Shenhao starts from system downtime

Chapter 697 Unveiling Ceremony

Chapter 697 Unveiling Ceremony
ten o'clock in the morning.

In the huge multi-functional studio, the unveiling ceremony of the Orphanage Project of the Lin Charity Foundation officially began.

Countless media came to the scene, and countless guests were invited.

The first to appear is Yang Rui, the project manager of the orphanage project of the Lin Charity Foundation. As a top student who graduated from the Psychology Department of the School of Social Sciences of Huaqing University, Yang Rui has an intellectual temperament. With the background of temperament, Yang Rui looks graceful on the stage.

On such an occasion as today, Yang Rui has two roles. He is not only the host of the unveiling ceremony, but also the explainer who introduces the orphanage project in detail to the media and guests.

100 orphanages!
Invest 86000 million in charity!
Improve the living environment of nearly ten thousand orphans!
Accompanied by Yang Rui's host explanation, numbers came out of her mouth one by one, and photos flashed on the huge LED screen behind her.

The entire scene was silent, and all the media and guests who didn't know the inside story had shocking expressions on their faces at this moment.

No one expected that in just two months, the Lin Charity Foundation would make such a big noise again without making a sound.

Everyone is clearly aware of what is behind this project and how far-reaching it will be in the future.

"Although the number of orphans rescued by the orphanage is much less than the number of students educated by Hope Primary School, the meanings of the two are completely different. What Hope Primary School can make up for those children is only the lack of education, but the Orphanage Those children belong to a complete family!"

"As far as I can tell, the orphanage project of the Lin Charity Foundation is not inferior to the Hope Primary School project some time ago. This is another important project that can change our Huaxia child welfare system!"

An old man in the guest seat couldn't hide the excited expression on his face, and he kept expressing emotion in his mouth, and the people around him also nodded in agreement with the old man's words.

At the end of Yang Rui's explanation, there was already an uproar at the scene.

As for the many media who came to the scene, they seemed to be sharks smelling blood at this moment. The laziness that was still there disappeared in an instant at this moment, and they all looked at the front of the stage intently.

"Next, I would like to invite Comrade Ge Zhengwei to give a speech for the unveiling ceremony of the Lin's Charity Foundation Orphanage Project!"

After the first project explanation session was completed, the speech session came next, and Ge Zhengwei was the one who delivered the speech first.


After everyone at the scene heard Yang Rui's words, there was an even bigger uproar than before.

"Fuck, brother, did I just hallucinate? I actually said that the host said that the speaker is waiting?"

"Brother, you heard me right, the one who will speak later is the one!"

"The face of the Lin's Charity Foundation is too great to be able to invite you to give a speech. Don't blame the brother for being uneducated, I can only say that you are awesome and respect first!"

"It's not that the Lin's Charity Foundation has a big face, but because the Lin's Charity Foundation has indeed achieved such a project that benefits the country, the people, and future generations. It is understandable to deliver a speech in person!"


Many media reporters at the scene were whispering to each other, but with Ge Zhengwei taking the stage, the scene soon became quiet again.

Before and after Ge Zhengwei came to the stage, he took out the speech manuscript written for him in advance by the office of the ministry and began to read it. Given Ge Zhengwei's current position, the speech would naturally not be mixed with any personal subjective will. From the perspective of the country.

Such a speech was undoubtedly boring, but there was no noise at the scene. About ten minutes later, Ge Zhengwei's speech ended, and Li Xiaoman, the vice chairman of Lin's Charity Foundation, took the stage to replace Ge Zhengwei.

Compared with Ge Zhengwei's official speech, although Li Xiaoman's speech is also very official, compared with Ge Zhengwei's, it undoubtedly lacks a lot of rules and regulations. The main content is the future assistance work of the Lin's Charity Foundation for this orphanage project.

"For these 100 or even more orphanages in the future, our Lin's Charity Foundation will always implement the principle of helping to the end. Depending on the size of the orphanage, we will send daily supplies to the orphanage every week, including but not limited to Rice noodle oil, pork, beef, mutton, flowers, fruits and vegetables, etc. At the same time, we will launch a children's rescue program to help those orphans suffering from diseases to treat..."

Li Xiaoman gave a speech as usual, wearing a red business suit for women, her words were cadenced and full of passion, and she narrated the future plans of Lin's Charity Foundation to the guests and media at the scene.

Lin Qian in the audience, he was sitting in the center of the front row, with a gentle and approachable smile on his face all the time.

"Xiaolin, won't you give a speech later?"

Ge Zhengwei, who was sitting next to Lin Qian, asked Lin Qian in a low voice.

"Old Ge, I don't like showing my face very much, so this kind of showing is usually done by my deputy."

Lin Qian smiled and explained to Ge Zhengwei in a low voice.

"It's all about brushing your clothes and hiding your merits and fame. Xiaolin, I didn't expect you to have such a state at such a young age. There are many people in this world who are deeply involved in this name, even at the edge of their swords. But you are in this world. It’s amazing to be able to see through falsehood at such a young age!”

Ge Zhengwei looked at Lin Qian with admiration again, and his words were full of emotion.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the reason why Lin Qian resisted being famous so much was because being famous would affect his future games. However, Lin Qian didn't correct Ge Zhengwei's misunderstanding. He just smiled modestly and didn't care. explain what.

Compared with Ge Zhengwei's speech, Li Xiaoman's speech was longer, but in Li Xiaoman's speech, there were less falsehoods and more dry goods. After the future plans of various Lin's charitable foundations were uttered in her mouth, It will always cause bursts of exclamation from many media and guests in the audience.

10 minutes later, Li Xiaoman finished his speech.

And after Li Xiaoman finished his speech, the speech session ended, ushered in the last part of the unveiling ceremony, everyone will jointly take off the iron door plates that will be hung in front of [-] orphanages across the country.

In this final link, Lin Qian still didn't make an appearance, but Li Xiaoman and Ge Zhengwei, under the flashing lights of the media reporters like a waterfall, took down the red silk covering the iron doorplate.

So far, the whole unveiling ceremony has come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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