I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 442 The Power of the Octopus Headgear

Chapter 442 The Power of the Octopus Headgear
"The guys taught by the Galactic Federation have already been stripped naked by us, and where did they find the cosplay headgear? These days, there are still people who believe in the theory that 'the face should be covered first when you are not wearing clothes'..."

In Sousuke Araki's eyes, these three naked men running towards him at high speed with indescribably strange postures actually wore the kind of octopus headgear specially used for villains in special dramas.

"God stepping horse cosplay headgear...Your headgear is shot by me and you can still be alive and kicking...Open your ocular eyes and take a good look!"


At the same time, the nearest "man" has already jumped, swinging the mosaic bar under his crotch and rushing towards him.

Without thinking at all, Sousuke Araki stood on the spot like a primary school student doing radio gymnastics, clenched his right hand reflexively, raised it forward, and suddenly blasted out.


In mid-air, the "octopus headgear" suddenly opened its huge mouthparts, and wrapped half of the arm that Araki Sousuke handed over in one bite.

"This guy, it's over..."

In the distance, Niya, who was lying on the ground unable to get up, saw this scene in the darkness with blurred vision, showing a heart palpitation.

She only knew one person who could resist this kind of monster physically.

Even that person, because of some unknown events encountered in Japan, is lying unconscious in a secret sanatorium at the moment.


The muffled sound of fist bumps resounded in the dark woods.

"T... Kerry... Lee!!!"

The piece of meat that swallowed Araki Zongsuke's arm into his mouth glowed with white light, and shattered in mid-air with the inertia of the impact, revealing the face of the man under its wrapping.

At this moment, the man who was still in mid-air with blurred consciousness slammed his face sideways into Araki Sosuke's raised fist, twisted and flew in the opposite direction...


In a daze, Niya, who was lying on the ground, rubbed her eyes in disbelief when she saw the fluorescent and shattered ghost in the distance.

"This is, to the Lord?!"

"I'm not interested in competing with you. My uncle urgently needs to become a Buddha and a resentful spirit to redeem my bleak examination results."

At the entrance of the ruins of the execution ground, someone's words not only came to mind.

"No... no way..."

Although the Heresy Tribunal has always been at odds with the orthodox church, it also scoffs at the "conversion" they advocate.

But Niya at least knows that such a thing as "returning to the Lord" is like a sport with sufficient foreplay, abundant capital, superb skills, and long-lasting state, which will finally usher in its peak.

At least it is possible to control the resentful spirit first, and then "teach" it day and night with a firm bishop.

It is definitely not something that can be achieved in a few seconds like fast food.

Although Japanese Buddhism has a unique advantage in "becoming a Buddha", it should not appear in the hands of a person who has no permission to eliminate spirits.

I should be under the erosion of consciousness, and the things I see are also distorted.

In other words, the special effects of this Japanese spirit remover's technique, the visual effect is exactly similar to "Return to the Lord"?
"Hey, what the hell is this, it's sticky..."

In the forest, feeling the sticky and indescribable tactile sensation in his hands, which was completely contrary to vision, Araki Sousuke lifted his blindfold curiously...

However, the other two figures approaching did not intend to give him time to react.

"This shit!!!!"

Just like watching a VR No.1 version of a horror movie, in Araki Sosuke's left eye, the men's crude "octopus headgear" suddenly came alive...

This "octopus" burning with resentment not only came to life, but also wriggled its barbed tentacles, ferocious mouthparts and densely packed thin pupils at itself.

"Bang... bang..."

Although he was still immersed in the excitement brought by the "horror movie", Araki Sousuke's body counterattacked automatically without any warning.

With a slow motion of his left and right hands, he grabbed the necks of the two men at the same time, and slammed into the middle at lightning speed...


The violent impact triggered a "seafood feast".

Numerous stinky pieces of meat, juices, and various organs rose into the air glowing with white light, splashing towards the surroundings.

Like a bright white flower blooming in the dark night.

"Wait... I just... Goo... Puff... Bah!"

Putting down the two unconscious men whose lives and deaths were unknown, Sousuke Araki stretched out his hand in a daze to wipe off the sticky substance on his face.

In the palm, it is full of slime, tentacles and pieces of flesh that glow with white light...

At this moment, he was at the center of the "explosion", and his whole body was covered with pieces of flesh, tentacles and eyeballs that hadn't had time to melt away.

If you want to describe this feeling, it's like being poured a bucket of blood from your head, mixed with rotten octopus tentacles and unwashed fatty intestines...


After Araki Sousuke froze for a second, he bent down and vomited.

"Bah bah bah bah...uh ah ah...something slipped into my mouth with mucus..."

While throwing up, he danced his body, as if he wanted to get rid of the disgusting touch in his mouth and the strange things on his body.


Not far away, I saw Sousuke Araki who had dealt with the three ghosts neatly and flung out white spots like a dog after a bath...

Niya opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to remind him of something, but she couldn't speak a complete sentence because of her cloudy consciousness.

It's useless……

Along the way, she had slashed these ghosts countless times under Gulam's twilight sword energy.

However, the vitality of these pieces of meat is extremely tenacious, as long as there is a trace of flesh and blood left, they will continue to devour the surrounding organic matter, continue to split, grow, and come back again.

"Ryoma, are you alright... Ugh..."

When the flesh and tentacles on his body turned into white light and dissipated, Sosuke Araki held his stomach with a livid face, and stepped forward to pull up Ryoma Nizen who was rolling on the ground.

"Those voices... my head hurts..."

Pulled up by Sousuke Araki, the sharp whispers in his ears and the sharp pain in his head disappeared, and he looked at the three "naked men" on the ground with compassion.

"It's okay, these three guys should just fainted, and they seem to be a little anemic."

After confirming that the three were safe, Ryoma breathed a sigh of relief before the second.

In desperation before, he, who always "shoots people only shooters", aimed directly at the ghosts on the heads of those men.

If it weren't for the weird rough skin and thick meat, the result would likely be "three shots and three heads".

It is estimated that it is enough for him to write reports for a lifetime.

"What are those just now? It feels like an SM headgear that can remotely control people... Zongsuke?!"

When he turned around, he found that Araki Sousuke had already walked towards the nun under the tree in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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