Shenhao starts from system downtime

Chapter 1507 Magical Girl

Chapter 1507 Magical Girl
After Robert Iger introduced Lin Qian's identity, all the guests on the open-air viewing platform soon knew that a super rich man from China had come to the reception today, and for the next half hour, Lin Qian was always In the state of constantly exchanging business cards.

When exchanging greetings with the elites of major Wall Street investment banks, bank executives, etc., Lin Qian only had four words to explain the purpose of his trip to the United States, and that was the inspection project. As for the entertainment company Danke He never mentioned the matter of the media preparing to go public in the United States.

However, Lin Qian believed that the news of his sudden appearance at the New York reception today would soon reach the ears of domestic investors.

The news that Eggshell Media is about to go public in the United States has been widely circulated in the financial circle of China Overseas in the past two months, but the official of Eggshell Media has never given a clear answer to this news. Can't help but make many investors who are greedy for the big piece of meat of Eggshell Media anxious.

However, what Lin Qian and Li Xiaoman wanted was precisely this result. The more concerned and eager these investors were, the more beneficial it would be for Eggshell Media to make a higher valuation in the future. So Lin Qian went to the United States this time, Appearing at a reception that gathered many elites from Wall Street is to send a definite signal to domestic investors that Eggshell Media is indeed planning to list on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.

Otherwise, why did Lin Qian, the chairman of Eggshell Media, suddenly go to the United States at this critical moment?

Otherwise, why did Lin Qian, the chairman of Eggshell Media, suddenly meet with Disney Group CEO Robert Iger at this time?

Youdao is the most deadly intangible brain supplement, and what Lin Qian and Li Xiaoman want is for domestic investors to brain supplement themselves, so that they can think that Lin Qian has already booked a share with the Wall Street investment banks in advance, so that Let them feel a little more sense of urgency.

At the same time, apart from the investment institutions in the China Overseas Financial Circle, Lin Qian and Li Xiaoman also targeted many investment institutions on Wall Street in New York.

In recent years, with the growing strength of Huaxia, more and more investment institutions around the world have begun to shift their focus of investment to Huaxia. Therefore, there is a thousand threads between the financial circle of Zhonghai and the financial circle of Wall Street in New York. Lin Qian and Li Xiaoman believe that the news that Danke Media is about to go public in the United States will soon reach the ears of some investors on Wall Street in New York.

Today's Eggshell Media ranks No. 1 in China's media industry.

Film and television investment, film and television operation, artist brokerage, record production, variety show production, entertainment marketing, new media Internet, MCN...

It can be said that today's eggshell media, except for the field of film and television distribution, basically covers all other fields, and each field is a leader in its own field.

In addition, Lin Qian is also the largest shareholder of Mei ONE and YG Entertainment. If these two companies are officially assigned to Danke Media as subsidiaries before Danke Media goes public, then the value of Danke Media will definitely increase again. promote.

If such a high-quality company goes public, its share price will surely rise, thus bringing extremely rich returns to investors.

Investors on Wall Street, although they appear to be well-dressed and polite on the surface, are actually hungry wolves. If such an investment project is almost [-]% sure to make money, if they know about it, how could they easily Let go.

Killing two birds with one stone, this was Lin Qian and Li Xiaoman's plan.

In fact, every company will use all means to promote the company's marketing before going public, in order to make the valuation as high as possible, because only the higher the valuation of the company, the equity in the hands of their shareholders will be higher. more valuable.


Lin Qian chatted with these investment bank elites and bank executives from Wall Street for more than half an hour, then he found an excuse and walked out of the crowd.

At this moment, the sky has completely darkened.

Lin Qian stood in front of the metal railing of the open-air viewing platform, looking at the bright lights of New York. At this moment, he seemed to finally understand why New York was not called the city that never sleeps. Looking down from a high place, the scene was indeed very spectacular.

Surrounded by the crowd just now, Lin Qian was a little bored. Standing here, he took a few deep breaths of fresh air one after another, and he gradually relaxed.

In the distance, the central location of the open-air viewing platform has become an open-air dance floor, and many people are dancing on the dance floor.

Lin Qian was not surprised by this, because in his opinion, it would be surprising if there was no dance floor at the reception in the West.


"You are Mr. Lin Qianlin, right?"

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Just as Lin Qian was holding the champagne and looking at the scenery, a pleasant female voice suddenly rang out behind his ears.

Lin Qian looked back when he heard the sound, and when he saw clearly who was standing behind him at this moment, a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

Emma Watson!
The girl standing behind Lin Qian at this moment was none other than Emma Watson, who played the role of Hermione in the "Harry Potter" series of movies since she was a child!
Today's Emma Watson is wearing a pure white evening dress. The one-shoulder style reveals her delicate collarbone; the waist cut sets off her slender waist; the slim fishtail skirt, It makes its classical and elegant temperament more outstanding.

However, what attracted Lin Qian's attention the most about Emma Watson was her exquisitely beautiful face that seemed to be less than the size of a palm, with clear and distinct facial features. , nose, and corners of mouth are all pointed, and her face is small and exquisite but not angular. At this time, with her exquisite makeup and those red lips, she is really beautiful.

From the perspective of appearance alone, Emma Watson is indeed very good at fighting, even barely comparable to Audrey, who is the most beautiful Western girl in Lin Qian's mind, but if you look at it as a whole, Emma Watson Audrey's figure is far worse than that of Audrey. Whether it is height or measurements, Audrey can kill Emma Watson in seconds.

But even so, it is still hard to deny the beauty of Emma Watson. If coupled with the filters of her Hollywood actress and Harry's model Magical Girl Hermione, it is enough to give her a score of more than 95 in Lin Qian's heart Evaluation.

Looking at Emma Watson in front of him, Lin Qian sized him up generously. At the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly remembered when the two met each other...

(End of this chapter)

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