I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 509 tit for tat

Chapter 509 tit for tat
"Oh, it seems that the real client should be someone else?"

Araki Sousuke's eyes fell on the phone in the hands of "No. [-]", which had not been hung up.

In Toyama Park before, he relied on his almost abnormal intuition and reflexes to save the three of him from that tricky sniper.

Thrilled by the threat of death for himself and his friends, his left eye crossed the endless darkness and directly locked on the figure of the shooter.

At that moment, he seemed to have returned to the night of chasing Mai Hanyu on Mount Fuji, and entered the mysterious realm similar to "Kenshin Is Bright".

Maintaining this state and running all the way, guided by his beast-like intuition, he found the man hiding in the car without any difficulty.

"Moshi, Moshi, under Araki Sousuke..."

Snatching the phone from the man's hand, Araki Sousuke introduced himself in a low voice.

"...The one who wants my life should be Your Excellency?"


At the same time, "No. [-]", who was trapped in the roof of the car and could not move, suddenly let out a desolate scream.

"You... what did you do to me..."

Only now did he realize that his skin, which should have been pitch black, had returned to a fair color at some point.

"Devil...you must be a devil..."

And in his own body, he no longer felt the slightest bit of "divine power" that he was proud of.

"Give back my divine power... to me!!!"

"Number Three" was struggling like crazy on the sunken car roof, as if wanting to fight Araki Sousuke to the death.


"It's so noisy, don't you see others talking on the phone?"

The sandbag-sized fist ruthlessly shattered the mask of "No. [-]", revealing his face with rolled eyes and blood spitting out of the mouth...

"This is still the first call, Kawasaki Daishiji's... High Monk Araki..."

When "No. [-]" fell back to the top of the car unconsciously, a man's steady voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Excuse me, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], these incompetent subordinates, made Your Excellency laugh."

The tone was so calm that there was no emotion at all, it seemed that "Number Three" who just wailed miserably was just a stranger to him.

"Hmph, you 'Galaxy Alliance Teacher', could it be that you have run out of counting the stars in the sky, so you just use numbers now?"

Hearing the other party's nonsensical words, Araki Sousuke was a little annoyed.

"Hmph, Your Excellency doesn't need to humiliate our 'Aum Shinrikyo' with the trash of 'Galaxy Confederation Cult'!"

The man on the other end of the phone was not moved at all, but sincerely expressed his "grateful feelings": "Ming people don't say dark words, starting from the fifth... Sorry, His Excellency Kazuo Amendou should be able to understand, Until the night of the Obon Festival, I am grateful to your Excellency for taking care of me many times..."

"As the president of the Aum Shinrikyo, I naturally pay attention to reciprocity."


"Kazuo Tento..."

Hearing the name "Kazuo Amado", several cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone in Sousuke Araki's hand.

What Ryoma said was right, Kazuo Tento was backed by these cults.

"So, Xinghei and Lizi's matter, you also have a share?"

Biting his lower lip tightly, holding back the emotions that were about to erupt, Araki Sousuke tentatively pretended to be casual.

"Xinghei, Reiko? A name I don't remember much..."

"If you mean people who died at the hands of my gang because of blocking the way or offering sacrifices... Sorry, there are too many..."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to try to recall, then gave up decisively: "I don't have time to remember the names of those garbage that are destined to be eliminated."

"Destined to be eliminated...junk?!"

"This is what you call those innocent victims?!"

Hearing this word, Araki Sousuke felt a burning pain in his chest, and endless anger was instantly ignited.

"Innocent victims? No, no, no, I prefer to see this as the survival of the fittest in nature..."

"Wars, heavy rains, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... human beings, who are so fragile that they may choke to death, always die like ants in the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters. They don't even have the qualifications to hate. No. Such life forms are destined to be eliminated in the coming new round of doomsdays just like dinosaurs!"

"It is their honor to contribute their meaningless lives to the rise of our 'Aum Shinrikyo' before a new round of doomsday comes."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood, and in turn started talking at length to him.

"After all, in this world where darkness is approaching, only the "God-favored" of our Aum Shinrikyo are qualified to represent the new human beings to see the new sun. If you can comprehend this point, you can pray to join us now." Not too late..."

"You're... talking nonsense... what?!"


Fine cracks, along with Araki Sousuke's trembling arms, continued to spread on the phone screen.

"Chairman of the Aum Shinrikyo, right, tell me your name if you have the guts..."

Teeth were biting hard on the corner of the blood-stained mouth, and Araki Sousuke's red eyes suddenly lost focus because of the murderous intent, and the light called "humanity" began to withdraw from it bit by bit.

"Listen to me, no matter who you are or where you are..."

"Even if I become a demon, I will definitely...find you..."

"Then, kill you!"

Even in the face of a vengeful spirit who has killed countless people, he has never wanted the other party to disappear into this world as urgently as he does now.

"The only ones who really need to be eliminated and don't deserve to live in this world are you and your subordinates who are neither human nor ghost!!!"

"Oh? Good declaration of war... The war has just begun, please be patient and calm."

The man on the other end of the phone seemed to be shocked by the murderous intent in Araki Sousuke's words for a second, and then became annoyed because of this incident, and his tone became cold: "As for the name, I will save it for the next meeting Let me tell you personally... After all, it is a basic courtesy to let the dying know my real name and appearance.

"Beep beep..."

With the busy tone of the phone hanging up, Araki Sousuke tremblingly put the twisted cell phone into his pocket.

Then, he lifted the unconscious "No. [-]" on the roof and threw it into the passenger seat.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he started the engine expressionlessly and drove out of the underground garage.

After being extremely angry, his brain entered a state of extreme calmness and no emotional fluctuations.

The guy next to him, and the phone in his hand, might be the key clues to the man who claimed to be the "President of Aum Shinrikyo".

I must find that lunatic and seek justice for countless victims like Xinghei and Reiko.

(End of this chapter)

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