Chapter 600
Out of the principle of not letting go of any potential supernatural events, Moto Oida naturally did a lot of investigation on the "Midnight Telephone Booth".

In addition to collecting background information, he also visited Yoshihara Park for field surveys at different times.

After wandering around for a long time, I didn't see any telephone booths in the small park at all.

However, during the street interview, some nearby residents claimed to have heard the ringing of that old-fashioned telephone in the middle of the night.

Later, because he was busy with other filming projects, the investigation of the phone booth was dropped.

It wasn't until tonight, after receiving a phone call from Suzuki-kun, that he rushed over out of curiosity.

"As we all know, not far from the main entrance of the park, it used to be the official red-light district of the Edo Shogunate, Yoshihara Yukaku. Before Yoshiwara Yukaku was demolished, this park was just outside the city wall of Yukaku..."

Holding the camera in hand, Moto Oida was filming all the way, walking towards the depths of the dark park.

"Kuo, meaning the city wall...Yoshiwara Yukaku not only draws the water from the valley, the water from the valley, and creates a terrain surrounded by walls and water on three sides, but also sets up the difficult-to-cross Benten Pond in the name of fire prevention. , in fact, it is used as a moat to prevent Younv from leaving."

"Not far along this path, there is a pond in the center of the park..."

Along the way, he was very professional and conscientious, explaining the background information he had investigated to the camera.

"Although Benten Pond has already been completely buried due to the reconstruction of Yoshiwara Yukaku, it is said that the pond was rebuilt from a leftover Benten Pond."

"Of course, based on the results of my previous field visits, there are naturally no telephone booths nearby."

"According to the usual practice, when editing later, I will release the shooting videos from the previous few times for comparison. 』

Suddenly, Oida Moto uttered an embarrassing sound as if he saw something incredible: "Wait, everyone..."

Under the moonlight, by the side of the small pond shrouded in thick white mist, a dark red cuboid object quietly appeared in Oida Moto's sight.

"Look, what is that... this, this, what is going on?!"

It was an old red public telephone box that can be seen everywhere.

"Everyone, I don't know how to explain what's happening in front of me, and I don't know what's going to happen next..."

"However, I can swear to the 'Indescribable World Honored One', when I came here a few times ago, there was absolutely no such telephone booth here!"

Oida Moto stopped walking with his calf limp, and his originally gloomy and calm tone began to tremble.

"Ha, haha... Someone must have deliberately played a prank. Could it be that Suzuki-kun borrowed a prop phone booth and tricked me into filming a series of tricky videos?"

Oida Yuan looked around, except for the white mist in the morning on the pond, he did not see Suzuki-kun.

"That's right, isn't Suzuki-kun here early? Suzuki-kun... Suzuki-kun... where are you?"

"Only after being crushed by the world will you know the meaning of failure. Red lotus flower, bloom and illuminate your destiny!"

Just when he stopped and called Suzuki-kun in a low voice, the mobile phone in his trouser pocket rang in the silent park.

"Hey, Suzuki-kun, where are you..."

It was the missing Suzuki-kun who called.

"If you weren't playing tricks on me, then I should have seen the 'Midnight Phone Booth' too. This is breaking news!"

"I'm in...a phone booth... Come and save me!"

Although it sounded like a cry for help, Suzuki-kun's voice was a little strange, with a bit of weakness in panic.

"Help you?! You, what's wrong with you?"

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Moto Koida squinted his eyes and found that through the glass of the phone booth covered with white mist, he could vaguely see a figure standing inside.

"Hey, Suzuki-kun, don't scare me, if it's a tricky video..."

Suzuki-kun is a waste of time to take care of him, find him to co-shoot, and help drainage.

Could it be that this guy specially spent a lot of money to move a phone booth here in order to grab the "traffic" of his big anchor, and then dressed himself up in some strange way, hiding in it to scare himself?
"This phone booth is too old and the door is rusted. I was accidentally locked in it..."

On the other end of the phone, Suzuki-kun continued to call Oida Moto in a terrified tone.

"Mr. Xiaojing, come here quickly, and help me open the door from the outside!"

"Yes, but..."

Hearing Suzuki-kun's anxious tone that didn't seem fake, and looking at the motionless blurred figure in the phone booth, Moto Oida felt his back go numb, and dense cold sweat instantly occupied his forehead.

Although he reconfirmed that the caller was Suzuki-kun's cell phone number, but his intuition told him that something seemed wrong.

This guy, even if he was stuck in the phone booth, he could make a call and knew he was outside, why should he be so panicked?

"Mr. Xiaojing, why are you standing still, come and help me!"

However, on the phone, Suzuki-kun's tone became more urgent, which made Oida Moto unable to think any more.

"...You pull it outside, I push it inside, and it opens in one go."

It was as if, instead of being stuck in a phone booth, he was burned to the bottom of his ass.


"Okay... I'll come right here..."

Throat twitched nervously, Moto Oida put the camera on the ground, pointed it in the direction of the phone booth, and tiptoed towards the phone booth.

"Let me tell you, I'm very courageous, it's not so easy for you to trick me..."

Regardless of whether it is a "tricky video" or not, there is nothing wrong with recording it from the third person as material.

"I don't feel right. After you are released, let's leave here as soon as possible and discuss the next step!"

Although he was instinctively terrified of that strange telephone booth, after thinking about the current situation quickly, Moto Oida, who was decisive in the situation, still mustered up his courage.

The current situation is nothing more than a few possibilities.

Possibility one, Suzuki-kun is shooting a tricky video.

In this case, if you don't dare to open the door and run away, you don't have to do this "Talk the Spirit Youtube Master".

Possibility two, Mr. Suzuki was really locked in the phone booth.

Going up to help open the door is naturally a matter of little effort.

Possibility number three, if there is something wrong with this phone booth...

Oida Moto could not do such a thing as leaving his friends and running for his life alone.

However, what Oida Moto didn't notice was...

After he put it on the ground, in the viewfinder frame of the camera with night vision mode turned on, only dense green plants and white mist remained near the pond.

The dark red phone booth disappeared as if it had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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