my girlfriend is bad lady

Chapter 209 209 New Year in Iwate Prefecture: Collective Action (6)

Chapter 209 209. New Year in Iwate Prefecture: Collective Action (6)

Watanabe branch has gone out, the house is empty and no one is there.

"You rest for a while, and I'll light the stove."

"Okay." Kiyono Rin nodded, put the tomato on the table, lifted the quilt and sat in.

Watanabe Che put Fukujinzuke into the kitchen, took firewood, and lit the stove.

This stove is made of tinplate and is placed in the living room with a chimney connected to it. It is usually used to warm the fire, bake sweet potatoes, bake bread, and keep boiling water warm.

Watanabe Che took a piece of wood in his hand and planed the firewood in the stove to make sure there was enough oxygen.

Looking at the light of the fire, Watanabe Che said reminiscently:
"When it snows, I can sit around this stove all day. Sometimes I put sweet potatoes, taro or potatoes in it, and the skin is burnt, and the outermost layer of meat inside becomes a crust, and I bite it down. , don't mention how happy you are."

"Hearing what you said, I want to try it." Kiyono Rin looked at his side face that was dyed red by the fire, "When will it snow?"

"It's early, at least at the end of January."

"Iwate Prefecture and Hokkaido are only separated by Aomori Prefecture. Even if it is not as cold as Hokkaido, it should snow early."

"It's like this in other places in Iwate Prefecture." Che Watanabe put the firewood in his hand, and took another firewood in his hand, "but Misawa Village is a very special place."


In front of the stove, Watanabe Che, who was holding firewood, said in a reminiscent tone:

"It was 16 years ago, a hydrangea blooming season"

"You're lying again." Kiyono Rin said firmly.

"You should wait until I finish."

"Anyway, it's narcissism again. The reason why Sawamura is special is because of the basin?"

"Maybe, maybe it has something to do with being close to the sea, who knows." Watanabe Che didn't care about this kind of thing at all, the fire that was going to be extinguished in front of him was much more important than geography.

There was a moment of silence in the living room.

"It's turned off?" Kiyono Rin asked.

"Wait." Watanabe Che raised his hand with a serious face, "It's not time to admit defeat yet."

"Then I'll give you another five minutes."

What 1 minute?Of course it's the countdown to ridicule!

Watanabe Che knelt on the tatami, blowing on the stove.

Under his powerful lung capacity, the black firewood barely emitted a little spark, but as soon as the breath stopped, the spark immediately went out.

"Is it alright?"

".That's fine, let's laugh."

Kiyono Rin rested his index finger on his chin, and pondered: "I'll give you another chance."

"Please speak." Watanabe Che made a gesture of listening.

"About failure, I once said a word, if you can say it, I won't laugh at you."

"Pushkin's "Before failure, there is no master, in the face of failure, everyone is a mortal"? "

"It's just an excuse for your own sophistry."

""Many runners fail in the last few steps"? "

"I'm not interested in Socrates."

"What is that! I thought of it!" Watanabe Che clapped his hands.


"Tagore once said that mistakes cannot withstand failure, but truth is not afraid of failure!"

"Don't think that moving out Tagore can save you, or do you only know Tagore?" Kiyono Rin shot his cold gaze at Watanabe Che, "Have you forgotten what I said at that time?"

"How come? I remember it clearly."

"You are."

"I told you I didn't forget."

"So you were pretending to be stupid just now?"

"Yes." Watanabe Che decisively admitted his mistake.

"Tell me."

"'There is a problem that can be overcome, it is a very pleasant thing', isn't that the sentence?"

Watanabe Che looked over proudly, but only saw Kiyono Rin's cold face.

"No?" he asked in surprise.

"It's the previous sentence." Kiyono Rin's voice was cold.

"Ah, ah ah ah! Thinking about it, it turned out to be 'I'm not the kind of person who has to do everything to succeed at once"

"Watanabe-san, as a villager, such a simple thing as lighting a fire is difficult"

"R-san, R-san! Don't say it, really! I already know that I was wrong, if there is a hole, I will go in immediately!"

Having lost the dignity of a peasant, lost the memory challenge, and lost face, Watanabe launched a second attack on the stove.

When the fire in the stove started to burn, Miki Yuki happened to come down from upstairs.

She wore a red baseball uniform and blue jeans, youthful and beautiful, easy to move around.

"Tomato?" Yuuki Miki noticed the tempting tomato on the table, reached out to pick it up, and took a small bite.

"That's mine." Qing Ye Rin, who was sitting in the hearth, looked at her coldly.

"I can't eat?"

"You should at least say thank you."

"Thank you?" Miki Yuki repeated the word, "You should thank me for hearing such a beautiful voice from this young lady early in the morning."

"I'll give you back the words untouched."

The two began to fall in love with each other early in the morning.

Watanabe Che, who finished lighting the stove, came back from the kitchen after washing his hands.

"I'll go dig winter bamboo shoots on the mountain later, will you go?" he asked.

"You can go and have a look." Miki Yuki walked to the stove.

She propped her right elbow with her left hand, and held a fresh tomato in her right, taking a bite from time to time.

Look at the stove in front of you, and study how it is different from the fireplace.

"Student Kiyono?" Watanabe Che turned his gaze to Kiyono Rin.

Kiyono Rin hesitated slightly: "Do you want to climb the mountain?"

"Climbing." Watanabe Che replied, "But the mountain road is very gentle, so it's a green outing, and you can walk slowly."

Kiyono Rin was a little moved.

"Besides, it's rare to come here once. There is still value in trying. It's about enriching your life experience."

Kiyono Rin finally nodded, with a firm face on Qingli's face: "Okay, let's go climbing."

"...No, I went to dig bamboo shoots." Che Watanabe corrected.

Miki Yuuki laughed from the sidelines, mocking Kiyono Rin's weak physical strength.

"I'm looking forward to the scene where you stumble." She took a bite of the tomato expectantly, like a winner enjoying red wine.

Kiyono Rin snorted confidently, got up and went back to the room to change clothes.

When she got down, she was wearing the school sportswear.

"Why are you wearing this?" Watanabe Che asked strangely.

"I decided to come here one day in advance. There are no sports clothes in the apartment, only school sports clothes." Kiyono Rin explained.

With her personality, she really doesn't know how to buy sportswear, and Watanabe Che has never seen her wearing sportswear, mostly skirts.

After going out, Watanabe Che went to the warehouse to get a hoe and two shovels.

The sky was blue like a canvas, with intermittent white clouds shaped like baguettes.

The three of them walked slowly along the canal.

On the way, a cow came head-on, and an old man in a straw hat was leading it.

The two beautiful girls stared at each other as if they had never seen it before. Rin Kiyono took out his mobile phone and prepared to find a suitable angle to take a picture.

Waiting and waiting, the cow walked up to the three of them, and all kinds of stench from the cowshed on his body rushed towards his face.


The two beautiful girls held their breath, frowned, and desperately turned their faces away.


Hearing Watanabe Che's loud laughter watching the excitement, Miki Yuki covered her nose and mouth with her left hand, and slapped him hard on the back with her right hand, making a "bang" sound.

Does it hurt or not, but the sound is quite loud.

The cow didn't even look at them, its tail wagging, leisurely.

In the vestibule of Yoshida's house, several people have already gathered, there are no adults, and they are all students digging bamboo shoots as an outing.

"Ache, Ache!" Long Yuan, a little girl in overalls, waved to Che Watanabe.

The three walked over, Watanabe Che said to the little girl:

"How many times have I told you, you want to call me Brother Che, did you call me Ah Che?"

The little girl ignored him at all, staring straight at Rin Kiyono and Miki Yuuki, her eyes slowly wavered and began to shine.

"City people?!" Her tone seemed to have discovered an alien.

Yuki Miki was not yet at the age to be interested in children, and looked at several women of similar age in the vestibule.

Kiyono Rin smiled and said to the little girl, "Yes."



The little girl covered her face with her hands and said intoxicatedly, "We watched TV this morning, and a comedian introduced the pasta in Tokyo."

"Do you like pasta?" Kiyono Rin asked softly.

"When the camera was aimed at the door of the store, a tram ran past."

".Electricity, tram?"

"As expected of Tokyo." The little girl sighed "Tokyo is amazing" with a satisfied face.


"Don't worry about her," Watanabe Che comforted Kiyono Rin, "This little guy's brain circuit is abnormal."

"You don't have the right to talk about her, do you?" Kiyono Rin glanced at him.

"What nonsense? I wouldn't be surprised by the trams. Isn't it normal that there are trams in Tokyo?"

"From your answer, I know how abnormal you are."

"Huh?" Watanabe Che really didn't understand what was wrong with him.

"Shouldn't a normal person be concerned about—why talk from spaghetti to trams?"

"Really?" Watanabe Che didn't believe it.

Rin Kiyono stroked his forehead, sighing helplessly.

"Hmm." Reiko, who obviously just woke up, coughed, "Well, Xiao Che, let me introduce you."

"Almost forgot." Watanabe Che no longer wondered whether he was normal or not, "This is my girlfriend, Miki Yuuki. This is my friend and a member of a school club, Kiyono Rin."

After introducing the two, Watanabe Che introduced the villagers to them.

"This is Reiko Yoshida, a teacher at Misawa branch school, an older leftover girl, who can fall asleep while sitting."

"Don't say anything superfluous." Yoshida Reiko complained, and then laughed, "Not only can I fall asleep standing, but I can also fall asleep standing."

"Don't say anything superfluous - before talking about others, think about yourself." Watanabe Che said.

He went on to introduce:

"This is Ayako Honma, my senior. Because she likes Kaede Rukawa from "Slam Dunk", she went to Kanagawa to study in a private school, but she joined the performance club. By the way, she didn't enter the national competition this year."

"Don't say anything superfluous—I mean you, Watanabe Che." Honma Ayako pulled a ferocious smile from the corner of her mouth.

"And these two are my school girls, Kana and Mana, they are real sisters."

"Hello, sister Yuki, hello, sister Kiyono." The two sisters bowed obediently and said hello.

"Hello." The two young ladies replied.

"As for this one," Watanabe Che pulled the little girl who was still intoxicated with her face in her hands, "my cousin, Watanabe Ren, a primary school student who is a little bit dumber than me, but abnormal and much more than me .”

"The salmon in Tokyo is really amazing." Ren Watanabe sighed.

Two beautiful girls: "."

"Let's go." Reiko Yoshida broke the situation of "I don't know what to do".

A group of people walked up the mountain.

Ren Watanabe, holding a children's shovel, walked in the front and sang loudly.

"Red~dragonfly in the sunset, please tell me: When I met you when I was a child, what day was that? 』

"Take a small basket and go to the mountain where the mulberry trees are green.Pick mulberries and put them in a small ~ basket, turning back is a dream. 』

"Xiaolian, it's morning." Honma Ayako reminded.

Ren Watanabe stopped, shook her index finger, and said in a preaching tone:

"Ayako, you really don't understand. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they are already buried in the soil."

"Ah?" Honma Ayako was taken aback, "What?"

With a small body, Ren Watanabe sighed heavily, and shouted loudly:
"Ayako! How can you do this! If you are too stupid, you will be thrown into the mountains and eaten by wild boars!"

"...No, no, I'm not stupid!"

Behind the crowd, Yuuki Miki nodded meaningfully: "Your cousin is very interesting."

"Like me, isn't it interesting?"

"But it feels different from what ordinary people think." Kiyono Rin said at the end.

"I'm also worried about her, and I don't know who it looks like." Watanabe Che sighed.

Both of them gave him a blank look at the same time.

In the front, after an unknown dialogue, Honma Ayako sang "Red Dragonfly" with Xiaolian in order to prove that she is not stupid.

In "Red Dragonfly in the sunset, where are you?"Resting on the tip of the bamboo pole, it was the red dragonfly singing, they began to climb the mountain.

Not long after the beginning, Kiyono Rin was out of breath, with his hands on his knees.

Although Miki Yuki was also tired, her steps were fairly steady.

She deliberately walked in front of Kiyono Rin, turned her head from time to time, and smiled at her provocatively.

Kiyono Rin couldn't even do sarcasm, and couldn't get angry in his chest, so he could only bury his head and climb the hill.

Watanabe Che fell at the back to prevent Kiyono Rin from falling.

Her long black and smooth hair looked very elegant. Looking at her back, Watanabe Che, who was not tired before, walked more easily.

Keep climbing, keep climbing, hands on knees.

"Kyono-san, we're here." Hearing Watanabe Che's voice, Kiyono Rin raised his head.

Ren Watanabe and the others climbed up a steep slope from the middle of the mountain road and got into the bamboo forest.

The bamboo is green, as if it is still spring here.

The mountain wind blows, and the bamboo leaves rattle.

Deep in the woods, there was the sound of birds chirping.

Listen carefully, and you can still hear the sound of pecking wood intermittently. So, it was a woodpecker calling just now.

The ground of the forest was covered with withered and yellow bamboo leaves, and some were stained with white bird droppings.

"Come on." A hand was offered on the steep slope, and she put it on subconsciously.

The man gave her a hand, and she used her strength to go up the steep slope lightly and entered the edge of the bamboo forest.

Looking up, the person pulling her was Miki Yuuki.

"You're welcome." Miki Yuuki said with a smile.

Shino Rin took a deep breath.

In the bamboo forest, Watanabe Ren's immature singing of the fairy tale "The Girl Born from the Bamboo" can be heard.

"This is what happened one day~ Grandpa went to the mountain to cut ~bamboo, and from the bamboo cut~, a little girl appeared."

"Girls thrive~, and after a while, they grew into a very beautiful girl"

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(End of this chapter)

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