I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 541 547+548 Tomb Slave

Chapter 541 547+548 Tomb Slave
"Wait, this wall feels a little different to me."

Araki Sousuke pointed to an unremarkable stone wall in the corner.

Looking carefully, the color of this stone wall seems to be a little darker than that of the stone wall extending all the way, and the material is also smoother. There is an obvious small bulge near the bottom of the ground.

"Little Niao Youshi, you don't know. This kind of obvious protrusion is usually used to control organs, secret doors and the like. Isn't it written like this in the DND game script..."

Sousuke Araki laughed, bent down to hold the stubby stalactite-like protrusion on the stone wall, and showed off his discovery to the little witch beside him.

As if illiterate, he was irrigated with "historical knowledge" by the female high school student in front of him and the female doctor in the communication. He felt that he had finally reached a field suitable for him.

"Look, generally speaking, if you press it in, it will..."

Araki Sousuke tried to press the protruding stone in, but there was no mechanism as he imagined.

"If you can't press it in, maybe you just rotate up, down, left, and right...Damn it, I still don't believe it. My intuition tells me that there must be something wrong with this broken stone!"

"Teacher Araki, don't touch it randomly, it might be a trap."

Seeing Sosuke Araki proficiently researching how to crack that "organ", Kotori Yumasumi looked around worriedly.


Suddenly, an inexplicable and comfortable humming sounded in the silent tunnel.

The two looked up dully, only to see a huge human face slowly appearing above the stone wall in front of them.

This face with human facial features and an inexplicable blush appeared vividly on the light-colored stone wall like a relief.

Below, the stone pillar that was taken out of Mars like drilling wood for fire began to grow slowly like a stalactite in a cave...

Judging by the height and ratio of the face's position to the entire stone wall, Araki Sousuke is holding about the lower half of the stone wall.


As the human face hummed more and more sinking again, a gleam of crystal white light bloomed from the top of the stalactite that Araki Sousuke was still holding in his hand and hadn't had time to let go.

It can be said that a little white light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon!

As the white light spread upward, the entire stone wall lit up like a light bulb.

Bathed in this holy light, the faces on the stone wall showed the satisfaction of becoming a Buddha and ascending to heaven.

"Boom rumble..."

The entire tunnel suddenly shook violently like an earthquake, and the stone wall in front of the two also cracked several gaps.

While the dust was shaking, a pair of thick and short stone hands grew out from the gaps on both sides of the stone wall and slowly closed in the center...

"The wall is fine, why did it suddenly become a Buddha?"

Looking at the "ultra-thick stalactite" in his hand that began to turn into white light spots, Araki Sousuke looked at a loss.

Turning around, the little witch who greeted him was slightly squinting, with subtle contempt in her eyes.

"Don't, don't get me wrong, I absolutely, don't have that kind of hobby! It was just an accident just now..."

Araki Sousuke quickly let go of the things he was holding, and spread his hands to prove his innocence.

"This should not be an ordinary wall, but a ghost called "painted wall". "

Looking back at the wall that was drifting into white spots of light, Kotori Yumasumi explained seriously.

"Tubi" is the legendary Fusangshen who is transformed into a wall.

According to legend, this kind of ghost is good at invisibility, can expand and shrink infinitely, and often appears in dark alleys or streets.

It will build a wall that cannot be bypassed, climbed over and knocked down. No matter you go left or right, it will continue to extend in that direction, trapping passers-by at night until dawn.

It is said that as long as the bottom of the wall near the ground is hit hard, the "painted wall" will disappear in a wail, and passers-by can continue to move forward.

"So that's it, I just said, the thing I was holding suddenly became bigger and longer, which shocked people..."

After listening to Kotori Yumasumi's introduction to this strange ghost, Araki Sousuke was a little speechless and smeared the unknown liquid wet in his palm on the wall beside him.

"So, the ancients who summed up the last piece of experience should have just hit somewhere in Tubi? 』

"What hobby... Zizi... have you become a 'Tubi'?"

At the same time, Hanyu Mai's excited voice came from the communication channel.

"This rare hidden energy field life form... Rusha... is very rare in the files of the association... Quickly describe its characteristics..."

"Probably, it's more expressive than an ordinary wall, and the sound is also very spiritual, with extra hands and a 'stalactite' that can be enlarged or reduced?"

"Teacher Araki! Please don't repeat what happened just now..."

While the three were discussing, the "Tubi" glowing white in front of them collapsed backwards and shattered into a spot of light.

A four-meter-square dark passage appeared in the rear.

"Wait a minute, the position of this "painting wall" is very similar to a certain formation method of Shintoism... It was supposed to be used as a sealing stone, but after years of resentment, it turned into Fusang god. "

Kotori Yumayuki stretched out his hand and pulled Araki Sousuke who was absorbing the soul dust with a picture scroll.

Due to his experience at Toyama Park last night, Araki Sousuke had the urge to take out the thick things around his waist to collect them whenever he saw white and luminous things...

After all, the arrow symbol that finally appeared on this hungry "Bamboo Tori Picture Scroll" does not know when it will "run out of power". Collecting more may make it last longer.

"Attention, now that the sealing stone is broken, something dangerous may come out!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of resentment that was as strong as real, with a disgusting rancid smell, gushed out from the passage.

Instantly disappeared into the body of Araki Sousuke who was blocking the door.

"Ouch...so disgusting...sucked into my stomach...cough cough cough cough..."

The unsuspecting Araki Sousuke was unfortunately hit, and his stomach churns.

"Araki-sensei, is it alright?!"

"This smell is really dangerous... vomit... I almost spit it out because of the smell."

After being patted by the little witch on the back and retching for a while, Araki Sosuke looked palely at the inner side of the passage that had regained his calm, and walked in fearfully holding his nose.

"Although the smell is a bit stinky, it's just a channel for accumulated resentment for many years. Don't be too nervous, Xiaoniao Youshi..."

"Really...is it just resentment? It shouldn't be..."

Pulling the back of Araki Sousuke's clothes, Kotori Yumasumi followed him cautiously, and walked into the passage that was obviously built artificially.


Above the Sendagaya Tunnel, Senjuin Tomb.

The members of the "Disaster Prevention Mobile Team" in a group of three, still holding various instruments, shuttled between the densely packed tombstones.

"I checked for half an hour, but I didn't feel any flow of resentment..."

Wang Yueche sat cross-legged on the tallest tombstone in the arena without hesitation, frowning and closing his eyes to sense the situation in the arena.

"Could it be that the records in the ancient books unearthed in the Hushanzhuang ruins yesterday were incorrect?"

Last night, because of the "irregular exorcism behavior" of an anonymous exorcist from the Exorcist Association, an ancient existence in Hakone Mountain in Toyama Park was awakened.

When Lesson [-] was dealing with the aftermath of the "Geological Disaster in Hakone Mountain Park", several boxes of ancient books buried in Owari Tokugawa's family were unearthed, and they fell into his hands through some special channels.

In the ancient books, in addition to the description of "Ushitoki Shrine" in Hakone Mountain, there is also vague mention about the construction of "Senjuin Shrine" by the Kiidogawa family.

Among them, there is also a clue about something that Wang Yueche has been looking for all these years.

"Boom rumble..."

Suddenly, the cemetery built on the top of the mountain shook violently like an earthquake.

"Crack, click..."

Under the shock, hundreds of tombstones in the cemetery all collapsed like dominoes.

Wisps of black air gushed out from under the shattered tombstones and spread towards the surroundings.

The originally quiet and elegant tomb was instantly shrouded in a layer of black mist.

"It's resentment...every team is on alert!"

Before the tombstone under him collapsed, Mochizuki had curled up like a frightened cat and leaped high.

The slender eyes squinted behind the sunglasses kept scanning the surroundings in mid-air.

"Where did these grievances come from... Could it be that the actions of some team members broke some kind of seal just now?"

His brain was running fast, constantly recalling the actions of everyone in the field just now.

"Defensive formation I, line up around Captain Mochizuki!"

Just as the groups were setting up their formations vigilantly, a thick, withered black translucent arm suddenly protruded from the largest tomb, and grabbed Wangyue Che in mid-air.

"Hey...you picked the wrong opponent..."

Although he was in the air and had nowhere to borrow his strength, Wang Yueche was not surprised but delighted.

His right arm swelled suddenly and turned into black as coke. He twisted his waist and shoulders, and slammed down on the black arm below him without dodging or avoiding.

The power of great rivers and mountains, [-]%.


The moment the fists and palms met, the ghost hand in the tomb turned into fine residues from the point of contact at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't want to run!"

Seeing the broken wrist retract, Wangyueche's falling momentum continued unabated, and he blasted straight into the grave like a missile!
Dust and gravel from the canopy splashed up, making it difficult for people to see through the situation in the field for a while.

The cobweb-like cracks and raised ashes spread in all directions around the grounded Mochizuki Che.

"Before this thing is completely dead, immediately appraise it..."

Only when the dust settled did everyone see clearly that there was a dilapidated body with a blurred face lying in the fragmented tomb under Wang Yueche.

Even though it was torn apart under Wangyueche's terrifying bombardment, it could still be recognized that it was a dark and fuzzy spiritual body with no features of appearance or clothing visible on its body surface.

"Comparison of characteristics is completed, and the coincidence rate with "Tomb Slave" in the database reaches 65%..."

The tomb slave is a legendary ghost that originated in the Yamabara area of ​​Okinawa Prefecture.

It is said that it has a vague shape, can move freely like the wind, and likes to possess humans and bring them into the grave.

"According to the information, "Tomb Slave" is a group of resentful spirits...uh..."

Just as Wang Yueche was curiously looking at the tomb slaves under him who were constantly dissipating into resentment, densely packed translucent black hands quietly protruded from the collapsed tombstones around, wrapped around the bodies of the team members, and dragged them towards the tombstones. Pull it to the tomb.

"Be careful, there is more than one of these things!!!"

The team members who were entangled by that black hand immediately showed pained expressions.

Although the latest spirit detective combat uniforms on their bodies continuously erupted with orchid light and resisted the erosion of resentment, they still knelt down powerlessly on the ground, losing control of their bodies in an instant, letting the black hand caress indescribably, While dragging himself towards the tomb.

"Don't think about it!"

Wangyueche, with afterimages all over her body, quickly grabbed the leg of the team member closest to her, and pulled him away from the tomb slave.


On the other side, two team members who were unfortunate enough to be "favored" by several arms at the same time were torn apart by force in an instant, and a bright red fountain spewed out...

"Don't... underestimate people!!!"

Stimulated by this bloody scene, Wangyue Che was about to burst into tears, stepped forward with one step, and suddenly increased his speed.

His figure flitted past several tombs, and his left fist turned into afterimages and swung out one after another, smashing the existence hidden in the tombs to pieces.

At the same time, a few team members on the outside calmly kept their firepower on alert, while the rest hurriedly took out the folding sticks engraved with runes, and smashed the black hands who entered the range to pieces.

"The team members have signs of being eroded by resentment and possession, maintain a defensive formation, control firepower, and try to treat with No. 3 potion!"

Immediately, someone took out a syringe from the side and injected a shot of green medicine into several team members who were rescued from the grave but still couldn't control their bodies.

After the medicine entered their bodies, their expressions immediately eased.

"Pharmaceutical No. 3 is effective, keep suppressing firepower, gain recovery time, and wipe out the remaining tomb slaves."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Continuous gunshots sounded in the tomb of Xianshouyuan.

In the hail of bullets created by the spirit detective bullets, those black arms that kept trying to reach out, together with the tomb where they were hiding, were brought out of thousands of warehouses and turned into resentment to dissipate.

And the figure of Wangyue Che wandered between the tombs, smashing the hidden existences one by one.

"Report, report, 2 people were damaged in battle, and it is confirmed that they have completely lost their vital signs..."

Ten minutes later, the gunpowder smoke gradually settled like a mist, and the originally peaceful Xianshouyuan tomb had been turned into ruins after the bombing.

However, around the tomb, those dark and fuzzy arms could no longer be seen.

"Two groups of people collect the remains, and the other groups maintain their formation and search further!"

Mochizuki was ambushed by ghosts for no reason, and Mochizuki's face was ashen.

"Yinyangliao has repeatedly checked the Xianshouyuan for many years, it is impossible to hide this number of tomb slaves!"

He straightened his crooked wig and sunglasses, and kept scanning back and forth between the venues, trying to find abnormalities in the tomb.

"The only explanation is that the loosening of the seal hidden somewhere caused the vibration just now, which released those things..."

Most of the members of the disaster prevention mobile team were able to retire and return to Japan after following him on another, more dangerous battlefield and missing death many times.

Every sacrifice of an experienced and well-coordinated player is a huge loss to him.

"But, where and how was the seal triggered?"

These days, he has gradually felt that the seemingly peaceful Japan is completely different from when he left a few years ago.

After the gate of hell appeared, the resentful spirits and weirdnesses that became active all over Japan seem to be no easier than abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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