I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 953 Stand up and call me

Chapter 953 Stand up and call me
"Thunder roared, splitting the clouds, before the rain that moistened the earth fell..."

"Eat me, until the wish is fulfilled, I will continue to sing, tears wet my cheeks."

Singing from far to near, a "giant ship" made of a wooden temporary stage for commercial activities, randomly spliced ​​with various tables, chairs and billboards appeared in Araki Sousuke's eyes along the rushing water.

"Just look up at the sky, the earth is getting wet bit by bit, tears of mercy"

"O wind, sing the praises, until the voice of singing is delivered to the god of rain."

On the dilapidated "giant ship", there were crowds of figures of different heights, short, fat, and thin, who were bathing in the rain devoutly and knelt down to the sky.

"Quick, quick, swallow me up, if it has to be someone"

"The earth is scorched and life is exhausted. Please save the suffering kappa. Please save, kappa, my lord!"

If you look carefully, you can see that they are kappa boys with different appearances, but with the same disc on their heads and turtle shells on their backs.

"Ghost-Mask Lord, pay attention, there are living people on that sampan!" 』

Sousuke Araki had just stopped and lowered his body when Atsukai and Lutou had already transmitted the footage captured by the drone.

On the dilapidated stage where "Freshly Squeezed Frog Juice Special Offer from Peru" was hung, more than a dozen people tied up with hemp ropes and struggling were surrounded by a kappa full of resentment and cruel eyes.

"I see, but..."

Lying on the transparent glass ceiling, Sousuke Araki's gaze fell on a group of Kappa the size of a thumb in front of the "giant ship".

"The following 'pocket version' kappa, do people care a little bit? 』

While other kappa glanced greedily at the surrounding buildings, this group of "miniature kappa" still closed their eyes intently and sang hard.

"The image comparison has been turned on, don't shake your head... Yes, this should be 'Lang Xiaoseng', a petite kappa in Shizuoka prefecture who is good at praying for rain.The heavy rain near Sugamo is probably caused by these guys. 』

Wisps of resentment are rising from the mouth of "Little Monk Lang", pouring into the dark and thick clouds.

"Besides, the one with the same bamboo pole should be 'Gakapa', and the short and shapely one is 'Zhengji Kappa'..."

Gakapa is a kappa with a thin body and long hands and long legs in the legend of Amami Oshima.

Masakichi kappa is a kind of strong kappa who likes to find someone to sumo by the river, which is popular in Hita County, Oita Prefecture.

Through the camera in Araki Sousuke's helmet, Atsukai Ludou continuously searched for similar existences in Lesson [-] and the association's "ghost database".

"Ghost-Mask-kun, you have to be quicker and quicker.The kappa should be good at water, if they take the hostages into the water and escape separately, it will be troublesome...』

"Can you be more straightforward...Leave it to the most straightforward man in Japan." 』

Seeing the "giant ship" getting closer and closer, Sousuke Araki, who was lying on the glass ceiling and letting the rain wash away, slowly and silently propped up his strong body...

"Quack... I'm so hungry... I can't get enough just by drinking water."

On the "giant boat", Gakapa, who is the exact opposite of Nalang's monk, is 1.5 meters tall and [-] meters long, staring hungrily at an obese middle-aged man who is tied up at his feet.

"May I first..."

The stench of saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth, merging with the torrential rain above his head to form a "waterfall".

And the middle-aged man at its feet was already foaming at the mouth amidst the stench and panic, unconscious.

"Impossible! Lord River God has an order, you have to take it back as a 'container' if you don't die, even if you kill it secretly!"

At the bow of the boat, a "Little Monk Lang" who was begging for rain refused without looking back: "We who are lucky enough to drive the 'Kappa Maru' out to patrol the river must grab more 'containers' to go back to be worthy of the river." Lord God's trust!"

"That's right, don't forget, there are thousands of kappa looking forward to relying on the 'container' to escape from that hot and waterless purgatory!"

"Hey, as long as there are a few more 'Langling monks', Edo can be restored to the appearance of the 'Water City', and human beings can recall the reverence they should have for the 'Nine Thousand Clan'!"

On the side, a few "Zhengji Kappa", who are as tall as a hill, also echoed in a low voice.

"Stop arguing, those 'sneaking' guys disappeared near the house in front of them, go and have a look."

As the "Kappa Pills" moved forward slowly, one of the "Little Monk Lang" pointed to a shop on one side.

"Quack, the water smells like fresh blood, those guys must be stealing!"

"Unforgivable, you didn't tell me..."

Several Gakapa and Zhengji kappa hurried to the side of the boat, ready to jump into the water...

"Be careful, it's too quiet around here. Besides, the suspicious sound came from here, maybe there are outsiders..."


Above the head, the glass shed was crackled by the rainstorm, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of shattering.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, if there is really an outsider, I only hope he is right..."

A Gacapa who was smiling wickedly looked up subconsciously.

"...tight buttocks?!"

Wrapped in a tight black leather jacket, a stiff round object fell like a shooting star amidst the glass slag, obscuring its entire vision!


When the other Kappa came back to their senses from the violent shaking of the "Kappa Maru", a black figure with bulging muscles had landed in the center of the violently shaking deck, kneeling on one knee in front of the group of "containers" who were tied up...

"The 'outsider' you are looking for... wait, this smell, vomit... it should be the next..."

Under his buttocks, there is also a tall and thin kappa with a white body, several fragments, and clasped hands.


"Gakapa... ascended, ascended to heaven..."

Seeing that companion's body shattered into white light and floated into the sky, the eyes of the kappa around him became extremely frightened.

"He has a flat chest, so he's not a witch... There's no sword on his waist, so he's not a samurai... Could this guy be an Onmyoji?"

"No, look at his hairless head, he must be a monk!"

"I don't know, what kind of monk, that's a pocket!"

"Quack, stop arguing... These are not important! The important thing is that there are more kappa than humans now..."

After realizing that their side was superior in numbers, their eyes returned to their original sly and cruel eyes.

"That's right, first smash him into a pulp and then disembowel him, then you will know what it is!"

Just when several "Zhengji Kappa" swayed their burly bodies like hills and rushed towards the "ghost knight"...

"Stand up and call me."

The words with correct accent and full of enthusiasm resounded from the other party's waist.

Then, under the incomparably horrifying gazes of the group of kappas, the super-giant black arm, which is wider than the entire "Kappa Maru", stretched from the back of the "Black Monk" from left to right...

(End of this chapter)

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