my girlfriend is bad lady

Chapter 355 355 Kiyono, it's the end.

Chapter 355 355. Qingye classmate, the final stop.

"Hakone, the most famous spots are Owakudani and Lake Ashi;"

"The annual super popular sport "Hakone Ekiden", the participants are high school students, the long-distance relay race from Tokyo to Lake Ashi, and then from Lake Ashi back to Tokyo, with a total length of about 217 kilometers"

"Hakone's trains are also very famous."

Watanabe Che closed the travel magazine and returned it to Ichiki Aoi.

"I didn't expect to go to Hakone on a school trip!" Aoi Ichiki immediately opened the magazine that she had read many times.

"Is it necessary to be so excited?" Watanabe Che picked up the milk carton on the table.

"Of course!" Aoi Ichiki nodded vigorously, "Unlike Kyoto and Osaka, Hakone is a well-known summer resort. In the first episode of "Tokyo Women's Guide", the female character from Akita Prefecture, right The Tokyo fantasy is a trip to Hakone.”

"So, Hakone is more famous than Karuizawa?"

"Karuizawa developed because the wealthy wanted to escape the summer heat there; and Hakone, because of attractions such as "Owakudani" and "Ashi Lake", and the popular long-distance running relay "Hakone Ekiden", so If you think about it, Hakone should be more famous. "

After speaking, the newly promoted deputy head of the playing department thought for a while, and added another word to be on the safe side:


Watanabe Che held the straw, and the strawberry milk slid down his throat without interruption.

The location of the school trip for Class [-] has been determined, and it is Hakone, which is about to usher in the best viewing period for autumn leaves.

"France from the next class is nothing compared to Hakone." Watanabe Che said.

"I've always heard that France is very romantic, and I want to see the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, but Hakone is also good! Hakone~Hakone~" Ichiki Aoi sang while flipping through a travel magazine.

Watanabe Che's eyes were fixed on the ceiling of the classroom above him.

'"Hakone mountains are dangerous to the world", although this statement is limited to the island country, but it is also appropriate to use it as the final battlefield. '

He drank all the remaining milk in one go.

After the lunch break, Miki Yuuki and Rin Kiyono returned to the classroom.

The two had long hair reaching to their waists, and when they walked through the classroom, their amazing beauty seemed to make them halo with a halo.

"Where did you go at noon?" Yuki Miki sat down in her seat and asked Watanabe Che.

"Reading Ichiki-san's travel magazine in the classroom."

"Travel Magazine?"

"Since you're going, you'll have more fun with some preparation."

"I'm tired of going to that place in Hakone." Yuki Miki said.

Watanabe Che looked at her suspiciously: "Since I'm tired of going, why didn't I say it when I proposed to go to Hakone?"

"Where are the places I can go on a school trip that I haven't been to?" Yuki Miki laughed contemptuously.

"I'm going to do some preparations to show you more fun. It seems that it's your turn to guide me."

The school bell rang and the chemistry teacher came in.

Watanabe Che turned around, looked at Rin Kiyono, and looked away at the same time.

After that tram, the two fell into a strange atmosphere, as if they were waiting for something.

"What's the date today?" The chemistry teacher stood on the podium and asked everyone.


"Nonsense, it's obviously 11!"

"Then students with student numbers 11 and 12, come up." The chemistry teacher took two pieces of chalk.

The two people who spoke just now walked up silently, each taking a piece of chalk.

The rest of the people laughed, Kunijing Xiu's laughter was especially loud.

"Quiet, take out the paper." The chemistry teacher opened the textbook. "Today's dictation before class, yes."

After school, Watanabe Che began to pack and prepare for tomorrow's school trip.

"Watanabe?" Koizumi Qingna's voice came from the entrance.

"Supervisor Qingna?" Watanabe Che walked out of the bedroom, "Is dinner ready so soon?"

"No." Koizumi Qingna put on slippers, "Let Miyuki and Akiko do it for me today, and I'll help you pack up."

"The two of them?" Watanabe Che took out his phone from his trouser pocket. "Director Qingna, what's for takeout today? Pizza? All-cow bento?"

Koizumi Qingna smiled and hit Watanabe Che.

The two walked into the bedroom, and Koizumi Qingna picked clothes for Watanabe Che.

As a student, you must wear school uniforms on school trips, and you don't need to be as delicate as girls, you only need to bring enough underwear and socks.

"Although the hotel has toiletries, it's best to bring your own." Koizumi Qingna said while arranging and saluting.

When she got home, she changed into lounge clothes, her curves were very soft when she bent over, and the cotton trousers framed the attractive curves of her hips.

Occasionally get up to fetch something, just like a crumpled wicker bouncing up, regaining its tough line.

When Koizumi Qingna bent down again, Watanabe Che hugged her from behind.


"Just a moment." Watanabe Che interrupted her and hugged her tightly.

"No, no!" Koizumi Qingna twisted her body and struggled, but her strength was very small.

Watanabe Che stroked her right face with his left hand and turned her elegant and beautiful little goose face.

"Watanabe... uh!"

Watanabe Che let go of her rosy lips and kissed her white swan neck down.

"Miyuki and the others. Still waiting." Koizumi Qingna panted.

"Just for a while." Watanabe Che exhaled a hot breath in her ear, and put his hand away from her flat abdomen and placed it on the waist of her trousers.

"Watanabe!" Koizumi Qingna shouted reproachfully, and tilted her neck uncontrollably.

"No!" Koizumi Qingna frowned.

When Che Watanabe let go, her body was so soft that she fell to the big white bed in front of her, subconsciously supporting her hand on the edge of the bed.

It seemed that the bed was too soft. As soon as Koizumi Qingna leaned on it, she was overwhelmed and kept her posture.

"Hurry up." She didn't look up, her face was buried in the quilt, she said like a little girl.

Koizumi Qingna shouted softly like a mournful cry.

On November [-], Kamigawa students went to different bus stops according to different study and travel destinations.

All the students of Class [-] gathered on the platform of Shinjuku Station.

"According to the group, let's see which classmate has not come?" Koizumi Qingna said lightly, counting the number of people.

Last year, Watanabe Che was a threesome with Saito Keisuke, and this year is a group with Yuuki Miki, Kiyono Rin, and Ichiki Aoi.

"This is your second time on the Shinkansen, Miki?" Watanabe Che asked.

"Yeah." Yuki Miki hugged her elbows and looked at the platform of Shinjuku Station, "The last time I went back to Iwate Prefecture with you."

"Are you still going this year?" Watanabe Che asked with a smile.

"Last year at your house for Chinese New Year, today is my house." Yuki Miki is the best representative of egalitarianism, such as 'what do you wear, what do I wear'.

"Okay." Watanabe Che nodded.

He guarded Yuuki Miki, just in case someone bumped into her, and looked at Rin Kiyono beside him.

She was listening to Aoi Ichiki chattering about the hot spring black eggs of "Owakudani".

Noticing Watanabe Che's gaze, Kiyono Rin turned his face sideways, glanced at him, and then turned his gaze to the tram tracks.

"How are you and her?" Yuki Miki asked with a smile.

"I plan to confess to her in Hakone." Watanabe Che hugged Miki Yuuki's slender shoulders and whispered.

"Finally made up your mind?"

"Aren't you angry?"

"After we reconciled at the cultural festival, I already think the three of us are together." Yuki Miki was in Watanabe Che's arms and looked at Watanabe Che with a smile.

Watanabe Che hugged her tighter.

"And Mai-senpai and Supervisor Qingna," he reminded.

Yuki Miki just smiled, noncommittal.

In her eyes, Mai Asuka and Qingna Koizumi are just tools for her to make up for the fact that she almost killed Che Watanabe twice.

Only Rin Kiyono was regarded as her opponent.

Even allowing the existence of Mai Asuka and Qingna Koizumi, a large part of the reason is because of the threat of Rin Kiyono.

In the past, the two were rivals, but now they are only friends.

Watanabe Che knew Miki Yuuki's true thoughts, and she didn't have to approve of Koizumi Qingna and Asuka Mai's thoughts.

Only by accommodating and understanding each other can we live happily, not necessarily how the other is.

'What about Rin Kiyono? ' Watanabe Che began to think about it again.

She didn't feel sorry for herself, and she didn't have any reason to accommodate herself.

It is a normal value to ask a lover to be single - even if he is used to the current relationship, Watanabe Che still knows this.

He is wrong.

Be good to them, ensure that there is no trouble in life and good health;

Let them always be happy, try to show their love and care for them;
Just in case, no more tasks are accepted;
The above is just doing the right thing on the basis of what he did wrong.

Nothing to brag about.

What I have to face now is that Rin Kiyono, who has done nothing wrong, has nothing to compare with except the will to love each other and the will of each other.

Even so, he still chose to take this step forward.

Guilty, unfair, wait until he gets Rin Kiyono!

Now all you have to do is step and run, chasing after everything you want!
Everyone got on the "Odakyu Romance Limited Express", and the timetable stated that they would arrive at Hakone in 85 minutes.

"Miki, you sit by the window." Watanabe Che said directly when arranging the seat.

He still didn't want someone to accidentally bump into Miki Yuuki. This was due to Miki Yuuki's cleanliness and his own selfishness.

Waiting for Yuki Miki to sit in, Watanabe Che said to Kiyono Rin, "You sit in the middle?"

"You want to sit next to me?" Kiyono Rin asked with a smile.

This is not a special class car, they stay with the other students, with five seats in a row, three on each side and two on each side.

Ichiki Aoi and a girl from the fourth class of the playing department were sitting on the other side of the two seats, chatting with each other.

"Sit down." Yuki Miki said to Kiyono Rin, "He is our bodyguard now."

"Not just bodyguards." Watanabe Che said.

"Or what?" Kiyono Rin asked.

Watanabe Che adjusted the position of the tie: "It's still a servant. What do you need to drink and eat, please tell me directly."

"I want to eat the pancakes your mother baked." Yuki Miki said with a smile.

"." Watanabe Che looked at Kiyono Rin, "Dora A Rin."

Kiyono Rin didn't even look at him, and sat directly in the middle.

"Dora A Rin doesn't want to help, I can only find my mother." Watanabe Che said to Yuuki Miki, and sat down at the side of the aisle.

After sitting down and waiting for a long time, the "Romantic" rushed towards Hakone like a long dragon.

Along the way, there is already an autumn scenery, or crimson or yellow leaves, and the distant sky.

""Autumn leaves are yellow"" and "Romantic" passed the "Tama River", Watanabe Che thought of Takahama Kuroko's haiku.

""You have no intention of covering the setting sun"" Kiyono Rin didn't look away from the book in his hand.

Watanabe Che waited for a while, but before Miki Yuuki's voice came, he turned his head to look, and sure enough he was already asleep.

"Are you in a good mood?" Kiyono Rin asked.

"Why do you say that?" Watanabe Che retorted.

"You still have the heart to read haiku, don't you feel bad?"

"Where is it falling?" Watanabe Che said the last sentence of the haiku, "The mood is neither good nor bad, just a little hesitant. "

"Hesitating?" Rin Kiyono sighed helplessly and closed the book, "Let's chat."

"Okay, what are you talking about? Takahama Xuzi?"

"Okay, you say it first." Kiyono Rin put the book on the pleated skirt covering his knees, and gently stroked the cover with his fingers.

"Uh—" Watanabe Che was at a loss for words, "I only know this haiku sentence about Takahama Xuzi."

"Me too."

"Then what do you agree to?"

"Didn't you also propose to talk about Takahama Xuzi?" Kiyono Rin put his hand lightly on his chin, and his smile was elegant and a little mischievous, very cute.

"I plan to learn about him from you," Watanabe Che said.

"Ah, I told you, I don't know everything, and admit it."

"It's also one of your good points." Watanabe Che said for her, "I remember all your words."

"The credit for keeping the diary?"

"When it comes to diaries, you're almost there"

"It's almost time for you to turn in the second one."

"." Watanabe Che looked at the righteous Rin Kiyono without blinking his eyes, "Kyono-san."

"Go ahead."

"You are indeed beautiful."

"Any more?"

"Maybe I like you more than I thought."

"Understood, is there anything else?"

Looking at that beautiful and refined face and eyes as clear as ice crystals, Watanabe Che's heart beat faster.

He wanted to express his wish, and begged her to ignore all her faults. Even if she cared, please wait until the two are together before blaming him slowly.

It doesn't matter if you are to blame for a lifetime.

My heart was pounding, my palms began to tingle, and my voice must have become hoarse.

"...No." Watanabe Che said as naturally as possible.

Kiyono Rin gave him a deep look: "In that case, let's talk about other things."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you think honesty is necessary?"

"In fact, human beings have never pursued honesty."


"People talk about it, but they demand it from others, and most of the time they don't see it. When honesty works, people are honest; lies are more convenient for them, and they immediately turn to them and worship them."

"how about you?"

"I am also one of them." Watanabe Che said, "But to you, I will always be honest."

"Because it's in your interest to be honest with me?"

"I don't deny that it's partly because of this, but you don't like a guy just because he's honest, right?"

"Honestness is just the basics of being a person. I will appreciate him, but..." Rin Kiyono turned his eyes away and looked forward, "Like someone, it doesn't matter if that person is honest or not."

"Then am I not being honest?"

Rin Kiyono turned his head and looked at Che Watanabe coldly.

"Just kidding," he laughed. "I'm being honest with you, just because you're good-looking."

"Just because of looks?"

"Outside, appearance is very important." Watanabe Che said with a guilty conscience.

"Just now you said you've always been honest with me." Kiyono sighed deeply, unable to do anything about him.

"Honestness is just a means." Watanabe Che looked into her eyes, "The purpose is to make you happy, as long as it makes you happy, whether it's honesty or lying, I'm willing."

".Really." Soft hair slipped from Rin Kiyono's ears.

She remembered what the fortune-teller said during her trip to Kyoto:
"Although he is very smart, sometimes he knows that the other party is lying and still chooses to believe the other party."

At first she didn't even think about it and said it was impossible.

Now, that person appeared.

The two stopped talking, each thinking about their own thoughts.

At a certain moment, Watanabe Che felt a slight weight on his shoulders, and looked sideways, Kiyono Rin fell asleep, his head resting on his body.

Like this, it might be good to keep Rin Kiyono leaning on his shoulders while sleeping and not doing anything.

"Kyono-san," Watanabe Che wakes up Kiyono Rin softly, "it's the final stop."

 Thank you to the leader of [When will it rain].

  Thank you all for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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