Chapter 939
"Dear viewers, as you can see, the person who attacked Unit [-] should be the culprit who caused the fire in the Otsuka area... Ahem, all in all, according to the 'holographic hidden energy field theory', this is a kind of 'hidden energy' in a plasma state field life form'...』

Amid Moto Oida's narration, dozens of fireballs sprang out from the surrounding burning buildings, passed by the place where the "No. [-]" drone was originally located, and entrenched in the sky above the Ghost Knight...

"Wait, the color, shape and quantity are too..."

These red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple "wild fires" that include all kinds of birds and beasts hide human faces with venomous expressions.

"Obviously, Ghost Rider's 'fire-fighting behavior' has attracted their attention! 』

With the "lessons learned from the past", the No. [-] drone can only stay in the distance, zoom in, and watch the "burning clouds" formed by will-o'-the-wisps turn into "heavy rain" and descend towards the Ghost Knight...

"The situation in Akihabara is not the same now. Will the ghost knight with three survivors choose to avoid the edge?" 』......

"Onimask-kun, according to the feedback from the drone, the grievance detection value of this group of ghost fires is very high, close to ten times that of the 'spider fires' in Akihabara! 』

On the Otsuka shopping street filled with fireworks, Araki Sosuke's helmet mask with a ghost face printed on it reflects the "fire rain" in the air that is glaring and hot...

"According to the ghost database in Lesson [-], we have preliminarily identified Remembrance Fire, Granny Fire, Qiang Qiang Fire, Sky Fire, Wild Fire..."

In the communication channel, Hou Hai Lu Dou is reporting various unheard of "dish names" at an exaggerated speed.

Human beings' fear of "fire" may be traced back to the "sky fire" caused by a lightning strike in prehistoric times.

For Japan, where fires are frequent, among the complicated legends of ghosts and ghosts, in terms of types and names, ghosts related to "fire" are definitely the most numerous.

In the dark age of ghosts walking at night, a gleam of fire in the wilderness is often not a residential house where you can stay, but a will-o'-the-wisp that brings bad luck.

"Hey, it's too complicated, please shorten it to less than [-] characters... Otherwise, before you finish reading the name, these guys will come to me!" 』

"In short, they are ghosts who like to appear in groups, hide strange faces in the fire, and are good at 'cursing' and 'burning'! 』

After listening to Hou Kai Lu Dou's "condensed brief introduction", Araki Sosuke had already placed three unconscious hostages on the ground beside him...

"In short, it was these guys who burned the entire Otsuka, right? 』

Facing the "fire and rain coming", he did not mean to "run away" at all, but looked eager to try.

"Jie jie jie jie... so many things were ignited... finally a spirit remover came to play with us!"

"That's right, let's see, have these guys made any progress in the past few hundred years?"

"It's a pity to be burned to death, why not let him swallow our 'miracle' and feel the joy of burning!"

Within a few words, the row of fireballs that landed in the front was already less than ten meters away from Sosuke Araki...

"The temperature of these guys is very high, and the flames they create are difficult to extinguish. I suggest you stay out of the way and bring the survivors to the responders first, and then..."

"Don't worry, if their combat strength is six thousand, mine is at least one hundred thousand... They are the ones who need to avoid the edge temporarily!" 』

Dragging behind Sousuke Araki, the "black wings" that were still devouring the smoke and embers suddenly spun 360 degrees at high speed...

"This, what is this?"

"Wind Control Technique?"

"Resentment... I can smell burning resentment in the wind!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, let him know the fate of playing with fire in front of the ghost fire..."

"Wait, this flame is... karma, karma fire?!"

Seemingly sensing something was wrong, the will-o’-the-wisps froze in mid-air, as if they wanted to disperse.

"Impossible, mere human beings, how can they control Karma!"

"Damn it, I managed to get out of that ghostly place... Ah!!!!"

But it was too late, on the Otsuka shopping street, a black tornado of fireworks rose into the sky, engulfing them all!
After a few seconds, the surrounding flames were sucked out, and the tornado slowly dissipated.

The originally scorching and dazzling "wisp group" in the sky disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The bright white light spots all over the sky drifted away with the wind, leaving only the "ghost knight" whose muscles and muscles were outlined exaggeratedly by the tights and the three people at his feet who were safe and sound.

"Great job, Oni-mask-kun... Survivors will have medical staff come and take over, please continue along the shopping street to Otsuka subway station at the 'center of the fire'..."

"By the way, the narrator said that the live barrage has reached its climax. I suggest that you pose in the direction of the drone with a cool pose!" 』

After the drone regained its vision and confirmed the current situation, Hou Hai Lu Dou's call sounded.

"Not quite right..."

"What, something's wrong? 』

However, Araki Sousuke ignored his instructions.

"Lu Dou, Miss Hanyu, what's going on? ! 』

He maintained the posture of "looking up at the sky", and his gaze stayed rigidly in the dots of fluorescent light above his head.

"Why, these guys are different from those in Akihabara..."

I've been dealing with Aum Shinrikai for so long, whether it's the "Women's Enemy Alliance", "The Bozhu Five", or the "Soil Spider" and "Spider Fire" in Akihabara...

The cultists who turned into ghosts all "lost their divine power" under his hands and returned to their original human appearance.

Most importantly, they are all still alive.

"Why didn't they get 'beaten back to human form', but directly became Buddhas?" ! 』

Right now, amidst the white light transformed by the "wild fire army" of all kinds, there are vaguely a few figures with hands clasped together, eyes closed and smiling.

This is the "soul essence particle restored after biomagnetic field resonance at the same frequency" that he is all too familiar with...

That is, the spiritual body after becoming a Buddha.

"Sleeper, don't think too much!The appearance of this phenomenon can only show that these will-o'-the-wisps are not incarnations of cultists, but 'native' ghosts they summoned. 』

In the communication channel, Mai Hanyu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly interrupted his thoughts: "Instead of wasting time thinking about these details, focus on the matter in front of you. During the few seconds you are in a daze, someone may be suffocated in the fire." ! 』

"I see, whether it's a cult or a ghost, leave it to me. 』

Stepping on the locomotive, he glanced at the rescue team in the rearview mirror who was rapidly entering the fire extinguishing area. Sosuke Araki turned the accelerator, dragged the "black wings" that covered the sky, and sprinted towards the "monstrous sea of ​​flames" ahead.


(End of this chapter)

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