Chapter 861 Same as before

"Aju is most afraid of the dark, she definitely doesn't want to be buried alone in the dark and cold woodland!"

Lying on the edge of the straw mat, guarding the petite body in it all night without sleep, the boy's tearful face was full of reluctance and pity: "No, I've decided, you stay at home..."

"With your favorite doll, and everyone... just like before!"

"Since it's the same as before... why is Yongji hyung crying so sadly?" 』

The days of "same as before" are not too long.

Injuries, wars, hunger, disasters, accidents, ghosts, ghosts...

In the world that Aju left before she had time to understand, there will always be too many such and such things that can make the warm faces in front of the altar disappear one by one.

"Aju, your puppet's hair has grown longer again, you must be possessed on it, right? That's great, let me comb it for you..."

"Aju, I heard that wars are going on all over the world, and the lunatics in the military are recruiting soldiers everywhere. Last night, the conscription order was posted on the door of the house."

"Aju, they said that if I don't serve in Sakhalin Island, I will kill everyone in the village."

In such a large family, unknowingly, only the boy from the beginning was left in front of the shrine and telling "new things" day and night.

"But once I leave, there will be no one in this house, and I can't take you with me... What should I do if a thief comes in?"

"Aju, are you finally going to separate from Brother Yongji? 』

Looking at Brother Yongji's face that has become thin and thin due to the vicissitudes of time, but always smiling and warm, Aju, who is dazed and hiding in the doll, felt the long-lost "pain" in his "heart" for the first time.

"Aju, I have already agreed with the abbot of Wannian Temple that you are safe here..."

"Besides, with the doll you love the most, you won't be lonely, and you don't have to be afraid of thieves coming in."

In Wannian Temple, in front of the altar, Yong Ji, who was dressed in military uniform, paid a little obeisance, and then left with the bald presided over his farewell.

"You have to be obedient and wait for brother to come back to pick you up."

"Aju, I will obediently wait for Brother Yongji to come back, no matter how long..."

This farewell is seven years.

"Aju, my brother is back and bought you a new kimono..."

"However, the host said that in your current state, it would be better to stay in Wannian Temple... Anyway, the house at home has collapsed for too long, and you can't live now..."

The one who returned to the temple was Brother Yongji who had gone through hardships and was far more vicissitudes than his actual age.

"Don't worry, my brother won't go to serve anymore, he will come to see you every day."

"Welcome back, Brother Yongji..."

Looking at this familiar face, the doll's stiff and cold ceramic face on the altar, the corners of the mouth are slightly arched, as if smiling happily.

"In the past seven years, Aju has been very good...not only learned to take care of herself, but also took care of many children like Aju! 』

The days with Brother Yongji were far warmer than before.

Although Aju couldn't make an expression, and couldn't "say" a word, it seemed to be back to the "before".

However, just like the "but" that always appears, the happy time is always short.

"Aju, the doctor said, my body is only a few days away... If I leave, you have to listen to the host... Even if people who don't know you are afraid of you, you don't have to mind too much."

"Look, there are now so many believers who come to pay homage to Aju, and entrust their most precious child to your care... Aju is no longer a little girl, you are now a big man who everyone can trust..."

"You must bless everyone who believes in you and loves you."

On that day, Yongjige's aging face disappeared in the wind and snow, never to be seen again.

Aju's only regret is that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't smile and say "thank you" and "good journey" to her.

"Miss Aju, as long as you recite the Buddha sincerely, one day, you will be blessed by the Buddha, who will take you to the other shore and reunite with Brother Ling."

Accompanied by Aju, only the old host, the old host and the old host who sit in front of the altar every day, chant sutras and worship the Buddha, grow old and disappear.


"No, Aju can't fall here...Aju promised Brother Yongji...Aju said with a stubborn expression."

At the head of the bridge south of Goryokaku, Aju's human-shaped stump slowly squirmed, struggling to piece it together.

"Aju, cheer up..."

"Don't even try to bully Aju!"

The black hair and incomplete dolls all around struggled to gather around, trying their best to protect her.

"It seems that the puppet you possess is unexpectedly fragile... She is a little girl who has never fought with anyone before, why bother to make enemies with us..."

Looking at the broken puppet ghosts and gods in front of him, Souji Okita, who was standing in the hail of bullets, sighed slightly, split Kaga Kiyomitsu in two, and slashed out with a sword without mercy!
"It's over, Miss Aju!"

"Brother Yongji, these years, Aju is lonely...Aju, I miss you so much..."

Looking at the sword light that came through everything in front of him like lightning, a line of blood and tears dripped down on the small snow-white half of Aju's humanoid ceramic face.

"Aju has always listened to protect everyone to the end...Aju said with a gratified expression."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At the same time, harsh sound waves sounded from the side of the moat...


Hearing this voice, the weak power of ghosts and gods in Aju's body vibrated.

"Aju doesn't know anything about wars, nor does she understand your world... But Aju knows that obedient children will be blessed by Buddha... Aju prayed with a devout expression."

"This is……"

Everyone followed the sound and saw a black and white heavy locomotive rising into the sky like a cheetah, crossing the moat, and rushing towards the arch bridge...

A vigorous figure leaped out from the back of the locomotive in mid-air, and jumped headlong towards Souji Okita and the dolls of Aju!
"Oh, is there another one to die?"

Glancing at the figure in mid-air, Souji Okita smiled slightly, and continued to hold Kaga Kiyomitsu in his hand towards the gradually recovering Aju doll.

Like the dozens of trash on the bridge, he couldn't feel the slightest "power" from the figure in the air.

"However, you have to line up."

As long as you kill the annoying puppet in front of you first, no one will be able to stop your progress!

For some reason, the smile on the corner of Okita Souji's mouth suddenly froze.


As if he had been stimulated by something, he twisted back in violation of the laws of physics, flew back tens of meters, and returned to the city gate...


At the same time, the figure in midair had landed in front of Aju's figure, where Okita Souji was originally standing.

"Hey, isn't it ashamed for a big man to bully a little girl with a knife?"

A black-haired man in winter clothes, with a blindfold slanted on his forehead, and a wooden knife in one hand, straddled the bridge in a "Slavic squat" posture.

The wooden knife in his hand sank straight into the stone bridge deck at some point, bringing out a large crack!

(End of this chapter)

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