A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 219 "Western Magic and Eastern Qi Practice"

Chapter 219 "Western Magic and Eastern Qi Practice"

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch!"

"Gryffindor wins!"

The roar of cheers resounded throughout the Quidditch arena. Harry, who had already fallen to the ground, couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and lifted the golden snitch in his hand high.

Ron and Hermione in the auditorium finally breathed a sigh of relief, with happy smiles on their faces.

Luna clapped her hands vigorously, a smile that she didn't usually have on her fair little face.

Except for the Slytherin team, everyone was very happy, only Danas was still heartbroken.

It was obviously won by him...why couldn't he be happy?

Danas pretended to be calm, but he still glanced at the mirror of the watch from the corner of his eyes.

Finally, Lin Yi on the mirror turned his head and looked away from Danas.

Danas breathed a sigh of relief.

But in a corner he couldn't see, the Bludger that had calmed down trembled slightly again.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and looked at the corner of the auditorium with sharp eyes.

In an instant, a sense of fear as if being pressed against the neck by a sharp blade came to mind.

The translucent figure in the corner trembled, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

Lin Yi withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Dumbledore.

"Very good game."

"...Trust me, this kind of thing doesn't happen very often."

Dumbledore seemed a little embarrassed, he sighed, and waved away the magic around him.

"Really?" Lin Yi was noncommittal.

But Duo Duo let go of her hand a little bit.

She turned her head quickly and looked at Lin Yi with her big green eyes.

"Master, I also want something that can be ridden like them!"

Lin Yi was instantly alert: "Why? Isn't Feijian good-looking?"

"Hmm...the flying swords are really pretty, but I think their broomsticks are fun to ride!"

"I have something more interesting." Lin Yi patted her little head and said in a low voice, "I'll make one for you when I'm free in a few days."


A smile suddenly appeared on Duoduo's face, and her big green eyes were full of anticipation.

Lin Yi smiled and turned to look at Dumbledore.

"By the way, professor, let's make the first deal first?"

"no problem!"

Dumbledore readily agreed.

"Go to my office and discuss."

At the same time, everyone on the field left the field one after another.

The Gryffindor students and team members gathered around Harry, all of them had uncontrollable smiles on their faces, but Slytherin and the others all looked gloomy. Malfoy looked at Harry angrily. He glanced at Harry, then raised his head cautiously, and looked at his father with a very gloomy face in the special auditorium.

Of course, the only ones who were not happy were Slytherins.

The vast majority of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are more supportive of Gryffindor in this game.

Luna was also very happy, but Danas by her side left in a hurry after the show.

Five minutes later, Danas' figure appeared in the dull and quiet library.

The students who often came to the library basically knew the first-grade freshman, so they all greeted him, but of course, they didn't make a sound.

But Danas didn't respond to them as usual.

He hurried into the library and walked straight towards the bookshelves of non-official history books.

In the past, relying on his own understanding of the plot of "Harry Potter", Danas hardly came here to read any books, because he felt that he already knew almost everything he should know.

But today, he had to take a look at the book that Luna was talking about.

""Western Magic and Eastern Qi Practice"..."

Danas muttered to himself while searching row by row on the bookshelf.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he took out the thick-covered book that didn't look old from the middle row, and then found a seat nearby to read it.

"There are hundreds of powers in this world, but there is no doubt that Western magic and Eastern Qi practice are the two most complete power systems in this world..."

"...everyone knows this, and so do I, but it wasn't until I met that Eastern friend that I was really lucky enough to see the Eastern Lianqi. Of course, the word Lianqi is just a transliteration, which is not accurate. It is used as a reference. If you want to know its meaning accurately, you need to go back and look at the Chinese characters, that is, the two characters 'practice Qi'..."

"...these oriental wizards, well, it is not accurate to use the word wizard to describe them. My oriental friend told me that in Chinese, they call themselves 'practice Qishi' or 'Taoist', which means practice People with 'Qi', or those who pursue the Dao, Dao is the truth, literally, their thinking seems to be somewhat similar to alchemy..."

This book has a very profound analysis of the Eastern Qi practice, and there are many Chinese characters between the lines. If you read it to another person, you may find it very jerky, but it is nothing to Danas who is proficient in both Chinese and English. .

The slightly yellowed pages kept flipping, Danas frowned tightly, his eyes quickly scanned line by line.

This book wasn't too thick, it only took 10 minutes, and Danas finished reading the whole book.

After closing the last hard book cover, Danas couldn't help closing his eyes, calming down his surging emotions.

When he opened his eyes again, Danas couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

The east of this world is actually a world under one person!

This book clearly talks about the matter of innate qi, the theory and application of which are the same as those of one person, not only that, the book even mentions several very famous schools in the East, and among them Famous leaders, including Zhang Tianshi of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion.

When he saw this, a bolt from the blue seemed to flash through Danas's mind.

It was so!
Danas was a little excited, but also a little annoyed—he should have discovered this earlier!

It turned out to be under one person, and he thought that person was also a time traveler!

Luckily fortunately!

Danas heaved a sigh of relief, but immediately, another doubt rose to his mind again.

Why can that guy be Professor Dumbledore's guest?
Who is he?
Danas frowned again.

Dark haired, young, handsome, and with this little girl...

Danas became more and more confused after thinking about it. It's not that he hasn't read the comics under one person, but he really doesn't remember any characters that fit these characteristics.

"Could it be that there is also a chaotic world like this side?"

Danas thought so in his heart.

At this moment, a shadow spread up from under the table little by little, slowly covering half of the books on the table. Danas shrank his pupils when he saw this, and before he had any further reaction, a shadow with a slight hint of The voice of the accent sounded from behind.

"Western magic... practicing Qi with the East?"

Danas was slightly taken aback, then quickly turned around, and looked at the little Chinese girl in a white top hat and a white dress standing behind him with some surprise...

"It's you?"

That little girl next to that guy?
Danas opened his eyes wide in surprise, but the little girl behind him seemed even more surprised.

No, it's not surprise, it should be said to be surprise!
Looking from Danas' perspective, the surprise in those big green eyes almost overflowed!

"can you speak Chinese?"

"I... uh..."

Dana was stunned for a moment. He had been thinking all by himself just now, and he didn't even notice that what he blurted out was in Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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