I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 513 The First Daughter of Ugly Times

Chapter 513 The First Ugly Daughter

"In addition to being the daughter of Ping Jiangmen, Wuyue Ji is also the first 'daughter of ugly time' in recorded history."

Before the Pingjiangmen incident, the information group of Lesson [-] had collected, sorted, and shared a large amount of information about the "new emperor", including many secret royal volumes kept by Yinyangliao, including the "Mayue Ji" recorded.

According to the ancient records, during the Tianqing Rebellion, Ping Jiangmen died in battle, and the clan and remnants were killed by the court.

Mayhime, who survived, was full of resentment, and visited the Kifune Shrine, which is famous for curses, at the third quarter of the ugly hour every day, praying for the gods to grant revenge.

After 21 days and [-] days, she finally saw the desolate Kifune Myojin.

In exchange for the soul, Mayhime turned into a demon, obtained the curse technique handed down by the gods, and changed her name to Takiyasha Hime.

Following the instructions of the gods, Taki Yashahime returned to Soma City in Shimoso to recruit troops. After summoning Yashamaru, Zhizhumaru and other subordinates, she summoned a huge barbarian skeleton with the bones of the people who died in battle, and reopened the story. The prelude to the rebellion.

The imperial court far away in Kyoto was shocked, and dispatched the strongest Great Onmyoji Lieutenant General Mitsuki and General Yamashiro Mitsusei to put down the rebellion. After a fierce battle, Takiyashahime was finally repelled.

"Wait, since the book said that she was cured, why is she still lying here in good health?"

Listening to Kotori Yumami's narration, thinking that the person lying in front of him was an ancient man from 1000 years ago, Araki Sousuke suddenly felt as if he had entered some kind of tomb by mistake, and began to consider whether to find the southeast corner and light a candle first, and then Start touching...

"Although the imperial court declared that Takiyashahime had let go of her obsessions and became a Buddha after being cured by Yin Yang. But since she had sacrificed her soul to the gods, she must have been unable to control her own soul. The remaining flesh..."

"Could it be that the body is immortal because of the blood of the dragon and snake from Ping Jiangmen?"

Frowning tightly, Kou Yumaumi felt that there were too many details submerged in history, and he couldn't get to the bottom of it.

"The Owari Tokugawa family enshrined her body here, and let the ghost of the Ugly Girl worship with "Ugly Time Three" day and night, enshrining with living flesh and blood. Could it be that they wanted to wake her up and catalyze her into some kind of ghost? "

Since the Meiji Restoration, the imperial family moved the capital to Tokyo, and the Tokugawa family handed over Toyama Park, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Tokyo Bombing and other events have occurred. It was converted into a park and opened to the public.

The mysteries in the Hakone mountainside and the weird scenes that appear during the daily ugliness must have been buried in the dust of history, and no one knows about it.

"After that, the direct bloodline of the Owari Tokugawa family was cut off, and the shogunate government returned, causing this hidden place to be forgotten..."

After repeated scrutiny, Xiaotiao Yumaumi always felt that there was something extremely unnatural and contradictory in it.

"No, Mount Hakone has been rebuilt many times. If no one maintains it, it is impossible for the formation of worship at this ugly time to run on its own..."

After the "Tai Chi Yin Yang Formation" was completed, this place became the "Yin of Yin" that brought together the grievances of the entire Tokyo.

"Although the caves inside the mountain are difficult to find, the royal family arranged this place as the 'Yin of Yang', and the Yin-Yang House will not be able to detect the 'ugly worship' outside..."

What's more, if this "visiting the ugly time" has been operating in secret for nearly 200 years, if this is not the case, the supernatural cases in Toyama Park should also be piled up like a mountain.

If relying on the resentment accumulated by Yin and Yang in the past 200 years, and the power of faith that the resentful spirits visit when they are ugly every day, the body of Wuyue Ji may have awakened in the posture of a ghost and a god, and she would not have fallen into a deep sleep until now.

"Or in other words, the sacrifice of the 'Chou Shi Visiting' has long been unable to maintain its operation and has been abandoned for many years. Is someone else restored it and restored the worship of Wuyue Ji?"

After thinking about it, Xiaoniao Youzhengong only felt that these mysteries were full of man-made traces and conspiracies, but he was still unable to get a glimpse of the truth.

"Teacher Araki, this corpse has been preserved so vividly. I'm afraid it has already shown signs of deification. It may be occupied by other spirits at any time, or even awakened as a ghost. It cannot stay here."

However, it is an indisputable fact that Mai Mayi has achieved the body of ghosts and gods. Like a time bomb that may detonate at any time, fulfilling her obligations as a spirit remover is the top priority.

"That's right, get rid of the evil! Let me use the method I have been immersed in for many years..."

"Out of respect for historical figures, don't touch strange places!"

As Araki Sousuke's footsteps approached, the strong power of ghosts and gods lingering on Wuyue Ji's body suddenly rushed towards him.

Into the body by this gray breath, Araki Sousuke only felt as if he drank 28 bottles of kidney function drinks, and his energy and strength doubled in an instant, and he persisted for a long time...


Suddenly, a gust of wind poured in from the hole where the moonlight was shining.

"Hi... heh..."

As if hearing some strange sound, Araki Sousuke subconsciously looked up the cave ceiling.

"Elf wind?"

Also feeling the palpitating breeze, Kotori Yumaumi also reacted.

"Mr. Araki, that's the elf wind, which appeared after the Obon Festival. According to the association's observations, this wind just chases resentment..."

"However, the red earthworm-like energy in the wind looks familiar."

In Sousuke Araki's eyes, a group of scarlet messy energy filaments like rust, like earthworms that are constantly wriggling, are wrapped in the breeze.

"Red earthworm?"

Araki Sousuke stretched out his finger to the breeze hovering above his head, but all he got was Kotori Yumaumi's confused eyes.

"Hi... He... Luo... Hiss..."

The chaotic humming was mixed in the breeze, and along with the scarlet energy filaments, it sprinkled from above towards the cave.


Hearing the piercing singing like an air defense siren, Kou Yumaumi suddenly showed pain, and stretched out his hands to cover his ears.

A huge destructive consciousness followed the tiny singing voice, constantly trying to invade her mind.

"This messy, noisy singing...I remember it!"

Reflexively, Sousuke Araki grasped the girl's slender wrist, raised his hand, and smashed the colorful scarlet energy into ashes on the ground.

"It's exactly the same as the guy who cosplayed as the evil god (mother) in front of the apartment in Kuramae on the night of the Obon Festival!"

"By the way, I also saw this thing in the parking lot of the Zangqian apartment on the day I came back from 'Retreat'..."

Although the volume was a little lower, it seemed less noisy and harsh, but Sousuke Araki heard it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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