I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 884 It's not a cocoon, it's a butterfly.

Chapter 884 It's not a cocoon, it's a butterfly.

"Hmph, since that's the case, I can only ask you to go on the road first, and the little girl will explore it by herself!"

Glancing apprehensively at the unmoving, upright coffin on the ground, the palm of the "shadow girl" who penetrated into Hiroshi Toda's body and wrapped around the heart began to slowly close...

"The one lying in the coffin of pagoda tree in Cao County in 666..."

At the same time, a voice as hoarse as rust rubbing against each other came out from the dark and lonely coffin: "...of course he is dead!"


Before the words were finished, a pale arm wrapped in a dark red gauntlet came out of the coffin at high speed, and grabbed the shadow girl...


Seeing that the situation was not good, the "Shadow Girl", who was already vigilant, shrank towards the ground very quickly, and disappeared into the shadow under Hiroshi Toda's feet.


As soon as the numbness in his whole body was relaxed, Hiroshi Tsuneda immediately fell to his knees, clutching his chest.


It wasn't until this moment that the heavy coffin board hit the ground next to him heavily...

"You are……"

In the coffin, a tall figure wrapped in dark red warrior armor slowly appeared in the eyes of Hiroshi Toda and the three fallen cultists.


Seeing the extremely familiar blood-red figure under the dust, Hiroshi Toda's eyes froze instantly...

What appeared in this coffin was the "Hundred Battle Bronze Corpse" that originally belonged to Tokimoto Ichiro and disappeared after the "Kato Enshang" incident, Cocoon!
"It's not 'cocoon', it's 'butterfly'!"

Two huge golden thunder gangs surged on its back, like the wings of a butterfly.

The voice was still there, and this slightly clumsy bronze corpse in the past turned into a dark red lightning in front of everyone's eyes...

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before Changtian Hiroshi turned his head, the shrill scream of "Shadow Girl" had already sounded in the cave!

The "cocoon" who didn't know when it stopped at the entrance of the cave was holding a mahogany sword covered with talisman paper...

And the half of the sword tip that exploded from the mahogany sword Thunder Gang was nailing the disembodied, crazily distorted "Shadow Girl" into the ground, causing it to be torn apart!

"What, the 'important clue' that President Shiben asked me to travel all the way to find it all by myself, turned out to be just a 'cocoon'..."

Although he escaped with his life because of the unexpected appearance of "Cocoon", Hiroshi Changtian only felt deep disappointment in his heart.

"But, when will 'cocoon' speak?"

Staring blankly at the mighty and domineering "Cocoon" standing with a sword in his hand, Hiroshi Tsuneda suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Wait...that thing is..."

His eyes fell through the broken and twisted glasses, and fell on something held by Yu Yu's other hand.

"cell phone?!"

That is impressive, it is a mobile phone that has been pinched to the point of distortion.

"Could it be that the person who called me was actually...but what about the 'important evidence' that was promised?!"

With the beating of sweat on his brow, a more bizarre conjecture gradually revealed a vague outline in Hiroshi Toda's chaotic brain.

"Why the disappointment on your face... There shouldn't be any clues, more important than the accusations from the 'victim' himself?"

Pulling out the mahogany sword from the "Shadow Girl" who was no longer moving, "Cocoon" slowly turned its head.

"The dress and stockings are good, Guangzhi! From the moment I met you nine years ago, this old man knew that you are someone worthy of entrustment..."

"Wait, there are various reasons..."

A pair of pale eyes looked at Hiroshi Toda with a frozen expression through the gap in the armor: "Without your help to complete this 'last step', the old man would not be able to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly and regain a new life today."

"What... you... you you you you... no, it's impossible... I clearly saw it with my own eyes..."

Hearing this hoarse and broken but extremely familiar tone, Tokita Hiroshi's vision was instantly blurred by the tears that rushed out.


Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Gunma Prefecture, Tone County.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, at an altitude of 2000 meters, the famous valley Chuanyue, which has the title of "one of the three major rock walls in Japan", is lying silently in the darkness.

Surrounded by mountains, dense forests and streams, a rectangular one-storey building about 30 meters long and three meters high looks so abrupt.

The old pure wooden exterior that may collapse at any time, the too sharp "A"-shaped steep roof at the central entrance, the dim and dark green lights...

Looking down from above, this strange building, like a ghostly green pupil in the darkness, is quietly watching the world.

Two figures, one tall and one short, wrapped in black robes, walked out of a black car with a black suitcase in hand, and stood in front of the door of this oozing building.

"A police officer, are you sure that the place that the cult has confessed to is this place where no birds lay eggs?"

Under the black hood, the girl with brown hair and green eyes, three-dimensional facial features asked in a low voice.

"Please, that surname reads 'two before'... By the way, since we have formed an alliance, we should have some basic trust in our allies, miss nun?"

The other man in black beside her was a man with tough features, a calm expression, and a flirtatious tone.

"Don't worry, those guys were almost killed by Xingping at that time, and they don't have the guts to tell lies."

Appearing in the middle of the night in the old forest deep in the mountains of Qunma County, the two men wearing black robes and acting suspiciously were none other than Ryoma and Niya, the nun specially appointed by the Vatican Inquisition before the second agent of the ninth lesson.

The reason why the two of them appeared here is from the "cult attack incident in the secret dormitory of female college students of Dongda University" not long ago...

In the "supernatural terrorist attack" incident, thanks to the help of a certain "important informant", Ryoma not only took the credit for the whole thing, but also covered up the opponent and detained several cult members in private.

According to the confessions of those cult members who were brutally tortured after being "arrested", in addition to advocating brainwashing theories such as "the end of the world" and "survival of the gods", the core control method of Aum Shinrikyo is to let the believers offer The "sacrifice" is given back with a "miracle" that allows people to master "divine power".

Those believers who took risks because of their desire for "power" and "evolution" and handed over their "sacrifices" like "voting certificates" have since then completely stood on the opposite side of "human society", and there is no turning back.

Because the "sacrifice" required by the Aum Shinrikyo is fresh human internal organs that have been refrigerated for no more than 48 hours after removal.

On weekdays, ordinary believers are not eligible to directly participate in the sacrifices, and can only hand in the sacrifices through the "God's Familiar" who is on duty that month, and they may not be able to obtain feedback "miracles".

But in recent days, the Aum Shinrikyo is calling believers from all over Japan to a "secret location" to join a "super-large sacrifice" that everyone can personally participate in.

(End of this chapter)

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