Chapter 784
"Under Araki Sousuke, the Exorcist from Tokyo."

Seeing that the patriarch who was dressed like a druid didn't seem to have much hostility, Sousuke Araki hung the wooden knife in his hand back to his waist.

"Anyway, I've probably heard what happened. Thank you for showing mercy to the city's assistants. The area around Lake Toya has not been peaceful recently, so when they went out to guard, they inevitably behaved a little too aggressively..."

After taking a deep look at the man without a trace of spiritual power all over his body, Najiro nodded, and raised his hand to signal the two to follow him into the village.

The Ainu people are also believers in "everything has a spirit", and it is normal to occasionally have spirit bears that have never been encountered in their long life.

"The behavior of throwing the 'arrow of cutting off sons and grandchildren' without saying a word can't be described by the word 'excessive', and it would be polite to say 'extreme collapse'!"

Fujiwara Takumi, who was following behind, couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

He is still brooding over the fact that these savage aborigines attacked at the slightest disagreement and almost destroyed his lower body.

"Lake Toya and Lake Akan are the last two habitats of our family. According to the contract reached between the royal family and us, we have extrajudicial autonomy on this small island and its adjacent waters..."

"What's more, there have been evil things on the island in the past two days. If the two of you sneaked onto the island at this time, they will inevitably be identified as the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Evil things haunting?"

"For details, let's go into the house and talk about it."

Under the complicated gazes of all the clansmen, Nakaijiro led the two of them towards the largest thatched hut in the village.

"This village is really green and original without pollution."

Along the way, Araki and Sousuke looked curiously at this primitive village hidden on a small island in the lake without any trace of modernization.

"Hey, they still dare to raise bear cubs?"

A few young brown bears held by the Ainu women like children and standing upright attracted Sousuke Araki's attention.

"I heard that Ainu hunters would enter bear dens in winter, kill the hibernating female bears, bring the cubs back to the family, and raise them with milk and food like their own children."

Taking a timid glance at the "illegal free-range" bear cubs, Fujiwara Takumi discussed in a volume that only the two of them could hear.

"Don't look at the happy and warm appearance of the family now, once the cubs grow up, they will kill them in a ceremony called 'Bear Spirit Sacrifice', using bear meat as food, bear bones as decorations, bear cubs skins for clothing."

"Please don't use the concept of your family to understand our sacred sacrifices. Those sons of God voluntarily abandoned their holy bodies, returned to the kingdom of God, and left gifts... For thousands of years, this has been the case."

Entering the thatched hut lit with charcoal fire, Bukai Jiro gestured for the two to sit down.

"You two, if you have any questions, please ask quickly, and leave after asking... At this moment, natural disasters are coming, and Lake Toya is not a peaceful place."

"That's what I mean, so let's get straight to the point... Excuse me, nobleman, have you seen this bus recently?"

The search and rescue time was urgent, and the two quickly took out the photo of the bus, and they will tell the whole story in the future.

"I see. No wonder there are so many people gathered on the National Highway recently...I'm afraid there are no fewer than dozens of such buses passing by Lake Toya every day..."

Looking at the photo in front of him, and hearing the reason for the two of them, Nagijiro nodded thoughtfully: "Because this snow was so weird that even Spirit Bear was anxious about it, I was on the first day of snowfall. The people of the tribe were forbidden to leave the island on that day, so they must have never seen it."

"Don't be so sure, first ask one by one and then..."

"However, I can ask Xiong Ling..."

Just when the two of Araki Sousuke showed disappointment, he suddenly closed his eyes, whirled the long stick in his hand, opened and closed his dry lips, but did not make a sound...

"Ling Xiong told me that this strange heavy snow was a punishment from the gods!"

A faint green light gushed out from the long stick and scattered in all directions.

"Countless ancient and evil beings are waking up in the snowstorm..."

Suddenly, Nakaijiro widened his eyes and said, "That bus, after encountering evil spirits, headed northeast!"

At this moment, his dim eyes had turned green, and his pupils had turned into a long and thin vertical line.

"Northeast? Please ask your spirit bear again, what happened to them?"

Finally hearing the news about the missing bus, Sosuke Araki and Takumi Fujiwara looked at each other excitedly.

"This heavy snow hides evil spirits and buried all traces, even the bear spirit can't go back in such detail..."

"Even if the most experienced hunter of our clan comes to the scene, they may not be able to track down the trace..."

Bie Kaijiro shook his head, the green light in his eyes faded, and he returned to his old-fashioned look: "I've already answered your two questions, so let's leave as agreed."

"Hey, patriarch, it seems that he said 'not necessarily' just now, right..."

However, Sousuke Araki, who was sitting opposite him, showed an inexplicable smile: "That is to say, if the noble hunters came to the scene in person, maybe they could track down that bus?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is a matter of life and death, and the distance is very close. Why don't you invite the best hunter of the nobles to come with us... The young and talented Mr. Fujiwara next to me will definitely give you enough rewards!"

Although he said "heavy rewards", he obviously didn't mean to "discuss" with the other party.

"Well, our clan makes a living by fishing and hunting, and we have always been self-sufficient, so we don't have much concern for our clan's property..."

"By the way, in order to rush to Hokkaido as soon as possible, as a 'murder suspect', I have added a number of additional items such as 'assaulting the police', 'obstructing official duties', 'escaping', 'speeding', 'obscene', etc. The charge is not less than one of 'kidnapping aborigines'."

Hearing the sinister eyes shining evilly and spewing out a series of heinous crimes as if declaring the name of the dish, I saw that the old face of Nijiro was wrinkled in pain: "Well, the outskirts of Lake Toya can be regarded as our daily hunting area. On other days, it’s okay to send someone to accompany the two of you..."

"...But at this moment, the snowstorm is falling, and our clan is also haunted by evil spirits. I really dare not let the clansmen go out without authorization."

"I've heard you say 'evil spirit' and 'evil spirit' all the time. Could it be that this primitive village is also haunted?"

"Lake Toya is the place where spirit bears live. It is not frozen all year round, and evil spirits do not accumulate. No evil spirits have ever been born."

Bie Kaijiro took a wooden box engraved with messy runes, and opened it in front of the two people beside him: "You two, let's see for yourself... In order to keep this thing, five clansmen were seriously injured!
(End of this chapter)

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