I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 588 Chapter 595 [Fanwai] Unable to hold the sand II

Chapter 588 Chapter 595 [Fanwai] Unable to hold the sand II
More than ten days ago, a material delivery team from Tikrit, which was also turned into a "city of the dead" by living corpses, said that in the past month, a man in a white robe was active among many "cities of the dead". Many people were saved.

And the most heartening thing is that the living corpse killed by the white-robed man did not come back to life as expected the next night, but began to rot and dry like a real corpse.

Gradually, those who were rescued in despair began to secretly call the unknown man "Mahdi".

Mahdi, which means "one who is led to the right path by Allah", is a legendary figure who will stand up and save the world when the end comes.

"Hadith" once predicted: "When Imam Mahdi returns, Allah will eliminate the disasters of those who follow him, make them heart-to-heart, strong as steel, and make them strong, one person can reach forty , and they shall rule the land with great majesty."

Just as the three members of the "Hadeba Revival Militia Team" in the car were stunned, the white figure had disappeared on the edge of the city wall, leaving only a headless corpse on the ground.

5 minutes later, in the city of Haderba.


Walking slowly, the living corpse reached out and grabbed a crow attracted by the rotten smell, stuffed it into its mouth greedily and chewed.

"Uh... ah?"

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and turned his head to look behind him with some doubts.

A man wrapped in an Arabian white robe was galloping soundlessly among the ruined walls, passing by him.

Smelling the unusually sweet smell of fresh flesh and blood, the living corpse decisively dropped the half crow in its hand, and wanted to start chasing that figure.

"Sorry, if there is still a trace of blood in your body, I could have used a more decent way..."

Amidst the man's apologetic voice, the living corpse lifted his footsteps...

What went out was a headless body.

The blood line that appeared on the neck at an unknown time caused the living corpse to "separate its body", and fell limply to the ground.

"Contrary to your ferocious appearance, you are so kind to both the living and the dead. You are not at all like the cold-blooded and ruthless Assamites in the legend."

The man could hardly hear the accented Japanese, which was full of ridicule, and sounded out of thin air on the dead street.

"It's such a pity that I went to the ruins to retrieve the complete inheritance of 'Asamet'. I should have created countless dependents, drank the blood of virgins, and restored the glory of the Brotherhood, but I still lived like an ascetic monk... "

"Did you know that the locals now call you 'Mahdi', which is the title of 'Savior' in the prophecy."

"Xia Duo, don't make fun of me... I am not an Assamite, let alone a savior... History has proven countless times that assassins like them who can only assassinate can't change anything!"

"Drinking virgin blood and so on... There are dishes such as 'perfectly cooked steak', 'Chinese hairy blood', 'spicy duck blood' that are delicious enough for me to eat for the rest of my life, who would live a life of drinking blood . 』

Ignoring the living corpses that gradually surrounded him and the sudden words that appeared next to his ears, the man wrapped in the white robe was like an agile cheetah, walking silently among the ruined walls, as if walking on a level ground.

"Even if I save those people, or annihilate the curse on these undead, the fate of this completely destroyed city and those refugees whose families have been completely destroyed will not change in the slightest."

"The kind of 'good deeds' I do only to push myself to a moral high point, rather than to change the outcome of things, are called 'hypocrisy' by the Japanese Yakudo..."

Every time a living corpse chased too close, its head would fall off by itself and fall limply to the ground.

"Is it just hypocrisy to make yourself feel better? I like this explanation! I can observe a lot of interesting things from you, Higashino-kun..."

"Well, although it's just useless hypocrisy..."

While the white-robed man was talking politely to the voice that appeared out of nowhere, he kept approaching a relatively intact church in the center of the city at high speed.

"But if there is no hypocrisy left, I am afraid that one day I will forget that I am still a human being."

While the hood is fluttering, one can vaguely see it by the moonlight. Under the dreadlocks, there are a pair of sharp slanted eyes and a very Asian face.

A pink diamond ring pendant was shaking on his chest as he ran.

This man who wanders in the most dangerous "City of the Dead" in the Middle East at night is exactly Higashino Kohei who "died" in the "Minami Honmoku Wharf Shooting Case" and disappeared for 270 nine chapters.

Compared with a few months ago, except for a little more stubble and a darker complexion, he is still the same arrogant and blood-licking Japanese extreme model.

"Uh ah ah ah ah..."

In the streets and alleys, the roars of the living corpses suddenly sounded.

If you zoom out to the top of the city, you can see the densely packed living corpses that were originally entrenched in Hubbard, gathering like a flood towards the position of the white-robed man rushing on the dark main road.

This time, the actions of these living corpses were no longer crazy and crowded, but orderly like an army.

"Hey, it seems that the 'owner' of this site has already noticed the arrival of the unexpected guest. The 'goods' that can control such a large-scale undead are basically confirmed to be in his hands..."

Sensing the change in the breath in the air, Higashino Kohei showed his signature sinister grin full of crime.

"Hey, it's not in vain that I searched all the way along several 'Cities of the Dead', Xia Duo, you really know everything."

"Higashi-kun won the prize, I don't know everything, I just happen to know it..."

In the air, the man's expectant voice sounded again.

"Next, as agreed, let me watch your performance quietly."

"Of course... When it comes to door-to-door dismantling and looting, I'm also a professional."

Higashino Kohei narrowed his eyes, flashing a dangerous light.

"Since you've been discovered, let's go in through the main entrance and say hello to the other party's cadres!"

After leaving these words, his figure suddenly accelerated, and disappeared completely in the dark street behind a sound barrier.

On the main road of Hubard, the city of death, a bloody whirlwind suddenly blew up.

While the whirlwind was surging and the dust was flying, the heads of the surrounding living corpses flew high without exception.

Like an invisible combine harvester, rushing into the lush wheat field.

Hundreds of heads were lifted into the sky at the same time, reminiscent of the magnificent scene of collective cap throwing at the degree conferring ceremony.

Looking carefully, what "beheaded" those living corpses like an invisible sharp blade was a thin thread made of drops of blood lingering in the wind.


Those heads that fell on both sides of the road and were thrown behind by the bloody whirlwind, their eyes were full of black resentment, and they started to speak out.

"No one can stop me, Awadh, from my great cause of restoring the Kingdom of God!"

"Wow, it looks like you managed to annoy the 'Last King'." 』

Although the language spoken by the other party was completely incomprehensible to Higashino Kohei, Chardonnay, who walked with him and called himself an "observer", happened to be a knowledgeable and helpful person.

Like acting in a drama, he imitated the other party's tone with a little exaggeration, and simultaneously interpreted it to Kohei Higashino in Japanese.

"Hmph, this lunatic who wants to turn the entire Middle East into a 'city of death'..."

In the whirlwind of harvesting heads in the sea of ​​living corpses, Higashino Kohei's cold snort came.

"If all the living people are dead, what's the point of leaving a group of living corpses as younger brothers?"

It has been two months since Japan came to the Middle East and entered the ruins to obtain the complete inheritance of the Assamite blood lineage.

During this period, he was familiar with Awad, the last leader of the extremist organization and the "King of the Kingdom of God", and his heart was full of hatred.

This guy used evil necromantic witchcraft to show the "miracle" of bringing people back from the dead, and recruited a large number of believers to participate in the war he initiated.

Believers all believe that even if they die in a suicide attack, they will be resurrected in the "Kingdom of God" established by King Awad just like those companions.

Even the various prisons in the Middle East have become hotbeds for his extreme believers to preach.

When the local government was caught off guard, many large cities were successively occupied by fanatics with suicide attacks, and at the same time, quite extreme religious rule was implemented.

"Da'esh" not only massacred believers and opponents of other sects in the ruled area, and carried out extremely cruel circumcision on a large number of women, but their people also took pleasure in massacres and wars, and even shot such videos as "death frenzy" "Continuing to attract extremist militants and ignorant young people from all over the world to join this war.

As the situation escalated, several major powers intervened in the war at the same time, and even the peacekeeping force sent a mission composed of "professionals" to deal with the undead army created by Awad.

Under the joint bombing of multiple countries and the activities of religious figures from various countries, Awad's "Kingdom of God" retreated steadily. After three years of countless bloody battles and the loss of the last territory, it declared its demise.

On the occasion of the "subjugation of the country", this "King of the Kingdom of God" did something that shocked the world.

He gathered the remaining tens of thousands of fanatics together, launched a necromancer formation, and concocted them all into seeds capable of spreading the "living corpse plague".

Caught off guard, these "seeds" disguised as refugees, sneaked into these devastated cities after the war, and completely turned them into "dead cities".

Under such a crazy move, Awad announced that he had successfully "recovered" his own land.

There are no people and a land full of living corpses.

"You... are not the mission's spirit removers...they have no ability to remove the 'curse of the dead'..."

Despite the roar of "King Awad" coming from the mouths of those living corpses, the whirlwind that Higashino Kohei transformed into still pushed down the dense sea of ​​corpses, advancing unstoppably.

Those more and more living corpses, not only couldn't touch his clothes, they couldn't even slow him down.

"Blood...you are the Assamite blood!!!"

Seeing the blood droplets lingering in the whirlwind, the voices from the mouths of the rushing corpses, there was also a trace of surprise.

After all, in the midst of the yellow sand and scorching sun, the legend about the Assamite blood group and the "Brotherhood" of the Assassin organization had been buried under the wind and sand for thousands of years after the Crusades.

"The things in the ruins in Deir ez-Zor turned out to have fallen into your hands!"

As if thinking of something, countless living corpses stopped, talking in unison, and devoured each other.

"Why, help those spirit removers?! You can join my camp and create the glory of the Kingdom of God together!"

As the living corpses devoured each other, more than a dozen huge suture puppets, bloated and covered with countless limbs and organs, slowly stood up from the sea of ​​corpses: "My army is invincible!"

"Well, I have no intention of getting involved in disputes between your group, official organizations, and various religions..."

Higashino Kohei, whose white robe was fluttering and bloody filaments lingering five meters around his body, suddenly appeared in front of the dilapidated church in the center of the city.

"It's just that there is a 'goods', and I want to ask you to hand it over honestly!"

The Bell Church, also known as "Our Lady of the Cloth", was a landmark of the city before it was occupied.

But now, it is only supported by a few main beams, and it miraculously did not collapse.

"Why do I say this, you can't understand Japanese."

He laughed at himself, and ignored the questioning of the guy who was hiding his head and showing his tail.

The other party probably couldn't understand Japanese, and he certainly didn't bring an "accompanying translator" like himself.

"However, I've had a bad appetite recently, and I've been spoiled by the disgusting behavior of you lunatic..."

Looking at the stitched puppets with dancing stumps and painful faces in front of him, and thinking that they were ordinary people with the same joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys as himself before, a strange red light flashed in Higashino Xinghei's eyes , the pupils turned dark red because of anger.

"It's decided, let's take your life away by the way!"

Ignoring the suture puppet rushing behind him, stomping on the ground and vibrating constantly, he stretched out his index finger and drew a huge crack on his arm where the bone was deep.

"Nothing is true, all actions are permissible, under the Hidden Sword, all beings are equal."

Bobo's blood spewed out from the aorta, gathering in his palm to form a blood-colored giant Azure Dragon Saber.

"Cerberus, Higashino Kohei, come to dismantle the group!"

"Hey, Higashino-kun, I think it's necessary to correct me about the word 'hidden blade' in Arabic afterwards. 』

The bloody Azure Dragon Saber turned into a streak of light, and he ruthlessly threw it towards the church in front of him.


Amidst the gunpowder smoke, a figure emerged from the completely collapsed church.

"Being able to accurately find my location is worthy of the Assamite blood clan who claim to be able to track prey to the ends of the earth!"

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, black round cap, bushy beard and pale complexion.

"Unfortunately, this king has already abandoned such things as life! I, who has achieved the body of a lich, is an indestructible existence!"

On his chest, there was a huge penetrating wound that was wriggling and healing, without a trace of blood flowing out.

Through the wound, one could still see the blood-colored Azure Dragon Saber stuck in the ruins behind.

This person is naturally what Higashino Xinghei has been looking for, the last king of the "Daesh Kingdom", the necromancer Awad.

(End of this chapter)

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