I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 584 The Glory of the Anato Clan

Chapter 584 The Glory of the Anato Clan
"This...this one is also from the Metropolitan Police Department...sir?!"

"That, that, Officer Araki, please give me more advice..."

Looking at Sousuke Araki with faint tattoos on his neckline and sleeves, police officer Hasegawa and Chairman Anato were slightly taken aback, and shook hands with him tremblingly.

No matter how much they thought about it, they still couldn't figure it out, this blond guy with "loud noise is superior" and "opinion is useless" written all over his face, and wearing a pirate-like eyepatch, could be someone from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Moreover, it is estimated that the level of the second former police department can be his driver, drive all the way from Tokyo, and even light cigarettes and pour tea.

The two people who were close friends on weekdays exchanged glances, nodded slightly, and came to a consistent answer.

Special talent!

The Araki-kun in front of him must be the same as the one in the movie, the Departed Walker who "returned from undercover" and got a promotion and salary increase.

Judging by the unconcealable criminal aura and the tattooed area by visual inspection, it may be that he has been undercover for many years, accidentally went too far, and became the boss of a gang. The kind that is forced to apply to withdraw from the net and return to the team.

『So, the eye that was wearing the blindfold was injured in the 'final battle' when the net was collected, to cover the second former police officer who led the raid? 』

The scene of the two naked, holding guns to their backs, looking at each other affectionately, and fighting a large group of goblins emerged in my mind. The eyes of the two looking at Araki Sousuke and Nizen Ryoma were unconsciously full of awe.

"Well, as the two of you have seen, the small village of Hinami Sawa Village was established by a branch of the Anato clan in the Warring States Period to avoid war disasters, and it has a long history..."

After a few brief exchanges, Chairman Anato led the three of them along the main road in the village.

"During the Warring States Period, our Anato clan was also a well-known family. Because we made great achievements in attacking Roupala, under the order of Ashikaga Takashi, he served as An Yunshou, built a castle on Mount Kiku, and later moved the city to Mount Motoki. ..."

"It is said that our Anato family was invincible on the battlefield because we mastered a powerful curse, oh hehehe..."

After a brief introduction to the village, he, who seemed simple and shy, revealed a heroic village uncle, and began to talk about "the glory of the Anato family"

Since the people in the village are all descendants of the Anato family, in addition to being the chairman of the district council of Hina Sawa Village, Anato Yutaka is also the current patriarch of the Anato family.

"The original patriarch was my father, but because he passed away suddenly a month ago, I was elected as the patriarch..."

Speaking of this, Chairman Anato's cheeks twitched a little due to the pain, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"The so-called patriarch is actually responsible for coordinating the family problems of some village patriarchs during the busy farming season."

"A month ago..."

Hearing this, Araki Sosuke was thoughtful, and seemed to want to ask something, but finally closed his mouth.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I made you laugh... Don't look at this village like it is now, it was actually very lively when I was young."

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Chairman Anato, who was leading the way, complained bitterly again.

"The young people nowadays are all thinking about going to the big cities, how can they understand the beauty of rural life! It is estimated that after our generation passes away, there will be no one left in the village..."

In Japan, where the economy is developing rapidly, and urbanization and industrialization are advancing rapidly, there are at least a thousand small villages that are sparsely populated, have more houses than people, and are on the verge of "extinction".

With the rapid rise of big cities represented by Tokyo, the attractiveness of bustling urban life to young people has reached an unprecedented level.

More and more Japanese young people choose to give up their native hometowns and pursue their dreams in big cities.

In order to revitalize the countryside and solve the problem of empty houses, the Japanese government has implemented various drainage policies such as "empty house bank" and "free house delivery", but it still cannot solve the social problem of "village disappearance".

"Two, we are here..."

After a while, Chairman Anato stopped in front of a gray torii gate tied with a thick shimenawa.

"Here is the only shrine in the village, Furute Shrine."

On the ten-meter-long steps behind the torii is an ancient temple with a wooden structure and a width of five meters.

"...To be precise, it was the former Furute Shrine."

After deliberating for a while, Chairman Anato's eyes flashed a nostalgic look.

"This shrine is said to have been built when the village was built in the Warring States Period... A hundred years ago, after the last clergyman's inheritance was cut off, it was transformed into a family ancestral hall."


Araki Sousuke pushed open the ancient gate of the ancestral hall and strode in.

Ryoma squatted on the open space in front of the shrine with Police Officer Hasegawa and smoked.

After all, he only needs to be a good driver for this mission, and he can't get too involved.

In this ancestral hall of less than [-] square meters, in addition to the shrine's royal tablet that was originally enshrined, there are also densely packed "Anado Clan Ancestors" tablets.


Araki Sousuke's eyes kept moving between those tablets, as if searching for something.

"President Anato, may I ask if the genealogy of the nobles is also stored in the ancestral hall?"

"Genealogy...how did you know about this thing?"

President Anato was stunned for a moment, then opened the drawer and handed over a brand new book.

"The Adobe clan originally didn't have a family tree. It was my father who spent time recording every tablet in the ancestral hall in recent years before compiling this family tree..."

"It records the information on the members of the previous dynasties that can be collected, and matches the known kinship as much as possible. It also includes some origins and allusions. It can be said to be the only one."

"This genealogy, you probably haven't read it carefully?"

Sousuke Araki flipped through the thick family tree in his hand, and asked casually.

Every word on the page is neatly handwritten with a pen, which shows that the writer has devoted a lot of time and energy to it.

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm usually busy with work and the affairs of the self-government association, so I don't have time to read it carefully... After sorting out my father's belongings, I have kept them here...

"Oh, so it's your father who uploaded the genealogy information related to the 'Anato family' on those genealogy websites with surnames, right?"

"Is the Metropolitan Police Department so powerful that you even know this? Before my father was alive, he did try to fiddle with those things on the Internet. I helped register the account..."

Suddenly being asked this question, Chairman Anato froze for a moment, stroked the back of his head with few hairs, and smiled reminiscently.

"Although my father is getting old, he always said that he must learn to keep pace with the times..."

"Because the number of people in the village is decreasing day by day, he is worried that it will become a deserted village that no one cares about in a few decades, so he decided to bury the history of Anatoshi and the happy life of everyone in the village together, so he decided to compile the The genealogy is uploaded on the Internet."

"At least, let the children who have moved out, when they miss it one day, they can still have information to look up and keep in mind."

(End of this chapter)

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