I'm really unnerved in Tokyo

Chapter 959 The Original Sin That Doesn't Exist

Chapter 959 The Original Sin That Doesn't Exist
"Hey, the warning from the information team... the camera at Nishi-Nippori Station lost contact?!"

Suddenly, one of the densely packed monitoring screens on the secondary screen on the side of Hou Hai Lu Dou suddenly turned into a snowflake.

"Trying to retrieve the remaining data..."

Hou Hailudou clicked on the window very quickly and called up the last video uploaded by the lost camera.

"Finally found you, target code, black train!"

In the playback video, a dark and quaint giant train rushed straight into the narrow underground station, and the platforms on both sides deformed and shattered...

"Is this the train that carried the "Hyakki Picture Scroll" and created ghosts all over Tokyo? I thought the appearance would be a little more terrifying, but it's also possible that ordinary cameras can't capture the 'original appearance'..."

Looking at the "unremarkable" train with a sense of age in this surveillance video, Hou Hailudou shuddered while switching the cameras along the way to try to track the target, and at the same time called the nearest group of mobile troops: "Nippori Mobile team, under Nishi-Nippori Station, witnessed the target 'black train' passing through the station, the speed is very fast, trying to track... Please report the current ground situation..."

"Nippori mobile team received it.The last group of people in the nearby area are being evacuated. No abnormality has been observed on the ground, and we will pay close attention to it... OVER. "

The mobile group, located near Nippori, which was performing the task of evacuating the people, immediately gave feedback.

『Reporting that a group of refugees, most of them women and children, were found near the Nippori Mobile Group [-] station and are being evacuated. 』

"The headquarters received it, please be vigilant and keep the communication smooth..."

"Ma'am, please turn in this direction... Wait, what are you doing, if it is to thank you, there is no need for such a thing..."

"Sorry, we are on a mission now, please pay attention to your behavior, otherwise I will take coercion... Oh, it is not allowed there!"Zizizizizi...」

However, the communication on the mobile team was suddenly interrupted after it became extremely noisy.

"Mobile group two...Mobile group two?The communication between the information group and the mobile group is abnormal, it seems to be attacked by a ghost, please try to confirm the situation...』

"Received, we are searching through the nearby security cameras...'Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street' crossing monitoring has confirmed the whereabouts of the second mobile group, and the picture will be shared immediately..."

Looking from the surveillance camera, the "Second Mobile Group" in black combat uniforms and armed with live ammunition was dutifully walking down the street quickly, guiding the people behind them into the shopping mall building in the shopping street.

『Scared me, isn’t this a good evacuation mission? Is the communication interrupted because of an abnormal signal? 』

Looking at the "everything as usual" mobile group in the picture, Hou Hailudou wiped his forehead.

"Command, something is wrong!That shopping mall building is not the planned 'gathering and evacuation point'!Calling the surveillance permission confirmation inside the building...』

He was just about to continue tracking the black train, the information group on the other side of the channel, but noticed something unusual.

With the continuous switching of the monitoring screen, a shocking picture appeared in front of everyone.

"According to the monitoring in the shopping mall, not only the second mobile group, but even the public have behaved abnormally, and it is suspected that their minds have been manipulated..."

In the open hall on the ground floor of the shopping mall, the mobile team and the public who entered first were standing in a row, slowly removing their clothes with a confused expression...

The person who was already naked knelt on the cold floor, facing the empty place in the center of the hall, and knelt down with a blushing face.

"What are they kneeling down for? There is obviously nothing there... no, it should be something that cannot be captured by conventional cameras... When it's over, I know where the 'black train' passes by, and there is nothing good..."

Seeing this worsening and indescribable picture, Hou Hailudou switched to the encrypted channel again, and called someone who didn't say a word: "Hey, Mr. Ghost Mian, now is not the time to play the 'dumb game', Xi Over there at Hippori...』

"I see, the guy I'm chasing seems to be heading in that direction too! 』

Araki Sousuke, who had been silent all this time after listening to Atsukai Ludou's narration, finally responded.

"Phew, that's good... By the way, were you sulking for something before?" 』

After finally getting a confirmation reply from the other party, Hou Hailu Dou finally settled down with a hanging heart: "Let's say it first, the person who asked you to wear this airtight, non-waterproof and bulging tights is not..."

"It's me... the one who made him wear this airtight tights, and the one who sulks, is me. 』

Mai Hanyu, who had been silent all this time, took over the conversation in the encrypted channel: "Sleeper, please focus on the task at hand."No matter what opinion you have, feel free to come to me afterwards.Whether you want to complain or this or that, I will accept everything...』

"Ahem, what about this and that, don't always use some ambiguous words to confuse the most important content..."

On the other end of the communication, Araki Sousuke's tone became flustered for a moment, then became low again: "Miss Hanyu, when you were in Otsuka Shopping Street, you noticed the abnormality of these so-called 'ghosts', right? 』

"Hmph, how could the abnormality as obvious as that between the legs of the tights be hidden from the eyes of this genius... Judging from the past observation records, you have corrected the "hidden energy field entanglement" in your body by "resonance at the same frequency" 'The cultists, in addition to some mental abnormalities, their body functions will return to the normal state 'before entanglement'. 』

"So, the previous 'ghosts' who were restored to human spirits after I 'eliminated spirits' were just like what the old Kappa man said, they were all summoned using living humans as 'retaining containers', right? ! 』

"That's right, from the observation phenomenon of 'transformation of hidden energy field life forms into human soul particles', this point can basically be confirmed. 』

Facing Araki Sousuke's continuous questioning, Hanyu Mai calmly confirmed each one.

"So, you are afraid that I will feel guilty, so you deliberately avoided these facts, and you want to blame yourself for the original sin of 'murder', right? ! 』

For the first time in his life, Sousuke Araki roared angrily at the "superior boss": "It's too contemptuous to protect me like a child!" ! ! ! 』

"As long as these people who play with people's lives can disappear from this world, it doesn't matter whether they go to jail, become ghosts, or fall into hell... I don't care if I bear all the crimes alone!" 』

"Heh heh heh heh, I admit, your awareness is very good, beyond my expectation!Unfortunately, there is no original sin in this matter, and no one needs to bear it...』

Hanyu Wu's sneer, as usual, interrupted someone's rant, and monopolized the encrypted communication channel: "Although it is not yet possible to draw a conclusion on whether the 'correction standard' is based on the subjective or objective material world...but , after the state of 'hidden energy field entanglement' was corrected, the target did not recover its original bodily functions, which can only explain one thing... As the old kappa man said, the moment those people become containers and possessed by ghosts, they are already dead. 』

"What you have done is nothing more than to restore their souls bound in the corpses to particle elements and return to the natural circulation of the energy world.Isn't that what you 'The Exorcists' have been doing? 』

"In this case, even if it is to commemorate these dead, I must let go of my hands and feet... The ghost knight has arrived in Nishi Nippori. 』

After the encrypted communication was quiet for more than ten seconds, Araki Sousuke seemed to have "digested" what she just said.

"Hehehehe, it's time for some old antiques to experience the horror of the 'Heisei Abandoned House'. 』

Amidst the sullen sneer, the roar of the locomotive at the other end of the communication became more restless.

(End of this chapter)

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