Chapter 553
As Wang Yueche walked down, in the corner of the platform covered by the spiral stairs, several huge porcelain bottles appeared in his sight.

Inside the celadon vases that are one person tall, there are lush "branches" stretching out like flower arrangements.

"You ghost...what do you think of people..."

Seeing the stomach cramping things in the vase at a glance, Wang Yueche flew into a rage.

With dense white bones as trunks, broken hands and feet as branches, blooming organs as flowers, and unrepentant faces as fruits...

Just like Japanese flower arrangement, the various parts of the human body are dismembered and trimmed casually, and then spliced ​​together in an inexplicably cruel and grisly "artistic" form.

"Death to me!!!"

Unable to hold back the murderous aura in his chest any longer, Wang Yueche waved his right arm across the air, and the huge ghost claw roared down from the air, blasting towards the man in the center of the platform like a missile.

With the ghost claw approaching, the man still turned his back to Wangyueche, hung the pen cautiously, and drew the first line on the light yellow drawing paper...

"What else can it be regarded as...of course it is the object of copying and practicing pens."

His flat tone was as understated as if he was discussing common painting techniques with others.

"If you don't cut it open and take a closer look at the flesh and tendons inside, how can you write a pen?"

At the same time, the "potted plant of flesh and blood" in the vase on the side squirmed out of the vase as if it had a feeling, and collided with the ghost claws that were pressed down in the air.

"Shhh... I've found some inspiration..."

As if he hadn't heard of the collision above his head, the man continued to concentrate on writing.

With a splash of ink, a blurred and distorted black silhouette of a human figure leaped onto the paper, looking like a child's clumsy graffiti.

"No...still not right!!! Why?!"

Seemingly dissatisfied with the draft, the man angrily tore up the canvas in front of him and sprinkled it under the platform.

"It should be that I have slept here for too long, and my head is still not clear..."

Afterwards, he thrust his entire arm into his temple, stirring in the bloody giant cavern.

"Yes, yes, the paint and paper used just now must be not fresh enough... Try again..."

Seeming to have figured something out, he waved his hand slightly and summoned something from the vase on the platform.

"Bastard, bastard...put down the person in your hand!!!"

Seeing the things in the man's hands clearly, Wangyueche was about to burst into tears, and purple flames shot up all over his body.

Because what the other party was holding was the limp corpse of the team member who fell to the bottom of the platform after being killed by that weird spell.

Using the roaring Mochizuki as air, the man skillfully took off a square piece of flat human skin from the corpse's back and abdomen, and carefully stretched it on the painting table in front of him.

Then, with the flick of his finger, the blood plasma in the skin bag continued to pour into the vessel on the table, replenishing the depleted "pigment".

If it weren't for the bloody materials he used for painting, just looking at this posture, others would only think that this is a serious and unhurried painter.

Witnessing with his own eyes what kind of materials are used to "paint" these weird ukiyo-e, even Mochizuki Che, who crawled out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, felt numb down his spine.

"Bastard who plays with life, today I will kill you!"

He threw out several punches angrily, and several ghost claws emerged, and fell like rain centered on the man.

"Shh... I said it all... Be quiet..."

The flesh and blood remnants in the vases around the platform gathered together again in weird postures, turning into a giant baby of flesh and blood stitched with several heads and stumps.

"...It is his honor to be able to fully integrate into my works."

The giant baby arched its body and protected the man under its body, even though Wang Yueche's ghost claws tore the flesh to pieces, it couldn't advance an inch.


Then, the giant sewing baby turned over and got up, with a speed that didn't match its size, it slammed Wangyue Che into the building next to it.

"Don't look down on people!"

Like a ping pong ball that had been slapped miserably, Mochizuki's figure bounced out of the ruins of the building, and crashed into the giant baby's belly like a bullet.


With a low growl, the blackness on his left arm spread upwards crazily, spreading to his shoulder in an instant...

In just a split second, the lingering purple flame on his arm was a little grayer, and it actually carried the aura of ghosts and gods!

The strong left arm with ghostly hands pierced through the giant baby's abdomen, bringing out a huge cylindrical hollow.

The power of great rivers and mountains · [-]% · ghost claws are summoned!

After being hit so hard, the giant baby fell to the ground with a bang, and the huge cavity in the abdomen spread towards the whole body, and the pieces burst apart...

"Now, let me see how you hide?"

Hot steam was rising from his whole body, Mochizuki Che, whose muscles were bulging and with a wig on his head that disappeared, stood up from the pile of flesh and blood that the giant baby had turned into like a demon king with his shiny bald head.

"How... no, it's still not right!!!"

With just this amount of effort, the man has already painted a new "paint" on a new "painting paper", outlining a huge black shadow sitting cross-legged in the air.

"It must's too far long as you get closer and let me see clearly, I can definitely draw it!"

Still dissatisfied, he threw the drawing paper in front of him on the ground and muttered to himself.

"Your Excellency, please move forward!"

He reached out and patted the dusty stone bowl in the center of the painting table, and the whole space suddenly began to tremble.

"Fresh paint is not can come too..."

The man turned his head and looked at Mochizuki on the edge of the platform for the first time.

The eight eyes met, and Wang Yueche noticed that the man who had been turning his back to him had six giant eyes that bloomed like flowers under the smooth and clean half-moon head.

Apart from the six ferocious giant eyes, there was no mouth and nose on the opponent's face.

"It's an honor to join me...great work...!"

And what was muttering all the time was a ferocious gap in the man's throat.

"Oh? This is... Ibaraki Doji's arm... Isn't it in Mito's hands?"

His gaze fell on Wangyueche's pitch-black arm, the man suddenly became interested, and stretched out his slender tongue from his throat to lick it lightly.

"This is indeed a good copying material... just for me to practice my pen..."

"How do you know..."

Wang Yueche only felt chills all over his body after being called out by the other party for the details of his right arm.

Ibaraki Doji, also known as "Ghost of Rashomon", is the number one underling of Oeyama Ghost King Shuten Doji.

Of course, there are also folk sayings that Ibaraki Doji is actually Shuten Doji's wife.

According to legend, in the Heiankyo period, Watanabe Tsuna, Minamoto Yorimitsu's vassal, walked to the side of a bridge when he returned home. Sealed by Onmyoji Abe Seimei.

For nearly a thousand years, the sealed "Ibaraki Doji's Right Arm" has changed owners several times, and it has already turned into an existence that is almost like a resentment.

In the end, it fell into the hands of the Wangyue clan, and was used by Wangyueche who possessed the "blood of heaven and man".

(End of this chapter)

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