I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 64 A Peaceful Day

Chapter 64 A Calm and Peaceful Day

The Eye of the Gap was first mentioned in the creation post of the urban legend section of the 2CH forum more than a year ago.

In our life, we often feel the sight from no one's place, which is not an illusion.This is an independent eyeball with an unknown number, which will appear in any dark crevice, quietly staring at its target.

Regardless of whether the target is gradually aware of the existence of this eyeball in life or not, every gap in the body will gradually be filled by the same eyeball, and eventually due to reasons such as inability to breathe, blood blockage, and organ damage die.

In more and more recent cases, most of the victims died of suffocation, and words related to "eyeball" and "sight" were mentioned before death.Although there were no eyewitness records of the survivors, and no biological tissue related to the eyeball was collected from the body of the deceased, the results of the autopsy report showed that there were indeed balls of various sizes that blocked and oppressed various organs in the victim's body. place.

Therefore, the eyes of Lesson [-] also began to pay attention to this "suspected existence" weirdness early in the morning.


Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's words, Tokimoto Ichiro reacted very quickly, with his left hand clenched up and his right palm under his palm, he pasted the three talisman papers on the three of them.

A gentle spiritual force immediately covered the three of them.

Nine-Character Mantra · Treasure Gourd Seal.

The treasure gourd seal, also known as the invisible seal, can shield the breath of the subject from being detected by some existence, and avoid being continuously locked.

After all, many weird and resentful spirits have the ability to kill thousands of miles and be immortal.

According to the "weird contact rules" formulated by the ninth lesson, the three of them hurriedly exited the Zangqian apartment without hesitation by using the effect of the talisman paper.

The black car pulls out of the parking lot.

The unexpected appearance of the Gap Eye made the faces of the three of them uneasy, and the atmosphere in the car was even heavier than before.

What exactly exists in the Kuramae apartment attracts these weirdnesses, and it is active around it one after another.

The more in-depth understanding, the more suspicious clouds become, like a mass of black and thick thunderclouds, pressing down on the hearts of the three of them, it may turn into a violent storm at any time.


At the same time, in Roppongi late at night, Tsukage Chikusa, wearing black-rimmed glasses, was still sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard.

"There have been so many rumor-defying posts against the Gap Girl, and they have controlled the direction of public opinion in the posts. Could it be that... are the official agencies planning to take action against the Gap Girl?"

With a look of disdain on his face, he switched to the game map where the black vortex was placed.

"An antique 'work' like the Gap Girl quickly accumulated a lot of grievances for me at the beginning, but its rules of conduct are too simple and rude, not to mention unsightly, and easy to expose, so it's better to give up early... However, so many of my works have been wiped out one after another, and it’s not rude to come and go..."

While checking the status of each "work", Tsukage Chikusa started typing on the keyboard.

Based on the current situation, he must keep a low profile.

In addition to those magic sticks and government secret departments...

In this world, there are many more primitive, mysterious and deceitful existences that are different from his "works".

"Although the current work is not under my control, it is still possible to guide and strengthen it to a certain extent... Let the No.2 resident of the Kuramae apartment give you a little surprise... Having said that, [Eye of the Gap] recently The grievances haven’t grown much, are you working hard, is it possible that you can’t extricate yourself from being addicted to voyeurism?”

With his operation, the black vortex representing [Gap Girl] on the game map has grown by a full third compared to before.

After all this was done, he suddenly started laughing nervously, covering his head.

"Just play with you like this first and distract your attention... After other 'works' have accumulated enough grievances secretly...I will completely defeat your defenses and make the whole world tremble under terror... "

In his hand, there was a book quietly.

"New Edition Hundred Stories", author: Folklore scholar Yueying Qingren.


The morning sun shines through the glass windows, turning into stars and shining on the tatami.

Araki Sosuke moved his eyelids and woke up.

He reached for his phone from under the quilt and checked the time.

After returning from Kamakura, I actually ate and slept in such a decadent manner, just spent two days like this?

That snake meat... I'm afraid it has some sleeping poison.

Fortunately, there was no interview notice during this period, and my studies were not wasted.

He stretched his waist, and although he had been lying down for two days, he felt sore all over his body as if he had been massaged.

Looking at the phone, apart from the missed calls from Kengo Yamada and Kohei Higashino, there was also a text message that 50 yen was transferred to the bank account, which lifted his spirits.

This is the reward for going to Kamakura to get rid of (hug) Ling (you).

I can finally repay part of the debt I owed to rent a house.

Thinking of this, he casually called Higashino Kohei.

This guy, who called before, couldn't just be a debt collector.

"Hey, Xinghei, are you looking for me? If it's a job, I haven't found it yet. Do you want to recommend me? Delivery by motorcycle? I don't want to help you deliver stolen goods..."

On the phone, when Higashino Kohei said that he would recommend him a job in a "regular company", Araki Sousuke of course agreed.

Then, he called Yamada Kengo back.

"Oh, Kengo... What, you are in the police station? Being slandered as an underwear thief and a windbreaker exhibitionist? You kid... After wandering around for so long, you finally took the forbidden road."

Araki Sousuke said with admiration.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll find a buddy to get you out...but you have to pay for it yourself."

Having said that, Sosuke Araki immediately called Ryoma Erzen and entrusted him with the matter of Kengo Yamada.

After hanging up the phone, he found that after sleeping for two days, he was covered in oil and had a bad smell, so he immediately decided to take a shower.

Taking off his clothes and tearing off the bandage wrapped around his body, Araki Sousuke was surprised to find that the injury he suffered that night had healed.

He repeatedly confirmed in disbelief.

I jumped from upstairs that night. Although I grabbed the rainwater pipes on the outer wall for help, I was still scratched by the branches all the way into the green belt, and the soft tissues everywhere were extremely swollen and painful.

Later, when I fought with the giant snake, I was also counterattacked by the opponent's deathbed, causing several bruises.

Now the surface of the skin is as smooth as silk, and there is not even a scar.

Could it be that the snake meat is too rich in collagen and has its own scar removal effect.

Without thinking too much, Sousuke Araki took off the shower head and prepared to take a shower.

Although the agent behind this shower head has sent workers to repair it, the pressure is still unstable, and the water comes out from time to time.

Unusually scalding hot water poured on Araki Sousuke, causing him to jump up.

After being stimulated, he used too much force for a moment, and he squeezed the handle of the shower head... and burst it.

All of a sudden, water snakes danced wildly in the bathroom, making him very embarrassed.

He hurriedly turned off the switch, looking at the deformed plastic shower head in his hand, Araki Sousuke, whose hair was wet lying on his head, was a little dazed.

Growing up fighting all kinds of weird people in the orphanage, his strength has always been stronger than his peers.

Later, after practicing Wing Chun and Kendo hard, his strength increased even more.

It is not difficult for him to crush this plastic shower head.

However, I just felt that I just used a little force.

My strength has increased again. Is this the golden finger I have been waiting for for more than 20 years, and it finally arrived?

Then, do I have the opportunity to challenge the Guinness Book of Records, become famous in one fell swoop, and earn a fortune... After that, should I take the road of free combat, or engage in powerlifting and so on...

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his phone and checked it.

The latest Guinness world record for grip strength is close to 200KG.

The record holder easily demonstrated in the video how to twist a steel bar with his bare hands.

The sour and refreshing sound of steel bars deforming made Araki Sousuke turn off his phone in fright, and put this thought behind him.

Sorry to bother you, you are the time traveler.

It is more suitable for me to find a job in a down-to-earth manner.

"Today is another peaceful day."

Reminded by "Googoo"'s growling stomach, he changed into his clothes and went out.

I just got a "huge sum" of 50 yen. Of course, I want to go to Yoshinoya to eat a King size beef bowl, and then hang out in an Internet cafe for a day.

 Not too short a chapter, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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