my girlfriend is bad lady

Chapter 223 Chapter 223 Restless Lover Chapter (2)

Chapter 223 223. Restless Valentine's Day (2)

The next day, February [-]rd, was a sunny day after the rain.

At the shoe cabinet in the morning, Kiyono Rin told Watanabe Che to go to the performance department with her at noon.

After the morning class ended, Che Watanabe followed her and went to the "subordinate department" to inspect.

"What exactly?" he asked.

"It's about the regulations." Kiyono Rin answered simply.

Watanabe Che didn't ask any more, he was not interested in these things, and he would naturally know when the time came.

In the corridor, the classmates who passed by saw the two walking together, and all cast curious and gossiping eyes.

The two can become influential figures on campus just by their appearance, not to mention there are endless anecdotes.

The reason why I can't see it usually is because Kiyono Rin never chats with her classmates, even if she worked hard together in the performance department, no one can become her friend.

As for Watanabe Che, he only messed with the boys in the class, and the others couldn't see that he had any intention of being friends with others.

The two turned a blind eye to all kinds of gazes.

When I reached the third floor of the club building, I didn't hear the sound of musical instruments training.

Approaching the music room, gradually heard a fierce quarrel.

Because of the filter of the soundproof door, the sound seems distant.

"We've said it all! We've said it several times! We will train hard in the new semester!"


"When the goal was set, you also agreed to set it as 'National Gold'!"

"Cool classmate"

"How about it? Do you think we are you guys? Next year we will face higher education, and not everyone will go to the Music University!"

"Fantastic classmate."

"Does this have anything to do with going to the Music University? Didn't everyone train and study together last year? Why can't we do it today?"

"I said, are you too arrogant?"

"What's the matter!"

At the door, Watanabe Che smiled and said to Kiyono Rin: "Do you think there will be a fight? I bet it will, a week of community hygiene."

Kiyono Rin first glared at him who was gloating, and then said, "No."

The two continued to listen to the movement inside.

"Everyone, stop arguing!" Even if Zao Jianxun spoke loudly, there was a hint of gentleness.

"Speaking of which! See you soon, Minister, why do you want outsiders to meddle in our playing department?"

"Kyono-san is not an outsider."

"Huh? At the beginning, no matter how we tried to persuade us to stay, we decided to leave. What qualifications do we have to intervene now? And make rules for us to abide by?"

"Kyono-san is doing it for the performance club!"

"For the good of the flute department? Can she control it?"

"You are not allowed to say that about Kiyono-san!" It was Kazuki Aoi's voice.

"That's right! Kiyono-san led us to win the National Award, I believe she is absolutely right!" Tamazamo Komi also spoke.

"Leader, lead, haven't we worked hard? It's a pity that people look down on you at all if you listen to her like this!"

There was the rattling sound of tables and chairs rubbing against the ground.

Watanabe Che put his hands in his pockets, leaned straight to the right, and leaned close to Kiyono Rin's ear:

"Student XX Rin is about to lose."

Kiyono Rin didn't speak, and pushed open the heavy door of the music classroom.

"Hey! Hey! I won't take you like this!" Watanabe Che accused in a low voice and hastily.

The door was opened, and the music classroom fell silent.

After the graduates withdrew from the club, the remaining [-] or so members of the performance club were all present.

Most people huddled in the corner of the classroom to watch, seven or eight people were arguing in the middle, some chairs fell on the ground, Zao Jianxun looked uneasy.

Everyone look over.

"Student Qingye?!" Hayami Kaoru walked over as if seeing the real head of the performance department, and let out a long breath.

The freshmen also gathered around, with relaxed expressions on their faces.

However, the more they respect Kiyono Rin, the more dissatisfied those seniors are.

"What are you doing in the performance department?" a girl surnamed Imai asked.

"First of all, let me clarify," Kiyono Rin didn't pay attention to that person at all, "I don't look down on the new students."

"That's right!" Xinxin looked at Senior angrily.

"I despise all of you."


"Hahaha!" The senior looked at the stunned new student and laughed loudly without mercy.

"That," Watanabe Che raised his hand, "Miss Kiyono?"

"I mean all of them."

"You continue."

Kiyono Rin looked at the senior sister: "Have you laughed enough?"

A voice as cold as ice stopped the laughter abruptly.

"Enough laughing, let's start training." Her tone was indifferent, as if nothing happened just now.

The girl surnamed Imai came back to her senses and said sharply, "Why should we listen to you!"

"From today onwards, I'm going to be the advisor of the performance department again, do you have any comments, Imai Kaiseko?"

Calling senior sisters "classmates" was a habit last year when Kiyono Rin dominated the performance department.

"Student Qing Ye, is what you said true?!" Zao Jianxun said excitedly.

"Great!" Tamamo said happily.

"This year, we will definitely achieve the second consecutive championship in the country!"

All the freshmen who were looked down upon just now cheered loudly.

Not only them, but also the members of the performance department who stayed out of the way all showed happy smiles and whispered to each other, full of hope for the future.

"What are you still doing here? Just like you, you won't be able to enter the national competition." Kiyono Rin said with a cold face, mercilessly dampening the enthusiasm of the freshmen.

"We'll work hard! We won't let you down again, Kiyono!" the freshman said loudly.

It seems that they have already figured out the reason why Rin Kiyono looks down on them.

Kiyono Rin hates people who don't work hard-last year, the performance department summed up this impression without authorization.

Amid the cheers, Imai Kaiseko was still standing there.

Kiyono Rin turned her gaze to her: "Student Imai Kashiko, has your horn processing become more detailed? Have you made it so that the sound doesn't break?"


"In the new semester, there will be newcomers with outstanding ability to join the club. I will select the members of Group A according to their strength." Kiyono Rin's tone is light, but there is a sense of awe that directly hits people's hearts.

A girl behind Kaiseko Imai tugged at her sleeve.

Imai Kashiko found the steps, obviously gave up but gave Rin Kiyono a stubborn look, and practiced with that person.

The matter is resolved, Zao Jianxun is completely at ease.

"Student Kiyono, thank you very much!" She saluted Kiyono Rin.

"You don't need to thank me." Kiyono Rin crossed his arms, "I'm not helping you, nor helping the performance department, but Watanabe-san please ask me, I promise to help, and I will naturally be responsible to the end."

"Do you think you can make me forget the cheating just now by saying this?" Watanabe Che said.

"Did you say you can't cheat?" Kiyono Rin smiled slightly, slightly satisfied.

"I thought you were a beautiful girl who followed the rules."

"It is indeed a beautiful girl." Kiyono Rin nodded in agreement.

What else can Watanabe say?

"Watanabe-san, will you also return to the performance department?" After the two of them finished the topic by themselves, Zaijian asked.

Watanabe Che sighed: "Since Kiyono-san will come, then I"

"Don't worry about me, just be yourself." Kiyono Rin interrupted Watanabe Che's decision, looking at him quietly.

"Ah, that's it, then I'll forget it." Watanabe Che waved his hand uninterestedly, "Playing is really boring."

Kiyono Rin gave Watanabe Che a hard look.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Watanabe Che wondered.

"Nothing." Kiyono Rin said coldly.

She did support any decision of Che Watanabe, but as soon as she said it, the man immediately left her alone in the performance department. .It was because of him that I took on these troublesome things.

What a heartless man.

In this way, Miss Kiyono once again took over the club with the largest number of people in Kamigawa.

As for Watanabe Che, he has to clean the activity classroom for a week.

As time passed, and February 2 was getting closer, the atmosphere in the school became more restless.

Friday, January 2th.

"Is the supervisor very busy recently?"

"Well, there are various things at the end of the semester, and preparation for tests and interviews."

"Quiz interview?"

"Kagawa's admissions test."

Watanabe Che was carrying a thick handout, and Koizumi Qingnai could barely hold it.

"Today is Friday, do you want to go to the movies tonight?" As soon as the two entered the office, they saw Huang Zi's excited face because of the holiday.

"Okay, let's go out for dinner." Koizumi Qingnai put the handout on the table.

"What should I eat?" Huang Zi took out her mobile phone to make a reservation for a restaurant, and the chair under her buttocks turned around.

"Is there anything Watanabe wants to eat?" Koizumi Qingnai looked over.

"I won't go," Watanabe Che said, "to find Miki today."

Koizumi Qingnai nodded: "Come back tonight? Do you want us to bring something to eat?"

"Well—shouldn't be coming back."

"Bad relationship, write me a five-page review!" Huang Zi said with a straight face.

"Let's talk about it when you become my supervisor, goodbye."

"Qingnai, look at your student's arrogance? You still haven't dealt with him properly!"

"You also know that Watanabe is my student."

"Even you bully me? Woohoo, let me cry for you!"

This is what Akoko, the English supervisor who is not in the classroom, looks like.

Watanabe Che went back to the classroom to take his schoolbag and went to participate in club activities.

Opening the door, Kiyono Rin is like an exquisite life-size doll in the club classroom filled with the quiet winter air.

Sitting in her usual position, she raised her head from the hardcover book in her hand, gently lifted her long hair, and showed a soft smile:

"Good afternoon, Watanabe-san."

"good afternoon."

With simple dialogues and everyday scenes, Watanabe Che realized the beauty of life.

Walking on the way to school every day, as long as he thinks that Kiyono Rin will be waiting for him after school, his whole body will be filled with an indescribable sense of comfort.

"Spring is coming." When he sat down, he sighed without thinking.

"Watanabe-san likes spring?" Kiyono Rin asked.

"I don't really like it, but I just want to talk about it." Watanabe Che paused for a while, "Qing Ye, spring, summer, autumn and winter, which one do you like?"

"First rule out winter."


Kiyono Rin put his hand on his chin and pondered: "It's not an exact season. I like the time when the rainy season is over, but summer hasn't officially started yet."

"The hydrangeas are in bloom."

"The rose is blooming."

"Do you like roses?"

"No, I just wanted to talk about it."

Watanabe Che spread his hands: "Miss Kiyono, copyright fee: [-] yen."

"If this is plagiarism, then so far, Mr. Watanabe, please calculate how much you owe me." Kiyono Rin said with a sneer.

"It's over." Che Watanabe took out "Long Night Journey".

Today is another day of Che Watanabe's defeat
"Boom, boom, boom!" The narration was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Kiyono Rin's voice was cold, with a sense of distance.

'Speaking of which, since I joined the club, I don't seem to have knocked on the door, so I'll try next time. '

Watanabe Che would never admit it, he just wanted to hear Kiyono Rin's cold voice.

At that time, the two will definitely have a new round of debate on the topic of "knocking on the door", right?
When Che Watanabe was writing a draft for the "I don't know if it will happen" debate, the person who knocked on the door walked in.

"excuse me."

Kazuki Aoi, Hanada Asako, and Tamamo Komi walked in.

"Please sit down." Kiyono Rin got up and poured tea for them.

When the three of them sat down, looking at Hanada Asako who was holding a teacup in both hands like a child with her feet not touching the ground, Che Watanabe remembered that there was another task.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

"No training today?" He asked Kazuki Aoi.

"Kyono-san is having a holiday for the performance department today." Aoi Kazuki said in a relaxed tone.

During this period of time, the Qingye-style training made the performance department miserable.

In fact, Kiyono Rin seldom goes to the performance department, but once every few days, let everyone play to her in front of everyone, and then point out the problems in a targeted manner.

Her hearing ability is quite good, as long as the problem has not been improved - not necessarily all resolved, she will not continue to give instructions and let people practice repeatedly.

If he didn't make progress once or twice, and didn't get new pointers, everyone would know whether that person was slacking off.

"What's the matter with the Human Observation Department?" Kiyono Rin put down the kettle and sat back in his seat.

She adjusted the hem of the pleated skirt with her hands.

Obviously everyone has the same style, but her skirt always reminds Watanabe Che of the atrium in full bloom in May.

"It's about Valentine's Day." Tamamo said impatiently.

"Valentine's Day?" Kiyono Rin was slightly puzzled.

"Didn't you say that Kiyono-san is going to give Watanabe-kun chocolate?" Aoi Kazuki also looked puzzled.

"." Kiyono Rin stroked his forehead with his hands, lowered his face, and let out a long sigh.

"Who did you listen to?" Watanabe Che stared at Kazuki Aoi.

Hanada Asako, who was swaying her feet leisurely, was taken aback by his attitude, and quickly put her legs together.

Kazuki Aoi said "Eh?" without reacting, and looked at Watanabe Che and Kiyono Rin:
"Everyone is talking."

"Who are you?"


"Why are you so fierce!" Yuzao Haomei was dissatisfied with Watanabe Che's interrogating tone.

"Sorry." Watanabe Che realized that he was wrong.

"It's okay~" Aoi Kazuki didn't care.

She claimed that she and Watanabe Che had a "discussed woman" relationship, which was considered very good.

"So, who are you guys?" Kiyono Rin asked.

Although she was polite, her tone was colder than Watanabe Che's, but she didn't dare to refute her.

"Students in the class, or in the club, anyway, everyone is talking about it." Aoi Kazuki replied.

"No. [-] went to the performance department, why did we two come together?" Watanabe Che looked at Kiyono Rin.

Kiyono Rin put his hand on his chin, thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid there are more than that."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head: "Forget it, it doesn't matter what others say. Ichiki-san, what are you doing here?"

Aoi Kazuki hesitated a little, and replied:
"Isn't next Monday the 14th Valentine's Day? We originally thought that if Kiyono-san also plans to give chocolates, we can go to the mall to buy ingredients together tonight, and then make handmade chocolates together on Saturdays and Sundays."

"Not only do I want to give Watanabe-san chocolates, but also handmade ones." Kiyono Rin's smile was slightly sinister.

"I will return the gift well." Watanabe Che echoed.

"To shut up."


"Then" Aoi Kazuki peeked at Kiyono Rin's expression, "Kyono-san, are you going?"

"Even if we don't buy chocolates, we can go to the movies!" Tamamo Komi leaned forward slightly, "It's at the movie theater in Shinjuku."

"It's rare to go out and have fun together during the holiday~" Aoi Kazuki said, "I also plan to invite sister tomorrow."

"Kyono-san." Hanada Asako also stared at Rin Kiyono eagerly.

"Thank you for inviting me, but forget it." Kiyono Rin shook his head.

"Ah—" Yi Mukui wailed dejectedly.

Later, she asked Watanabe Che by the way: "Watanabe-kun, are you going?"

"Don't go."


 The 'administrator' of this book is enough, thank you very much for your application, especially some leaders, but it really doesn't need that much.

  Thank you for subscribing, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets.

  Thanks to the lord of 【Leaves and Remnants of Flowers】.

  Thank you for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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