my girlfriend is bad lady

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 Restless Lover Chapter (4)

Chapter 225 225. Restless Valentine's Day (4)

One, two, three or six girls and one boy.

The air is full of sweet aromas.

"Watanabe-kun, it seems that many people will give you chocolates this Valentine's Day." Aoi Kazuki turned to Watanabe Che.

"It seems to be." Watanabe Che never took the initiative to boast of everything he owns, but he would not deny it either, "But I only accept Giri chocolate."

"After all, you have a girlfriend. By the way, I will give you a piece of Giri chocolate too!"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. After all, for boys, how much chocolate they can receive is a very important thing, right?"

"Why?" Watanabe Che asked curiously.

"Hmph." Said Tamamo Komi, who saw Che Watanabe's displeasure, "Boys are such boring creatures, don't they just like to show off how many girlfriends they have dated and how many chocolates they have received?"

"There are indeed such people." Watanabe Che agreed.

But men and women are the same in this respect, scum knows no gender.

However, showing off the number of chocolates received should not be considered scum.

"So, the more chocolates you receive, the more popular it proves." Aoi Kazuki said, shaking her right index finger.

Although he didn't speak, Watanabe Che could feel the disdain from the two eldest ladies.

Some things don't need to be proved.

The only ones who can surpass them in popularity are themselves, which is why Kiyono Rin does not boast of her beauty in front of others.

Watanabe Che turned to Kiyono Rin and said, "Kyono-san, I remembered something."

"whats the matter?"

"The story happened in May last year." Watanabe smiled and glanced at Miki Yuuki, "The day after you took me to Juntendo Hospital."

Miki Yuuki remembered what happened at that time.

Yuuki Miki was thinking, and heard him continue:
"I went to the bathroom, and I happened to meet Kiyono-san, who was still in a bad relationship at that time..."

"It's not bad. Last May, I didn't care about you at all, and I wouldn't have emotions for you." Kiyono Rin corrected.

"Yes, you are only bad with Maggie."

Rin Kiyono glared at Che Watanabe: "I know what you want to say, there is no need to say it at all, it's boring."

"Continue talking." Yuki Miki ordered.

"Meiji asked me to say it." Watanabe Che signaled that he was innocent.

"You want to say it yourself? Don't make excuses." Kiyono Rin still doesn't understand this flirtatious man?
"So what? Kiyono-san, I remember every word you said venomously. When I write my autobiography in the future, I will definitely write it all down."

As I said earlier, Watanabe Che is a person with a delicate heart.

"Ah," Kiyono Rin didn't get angry, but laughed instead, "You remember everything I said."

Miki Yuki looked over.

"Mei Ji, don't listen to her nonsense, I'm just holding a grudge!" Watanabe Che argued.

"Hold the grudge." Miki Yuuki also laughed.

"No, Miki, listen to me, I mean..."

"what do you mean?"

"The autobiography I will write in the future will be about the past love between the two of us!" Watanabe Che has always believed that instead of explaining, it is better to increase the girl's trust in himself and let the misunderstanding be eliminated by itself.

"Then will I play?" Kazuki Aoi asked.

"Of course, the pursuit of autobiography is truth."

"When Watanabe-kun becomes a celebrity, the autobiography will definitely be passed down. Everyone will always remember a girl named Ichiki Aoi!" Ichiki Aoi began to imagine the future.

"Real? I look forward to your autobiography." Yuuki Miki said to Watanabe Che with a smile.

"...Miss Meiji, what do you mean, do you want to be real or not?"

"Of course it must be true. Write down what you think and what you think of everyone." Yuki Miki gave guidance.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Kiyono Rin also said with a smile.

...It always feels like it's not an autobiography, but a statement of guilt.

Che Watanabe has decided that even if he writes his autobiography in the future, he will try his best to only describe objective facts and never write about psychological activities.

After chatting a few words, they came to the third floor and could see the long queue at the entrance of the cinema.

"Meggie, I'm going to buy some Coke and popcorn."


"I want a smaller portion." Kiyono Rin made his request bluntly.

Yuki Miki turned to her: "Don't you have long legs?"

"Not only is it longer, but it's also prettier than you." Kiyono Rin replied calmly.

"Just with an A cup?"

"Student Yuki, making use of your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses and changing the subject are signs of admitting defeat."

"Your clothes at my house and the size of your bra are still the same as two years ago. Even if the seasons have changed twice, you still haven't improved at all."

"Miki Yuki-san..."

"Stop talking!" Watanabe Che said with a heavy face, "Kyono-san, I will buy you everything. Your potential is far from enough to give up."

"Really?" Kiyono Rin smiled softly, with a harsh but cruel voice, "Then I want 1400 grams of your brain."

"I'm going to buy popcorn." Watanabe Che turned and left.

The average human brain is only about 1400 grams. Even if he is extremely smart, it is probably only a little over 2000 grams. How can he give so much 1400 grams.

"Sister, it's so beautiful, I'll buy it for you!" Aoi Kazuki followed.

Watching the two leave, Tamazamo walked up to Kiyono Rin: "Kyono-san."

"Is there something wrong with Yuzao?" Kiyono Rin's tone has returned to normal.

"Did something happen in May last year? I really want to know. Don't worry, Kiyono-san, I will never laugh at you, nor will I tell anyone else."

"It's just a small matter. If Yuzao-san wants to know, you can wait for Watanabe-san's autobiography."

"But he hasn't written it yet." Tamamo Haomi pointed to Watanabe Che who was in line.

"The average life expectancy announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare shows that the average life expectancy of women is 87 years, and that of men is 26 years. You don't need to worry too much, Ms. Yuzao."


Buy popcorn, just in time to enter.

The seats of Watanabe Che and the others were not good, and they could only sit in the last row because of the tickets they bought temporarily.

Tickets for Mai Tomorrow and the others were bought in advance. Although the location is not the best, it is also close to the best viewing area.

For the red seat, Che Watanabe gave Miki Yuuki his school uniform jacket as a cushion.

The movie was about to start, and there were only three of them in the last row.

Just when the movie started to play the advertisement that no sneak recording was allowed, and Miss Kiyono was about to enjoy the popcorn with a sense of ceremony, three people hurried in at the entrance of the screening hall.

Without looking at the tickets in their hands, they walked directly to the last row where Che Watanabe was.

"I said a long time ago not to drive, there will definitely be traffic jams at this time!"


"Okay, don't disturb others, sit down quickly... Watanabe?"

"Tokyo is not big, but it's not small either. Why..."

Before Watanabe could finish the line, the movie suddenly turned up the volume, and Koizumi Qingnai hurriedly sat down next to Watanabe.

Before the calculation was over, the moment the three teachers sat down, there was another small commotion in front of them.

Aoi Kazuki and the others walked over with bags and popcorn in their arms, apologizing to the people around them.

Watanabe Che cast a puzzled look.

"It's more interesting for everyone to sit together and watch." Aoi Kazuki explained.

While she was explaining, Mai Asuka stared straight at Koizumi Aina.

"What, what's the matter, classmate tomorrow?" Koizumi Qingnai felt uncomfortably stared at by her emotionless eyes.


"You guys." Miki Yuki, whose sight was blocked, looked at them with sharp eyes.

"Senior sister, let's sit down quickly." Aoi Kazuki pulled Mai Asuna who was still staring at Aina Koizumi, and quickly sat down on the seat.

Well, finally we can start watching the movie.

Che Watanabe threw a popcorn into his mouth, ready to see how "The Earth Stood Still for 365 Days" became a romance movie.

His hand was subconsciously placed on the armrest on the side away from Miki Yuuki.

But at the bottom, it is not the firm touch of the armrest, but a piece of softness.

Watanabe Che and Koizumi Aina withdrew their arms at the same time.

Watanabe Che made a gesture of "please teacher", and Koizumi Qingnai returned a gesture of "please student".

Then, Watanabe Che ignored the handrail.

Koizumi Qingnai also has her persistence.

That piece of armrest was pitifully set aside.

The movie officially begins, and it starts with the young man getting into a car accident in order to save the old man.

The boy was a student, and this happened to him on the first day of the new semester, and he had to take a year off from school.

The boy's family was poor, his single father took him with him, and all the subsidies he received were spent on drinking, and the boy himself was almost an undisciplined and rotten person.

Pierced ears, drank alcohol, smoked, and did all the things that minors cannot do. To save someone that day, the reaction of the body really surpassed the brain, so that he did things that he would never do normally.

After a brief background introduction, the story officially begins.

In the new year, when it was time for the boy to re-enter school, his grades were poor, so he simply gave up on himself and didn't report for duty, and went to the game hall all day to cheat the children of their pocket money.

At this time, the head teacher appeared, a young woman who was obviously good-looking, but the setting in the movie was an old-fashioned and unfeminine aunt.

Persuading him, playing games with the boy, and even guarding the door of his house, begging him to go back to school.

April passed, and the teenager turned a blind eye to the teacher, thinking that she was only for his own performance and the teacher's reputation.

In early May, the boy's father fell downstairs after drinking and was hospitalized. The teacher paid him a large sum of money.

The next day, when the boy came back from the game hall, the teacher was still guarding in front of his house, but the high-end bento he usually ate was replaced by rice balls.

The boy entered the house, separated from the teacher by the door of his house, and made up his mind to go to school.

"This teacher is really amazing." Seeing this, Watanabe Che whispered to Koizumi Qingnai.

"Yeah." Koizumi Qingnai's eyes were already moved, "Students can be willful, but teachers can't. Even if they can't be liked by all students, they can't be hated by any student. Because there are people who really hate this class because they hate the teacher. students of the subject."

Is it behind her own personal professional ethics?It seems to resonate well.

The movie continues.

When the teenager returned to school, he encountered various problems, such as being excluded by his classmates, the dean looked down on him, and wanted to force him to drop out of school.

Under the persevering guidance of the teacher, the boy decided to give these guys who looked down on him a good look—he was going to be admitted to a higher education institution in Nagoya!
The next step is to study hard, and the teacher also tries his best to guide him.

With setbacks and progress, teachers and students gradually become friends, singing and drinking together in the streets at night.

Seeing the teacher drunk, with his hair loose, swearing at the leader and his ex-boyfriend at the sky, the young man suddenly had a heartbeat, and the young man fell in love with the teacher...

Well, in love.

The boy began to study harder, and he wanted to become a man worthy of his teacher.

In December, after a mock test, the teenager's grades reached the admission line of Nagoya Higher Education Institute for the first time. He rushed to the teacher's house excitedly, ready to tell her the good news.

There, he saw the old man he had saved.

The old man turned out to be the teacher's mother.

It turned out that everything the teacher did to him was to repay his kindness, and the so-called feelings were all fake.

The teenager dropped out of school again.

At the end of December, the boy had wasted a month of study time, and the teacher cried bitterly in front of his door, begging him to continue studying.

After the accident, the boy's father also gave up drinking and found a job. He tried to persuade the boy, but was speechless when he asked the boy, "What right do you have to control me?" and sat there silently.

On December 12st, New Year's Eve, when it was snowing, the teacher still came to the boy's door as soon as he got off work.

She had already finished what she said, so she could only stand there silently.

When the Chinese New Year bell rang, the boy walked out of the room and said to the teacher:
'If the teacher agrees to socialize with me, I will continue to study. '

The teacher was taken aback for a moment, but for the sake of the boy, he agreed.

"Qingnai," Akira lowered his upper body, and said to Koizumi Qingnai, who was watching intently, "If that kid Watanabe threatens you in this way, will you agree?"

"Why would Watanabe do such a thing?" Koizumi Qingnai pushed her away.

"Suppose, suppose he did! What do you do?" Huang Zi leaned over again, with a mischievous smile.


"Then what?"

"Don't assume all day long, just watch the movie!"

The teenager started studying again, and there was still one and a half months before the admissions test for the Nagoya Higher Educational Institute, so he had to go all out.

The boy did do this, but in addition to studying, with a vengeful mentality, he made other demands: let the teacher perform the duties of a girlfriend.

From touching hands to smelling the aroma of the teacher's neck.

The atmosphere became awkward.

Watanabe Che looked to the left, Miki Yuuki and Rin Kiyono had already fallen asleep.

The values ​​of this movie are in serious conflict with them, and the inexplicable emotional changes of the teenagers are simply inexplicable to them.

Watanabe Che looked to the right again.

Koizumi Aena didn't know where to direct her gaze.

For a while she lowered her head, for a while she remembered that she was watching a movie and looked at the screen twice, and for a while she peeked to see if Watanabe Che was still looking at her.

"Tut tsk tsk." Huangzi stared intently, grabbed a handful of cold popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth.

Koizumi Qingnai picked up the Coke that had melted from the ice cubes, blushed, swallowed the straw with her mouth in small mouthfuls.

At the end of the film, the boy was admitted to the Nagoya Institute of Higher Education, but the teacher voluntarily applied for a transfer, went to a school in another place, and lost contact with the boy.

Five years later, the teacher returned to the original school.

One day, she came to the place where she used to invite teenagers to dinner. At that time, the teenager just started working hard.

In the store, the boy was having dinner with his friends.

She turned to leave, but the teenager who had become a lawyer greeted her naturally.

It seems that the boy has forgotten the past and started a new life.

She forced herself to greet the young man naturally, pretending that she was not satisfied with the store, and was about to leave, but the young man came over, pulled her to the table, and brought her bowls and chopsticks.

'who is this? ' asked the teenager's lawyer friend.

'My girlfriend. ' the boy replied naturally.

'real? !Haven't you guys been single for five years?Why do you suddenly have a girlfriend? 'The teenager's friend felt incredible.

'You can ask her. ' said the boy with a smile.

Everyone looked at the teacher expectantly.

Under the camera, the teacher nodded shyly.

Amidst the booing, the staff list began to appear on the screen.

"I thought it was the school entrance season, and the movie focused on studying hard, but it turned out to be a teacher-student relationship." Huang Zi sighed.

"It's too fake to be admitted to a Nagoya higher education institution in one year, and still study law." Miyazaki Miyuki shook her head.

Koizumi Qingnai did not speak, still holding the straw in her mouth, even though the Coke in the cup was gone long ago—Che Watanabe glanced at her from time to time.

It wasn't until the movie ended that the last row of people walked out of the movie theater.

Almost all the girls went to the toilet.

Che Watanabe stayed where he was, thinking about the relationship between the name "The Earth Stood Still for 365 Days" and the content of the movie.

Teen suspended for a year?A year with the teacher?
I can't guess what the director is thinking.

Watanabe Che gave up thinking, raised his head and moved his neck, just in time to see Koizumi Qingnai coming out of the toilet.

The two looked at each other, Koizumi Qingnai turned around and walked back to the toilet.

It's a bit embarrassing to watch this kind of movie with the supervisor, but it's not so shy, right?

When Akoko asked Koizumi Qingnai a question, Watanabe Che also heard it.

Depending on the situation, if he really does that, there is a high probability that Koizumi Qingnai will agree.

However, no matter what happened, he would not do anything to threaten Koizumi Qingnai.

However, some things are more absurd than movies, but they are actually about to happen.

In the not-too-distant future.

(End of this chapter)

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