I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 838 Five Ridges

Chapter 838
Surrounded by thousands of Somei Yoshino cherry trees of the same height, which can't be seen at a glance, there is a vast moat about 4 meters deep and 30 meters wide...

On the outside of the moat, there are dotted earth barriers, low walls and other defensive facilities.

Inside the moat, there are tall stone walls, closed walls and low towers hidden in the vegetation.

The only passage connecting the inside and outside of the moat is a narrow arch bridge about 5 meters wide.

Looking at the delicate and majestic inclusive and harmonious "garden landscape" in front of them, everyone was silent for a while.

The cherry blossom trees, the moat and the snow-capped mountains in the distance are in the same frame, as if playing a golden trio. People can't help but imagine how beautiful it will be in the season when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the breeze is blowing.

It's a pity that all of this is now covered by pitch-black snow, exuding a sense of death and destruction under the moonless night sky.

"Captain, we just checked this area before, and the detector was damaged..."

"The design of this place has some tricks!"

After a long battle, Sen Luosi carefully observed the structure of the "garden" in front of him, and found some clues.

"Although I can't see the whole picture, but only look at the side in front of me. Not only Tangchi Iron City, but also many cross-fire points, very similar to the design of a European bastion..."

After gunpowder entered the arena of war, including Constantinople, one after another, the fortresses famous for their high cities and deep pools succumbed to the lust of cannons.

Where there is a spear, there must be a shield. Soon after, the "Bastion", a city defense system that combines the wisdom of Europeans, came into being.

Different from the traditional fortress, the bastion has become a concave polygon based on the convex polygon of the traditional castle...

As a result, regardless of any point in the attack on the castle, the attack will be exposed to more than two crossfire points at the same time, and suffer multiple blows from the abdomen and back.

"Report to the deputy captain, here is a detailed topographic map!"

As the team members wiped off the snow on the roadside tour signs, a topographic map appeared in front of everyone.

"This shape is...a pentagram?!"

On the map, five evenly distributed V-shaped moats and stone walls just formed a huge five-pointed star pattern.

In the lower right corner of the sign, the words "Inside Map of Goryokaku Park, Hakodate City" are clearly visible.

"Goryokaku Park... Goryokaku... This is Goryokaku!"

Seeing the information in the case, Sen Luosi suddenly realized, and smiled bitterly: "Tsk, what a shit park, this is clearly the famous star-shaped fortress!"

Goryokaku, founded in 1864, is also known as Kameda Imperial Office's mound and Yanano Castle. It was designed by the Tokugawa shogunate to open the port of Hakodate due to the "Kanagawa Treaty" and imitate the European bastion to enhance maritime defense capabilities. Western star fortress.

The irony is that Goryokaku, which cost a lot of money to build, was completed and put into use only five years ago. The original builder, the Tokugawa Shogunate, completely withdrew from the stage of history after the return of the Great Government and the War of [-].

And the last Battle of Hakodate in the War of [-] ended under this bastion.

Afterwards, Goryokaku was only used as a military training ground, and after the war, it was directly rebuilt into a pleasant public park, and it would never have the opportunity to fulfill its mission of defending against foreign enemies.

"Everyone is there, stay in formation, and follow me into the city."

Sen Luosi looked up at the sky, and saw that the black beam of light penetrating the sky and the earth in the center of the vortex formed by the snow clouds was coming from the deepest part of the center of the five-pointed star-shaped five-sided kingdom!

"I want to see what secrets are hidden in this Goryokaku!"

With his gun loaded vigilantly, he took the lead towards the arch bridge leading to the main gate of Goryokaku in front of him.

According to the topographic map on the wooden board, there are only three places in the south, northwest, and northeast that can cross the moat and enter the arch bridge in Wulinguo City.

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep..."

As the distance drew closer, the detectors in the players' hands suddenly beeped in a hurry.

"Everyone has it, temporarily turn off the resentment detector!"

"Roger that!"

Glancing at the reading that was about to break through the 7000 mark, Sen Luosi simply turned off the resentment detector directly to avoid losing a batch of valuable instruments again.

"Saw a suspicious target... Everyone is on alert!"

Walking to the bridge, dozens of light-colored figures appeared in everyone's sight.

They knelt and stood at the head of the bridge covered in black snow, facing the closed city gate of Goryokaku, motionless.

"This is the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team directly under the Ministry of Defense of Japan. People in front, please identify yourself immediately!"

Under the black muzzle of the team members and the loud warning, one of the men turned his head unhurriedly.

The rest of them didn't seem to care about the arrival of Sen Luosi and his party at all, they still knelt on the bridge, bowed their heads devoutly towards the closed fortress gate in front of them, and muttered silently.

"Wait a minute, that person is..."

Seeing the man's rough face clearly through the wind and snow, Sen Luosi signaled his subordinates to stabilize their firepower, and strode towards him.

"Prince Kono?!"

This person was exactly what they couldn't find, the priest of Hakodate Hachiman Shrine, Kono Ichiro.

When the disaster prevention mobile team first arrived in Hakodate, they also went to Hakodate Hachiman Shrine for the first time to visit the local spirit eliminator who acted as a liaison.

It was the other party who kindly informed of the anomaly in the heavy snow and pointed out the location of the search and rescue camp, so that they could drive there with a sled in the first time and meet Araki Sousuke and his party.

Presumably, the other party also noticed the abnormality of the Goryokaku, so they brought people to guard here.

"Prince Kono...It's great to find you...Who are these?"

Quickly approaching Priest Kono, Sen Luosi saw clearly that the group of men behind the other party ranged from double-ten youths to white-haired old men...

No matter in terms of appearance and temperament, they were just ordinary men, all dressed in old-fashioned light onion and weaving feathers.

Men's and feather weaving, which were first called "clothing" and "ten virtues", were originally born because generals wearing armor on the battlefield needed extra clothing to keep out the cold...

Later, because of the convenience of putting on and taking off, it was once used as civilian dress and casual clothes in the Edo period, but it can only be seen on TV in modern times.

"What's going on here... are you guys..."

The men in ancient costumes in front of the old fortress almost made him think that he had strayed into the filming scene of a Dahe drama.


Kono Ichiro, who was also wearing light onion-colored weaving feathers, raised his index finger in front of his lips to signal Moroso to be quiet.

"As expected of the disaster prevention mobile team, they were able to find this place in the first time..."

He looked back at the thicker and thicker black beam of light above his head, and lowered his head with the men beside him in an unusually pious manner: "Since you are here, let's witness together."



In the next second, the tightly closed iron door made an ear-piercing rubbing sound, and slowly opened on its own...

Seeing this scene, the men's eyes were excited, and the whispers in their mouths became louder and louder.

As a result, Sen Luosi finally heard the silent words in their mouths...

"Tufang Religion, welcome to the New Year's Hall Chengshan Yifeng Layman!"

(End of this chapter)

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