The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 253 Reject the villain script

Chapter 253 Reject the villain script
Xiao Yi responded to An Chen with a teleportation sneak attack.He punched An Chen's handsome face directly.

An Chen obviously didn't expect Xiao Yi to come like this, and he was directly sent flying 20 meters.

An Chen who was beaten into the air looked serious, not because he was hit, but because he didn't understand why Xiao Yi did this suddenly.

While the success rate of a sneak attack is important, so is the timing.An Chen didn't understand why Xiao Yi chose to conduct a surprise attack here.

In fact, even if Xiao Yi succeeded in sneak attacking ten times, Xiao Yi in this state would not be able to cause substantial damage to An Chen.

It's so incomprehensible.Wouldn't it be better to use the surprise sneak attack at the end?

An Chen searched his whole body subconsciously, he thought that a person like Xiao Yi would not come here out of nowhere.

Seeing An Chen's actions, Xiao Yi smiled and said, "You don't need to look it up, you'll understand right away."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi glanced at Lin Ling, and began the second transformation for the first time in his life.

【audience seats】

"Hey, why is it a tiger?"

"That's right, it's actually worse than Du Jun."

"That's right, I didn't expect Huo Dalong's dragon to lose to a tiger."

"No, this tiger looks so strange!"

"Look, that tiger has wings!"

"This is called wings? Haven't you seen the battle flag of the angel group? The reason why wings are called wings is because they resemble chicken legs."

"What do you know, look at Yiming's malnourished bamboo pole, his wings are also malnourished."

"It's all because of love!"

"What's the matter with love?"

"Since ancient times, I have been haggard for Yixiao. It must be because I keep fighting with Du Jun for women, so I am so tired."

"Oh~~ That's why Du Jun also looks like a ghost."

So the second new song "Thin Because of Love" was officially released.

An Chen & An Yan: "Qong Qi!"

Although it is somewhat different from Qiongqi in the Plane Encyclopedia, it is not difficult to draw this conclusion by combining all the collected information.

The faces of the little angel brothers and sisters were extremely ugly. Stealing the remnant soul of the evil beast was already too much, but it was the most vicious remnant soul that was stolen!
This thing has definitely exploded!

"Qongqi, isn't this a beast that is said to be very bad?"

Lin Ling searched in her mind for a while before finding the information she wanted to match.

"That's right, strange woman, this is the end for you, if it's the remnants of other evil beasts, maybe there is still room for turning around.

But if it is Qiongqi, this is impossible!Do you know how many people our Dugu family sacrificed to destroy it? "

An Yan spoke faster and faster, and her tone became more and more excited.She really hoped that the blame woman could understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Then let me ask you, can the matter be resolved by going back with you? Don't tell me yes, I don't believe it. In fact, it's because you can't completely control it, so now Xiaoyi is bound to this thing ?"

After Lin Ling and Wu Wuwu's unremitting efforts, Ji Breast finally told them about Dugu Bubaixing's forbidden area.

So even if no one is willing to tell Lin Ling in detail, Lin Ling knows a lot.

Hmph, you bunch of ignorant humans, you really think the news is airtight.

"Yes, we can't control it, but you can't!"

The anxious An Yan didn't think about why Lin Ling knew this matter so well, she only hoped that she and Xiao Yi would agree to go back to the plane system with her.

"In the first two steps that really don't work, I will definitely go to you honestly. But, before that, I also hope that you can give us a chance. Why do you think Xiaoyi can't do it just because you are Qiongqi ?”

Lin Ling thought she was very objective.

"Of course the opportunity can be given to you, but it must be under the monitoring of the plane system, otherwise it will be too late if something happens!"

An Yan felt that she had already given in very much, so this strange woman could always agree.

"Don't be naive. So what if you agree? Even if your lonely family agrees, so what? The plane system is not run by your family, can you control other people? We are in, the real thing butchered."

Lin Ling felt that she and Xiao Yi might not even be a P in front of the plane system.

If they go back as they are now, Lin Ling will instinctively be played to death by the unspoken rules of the organization. If they really want to die, of course they will choose to be tossed to death by themselves.

This is a plot that Lin Ling often sees in many hot-blooded comics. He went into a certain research institute with full expectations, but the one who greeted him was...

In the end, the kind and innocent boy who had unlimited hope became the villain.

Now that you know this kind of script, of course you can avoid it if you can.Unless the plane system shows sincerity, she won't go in easily.

"But, "

An Yan obviously wanted to continue persuading her.

"Don't worry, even if we go in, we still have to do things like finding a solution, so is it possible that the plane system can send people to help us do this kind of thing with all our heart?
Therefore, even if we go in, there will be one more routine inspection.Who do you think can do this kind of thing better than Yunliu? "

Lin Ling used her trump card directly, she did not believe that An Yan would question her future husband's ability.

"Of course, in this respect, Yunliu is the best."

Although An Yan understood that this strange woman was deceiving her, but because of Yunliu's reputation, she couldn't let this strange woman talk nonsense.

"Isn't that good? Don't worry about it. Let's watch the game."

Finally, Lin Ling, who had finally made sense of An Yan's little stubbornness, finally shifted her attention to the martial arts stage.

At this time, the two of them have obviously entered the third stage and started to work hard.

During the fight between the two sides, An Chen's face became more and more ugly.

Why did Xiao Yi's boxing style become so strange.Let yourself be completely confused, but his attacks will always be seen through by him.


When it comes to seeing through, An Chen can't help but think of Yunliu before.But how could Xiao Yi have the ability of Yunliu?
"What did you do to me with that punch just now?"

After An Chen thought about it, this was the only possibility.Although he didn't quite believe it, what could be done with such a painless punch.

"I didn't do anything, I just gave you something."

That's right, the reason why Xiao Yi made a surprise attack just now was because he was almost ready, so he injected the luck of this plane into An Chen's soul.

As for what?

Remember the luck prediction method discussed by Lin Ling and Xiao Yi in the last days?

By establishing a luck connection with the opponent, the simulated plane predicts a person's future direction.

Of course, whether it is the amount of luck or the ability to handle luck, Xiao Yi can't compare with the world consciousness.

But no matter how bad Xiao Yi is, it is still possible to predict a person's movements in the next few seconds through one-on-one luck contact.

Before, the reason why Xiao Yi couldn't use this trick was because he couldn't establish a connection with others.

But in this plane, Xiao Yi learned Lao Niu's Soul Dreaming, and using this external martial art, Xiao Yi finally successfully completed his primary system of fighting luck.


The well-informed An Chen quickly detected the foreign creatures in his body.It's just that his brows frowned even tighter.

Because he couldn't get rid of such things as luck.

In fact, if luck can really be manipulated by them, then do members still need to work so hard on the task?

(End of this chapter)

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