Chapter 652
"Yamada-kun... Araki-kun..."

"Hurry up, these people can still be saved!!!"

Before everyone could react, Sosuke Araki and Kengo Yamada had already rushed back to the hillside outside the rain of cherry blossoms, carrying the "big and small bags" on their backs.

"These people?! Wait..."

At this moment, everyone in the rear noticed that the two people who were wrapped in exorcism cloth and snatched out of the fire scene turned out to be an unconscious couple and a little boy about seven years old.

"Confirmation is complete, it is a living person..."

Immediately, members of the club came forward to confirm the identities of the three with various strange props in their hands.

"It is reported that they are comatose due to suffocation and carbon dioxide poisoning caused by inhalation of dense smoke. Currently, their signs are stable and their breathing is normal..."

Looking at the charred parent-child pajamas and the slight burns on the skin of the unconscious family of three, it is likely that they were sleeping soundly when the fire suddenly fell.

"Phew, I'm fine... I suddenly heard someone calling for help, which startled me..."

"Your reaction is quick too, Kengo. 』

"Where and where, it is all the seniors who have been behind me for many years, so that I can maintain a normal mind at all times and notice the abnormality at the first time. 』

Seeing that the three of them were fine, Sousuke Araki and Kengo Yamada, who were wiping the black ashes on their faces, smiled reassuringly.

" did you find out...there are living people in there?! And how did the fire go out..."

"Besides, this is a hidden place, why do ordinary people suddenly appear in the building in the fire place?!"

Tokita Hiroshi on the side looked at Sousuke Araki in disbelief, wondering why one hundred thousand was stuck in his chest.

"How do I know... I just heard a voice, and I intuitively think it might be a human..."

Suddenly being asked a series of questions, Araki Sousuke touched his face in confusion.

"Anyway, even if the ones rescued are earth-bound spirits, it would be nice to invite them to become Buddhas."

"This idiot just thought 'it might be a human', so he rushed out with instinct without hesitation?!"

Faced with Araki Sousuke's dumbfounding explanation, even Niya, who claimed to have "four mouths", could only remain speechless.

"According to what I just observed internally, that house... should not be the 'Yang House' we saw before, but a real building in the present world..."

On the side, Kengo Yamada pointed to the alloy anti-theft door that was still emitting thick smoke...

"Could it be that these weird fires will spread to Yoshihara Commercial Street outside Shenyin?!"

"Or, it is this hidden place that is burning like a flame, gradually breaking through the barrier of space, and starting to integrate things from the outside world?!"

One by one, terrifying possibilities kept popping up in everyone's minds.

"Report, the statistics are complete, a total of five people 'retired' from the "Spiritual Talk Club" and Lesson [-]..."

At the same time, an agent with a pale face went to Qianhui to report.

"I see... Contain the remains, and evacuate the door with those who are in poorer conditions, waiting for support."

Takeshi Iwata lowered his eyelids, checked the gun in his hand expressionlessly, and put the magazine on his waist.

"So far, we have no way to retreat."

Even though Niya's holy light technique was powerful and pulled everyone back from the hand of death, those lives that had already passed away before that were naturally too late to save.

Moreover, the holy light technique can speed up the recovery of physical injuries, but it cannot make up for the trauma of the mind.

The desperate memory of being broken by those three ghostly giants like a doll will erode and shake people's mind a little bit, and bring about a more serious psychological disorder than PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

"Deputy class principal, you... follow orders."

Seeing Takeshi Iwata, who was busy counting the equipment, without the slightest plan to retreat, the agent opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

"Deputy Section Chief Iwata, with this weird flower petal, people with low spiritual power and weak will can't go too far in this fire scene, let alone face the hidden earthbound spirits and other things inside."

Hiroshi Changtian reached out and patted Takeshi Iwata on the shoulder, shaking his head slightly at him.

"Vice President Chang Tian means..."

"The situation is urgent. If we continue to delay, I'm afraid there will be more unknown changes in this hidden place."

"I suggest that those who are unable to carry out their missions be allowed to take the remains and escort the three cults out of here..."

"But, we..."

"Of course, this does not make you deserters."

Seeing the reluctance in the eyes of several agents, Hiroshi Tsuneda pressed his palm lightly, motioning for the other to let him finish speaking.

"After you go out, whether you are stationed outside the gate waiting for reinforcements, helping to disperse the crowd, or working with reinforcements to prevent possible sneak attacks by the cult...every move you make is related to our safety..."

"I will leave the members who are still fighting and the bronze corpse of President Tokimoto, and guard this intersection with everyone from the ninth lesson. If other people are involved like just now, please also ask Iwata The deputy head tried to rescue him."

In the face of the crisis, Hiroshi Toda showed his rich experience and coordination ability in presiding over the removal of spirits for many years, and proposed a response plan in an orderly manner.

"Then, this hidden place, and..."

Although not reconciled, Tokita Hiroshi's proposal is indeed the most reasonable plan at present, and Takeshi Iwata can only nod in approval.

His gaze fell worriedly to the very center of the fire scene...

"Don't worry, as for this shrine, Abe-kun and another newly-promoted spirit remover Kato Shita who are trapped in it, leave it to the elite of our spirit remover association."

Then he rubbed Takeshi Iwata's shoulders vigorously, Hiroshi Tsuneda lightly adjusted his glasses, and turned to look at Sousuke Araki who was beside him: "Mr. Araki, as the vice president of the association, I recognize your strength."

"Oh? You Mediterranean, you finally realized my uncle's..."

Hearing his words, Sousuke Araki, who was trying to search for the figure of Abeji Temple in the building complex, turned his head in surprise.

"Next, do you dare to go to this mountain of swords and sea of ​​fire together with the old man, as a test for your 'recognition'?"

What greeted him was Hiroshi Toda's glasses reflecting the raging sea of ​​fire, and his substantive eyes from behind.

"Hey, even though he looks so oily, he's quite masculine, Uncle Hiroshi..."

"Although, I was going to go in and find something..."

Seeing this wretched vice president of the Mediterranean Sea, showing a rare serious expression, Araki Sousuke dropped the cigarette butt in his hand, crushed it on the ground with his feet, and pointed at the other party: "Your challenge for the regularization trial, I will remove the spirit Sousuke Araki, take over!"

(End of this chapter)

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