissed" each other face-to-face through masks, their eyes widened and their mouths foamed.

"Shhh, stop arguing for now, hurry up and follow..."

The two men who were walking a little ahead suddenly heard the silence behind them, and turned their heads in a daze to urge them.

Looking at them upside down 180 degrees, was a man wearing a one-eyed eyepatch with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.


As the back of the head was ruthlessly locked by a pair of big hands, what was infinitely magnified in the eyes of the two was the mask on the companion's face...

(End of this chapter)

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