Chapter 229 Traveler...?
The white curse gradually dissipated in the air, Lin Yi smiled faintly, walked into the room, and then closed the door intimately, the pattern of the door disappeared on the smooth wall.

Lin Yi was really surprised when he saw the white spell just now.

But then he figured it out.

In other words, after all, Danas was a cautious traveler who had already considered the threat of the basilisk when he entered school. How could he let go of such a perfect base as the House of Requirement?
It was unexpected to meet in the Room of Requirement at this moment, but it was also reasonable.

Coincidentally, Lin Yi also planned to have a talk with Danas, and this meeting could also save him two steps.

Lin Yi turned around with a smile, looking at the layout of the Room of Requirement with a scrutiny in his eyes.

The area here is not too big, probably not much different from an ordinary classroom. On the wall on the right hand side is a row of wooden bookshelves full of stuff, next to the bookshelves is a pair of antique wooden tables and chairs. There is also an open ancient book and a notebook with a quill on it, which should belong to Danas.

Lin Yi's eyes flicked from the shocked Danas to the rest of the room.

On the wall opposite the gate, in addition to the deep sword mark left by Lin Yifang, there are also several wooden figures with black lines and spots all over their bodies, and a large wooden man with three locks on it. box.

In the corner of the wall on Lin Yi's left, there are some wooden shelves with larger interlayers. On the shelves are various instruments such as sight glasses and spy devices, and there is also a full-length mirror with some cracks. There will be some gray and white shadows flashing.

Lin Yi glanced across the shelves where the instruments were placed, and looked towards the center of the wall.

There were two shelves moved to the two sides, exposing the middle wall. There was a square outline on the wall, and a yellow copper ring fitted into the wall, which obviously looked like a door.

Behind the door should be the treasure room I want...

This idea came to Lin Yi's mind as if he had a clear understanding.

Immediately, he frowned slightly, and sealed his heart with the heart of the sword.

Lin Yi doesn't mind being captured by the Room of Requirement for his divergent thoughts, but he certainly doesn't want to be stuffed into his mind with relevant information by the Room of Requirement.

It wasn't until then that he turned his gaze to Danas who was restless over there.

"Meet you again, Danas."

With a half-smile on Lin Yi's face, with his hands behind his back, he walked towards Danas.

Danas looked at Lin Yi with a complicated expression, and various guesses flashed in his mind.

But in the end, he just sighed lightly and said apologetically.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, I didn't know it was you."

"It's ok."

Lin Yi waved his hand indifferently, then passed by Danas, came to the bookshelf full of books, glanced over the heavy books, and said softly.

"It's normal. Everyone has a selfish side in their hearts. After discovering such a treasure land, it's not a shame to want to keep your own secrets. just used a non-life-threatening petrification spell, didn't you?" ?”


The corner of Danas' mouth twitched.

Lin Yi said everything he wanted to say, what else could he say?

So Danas fell silent.

Lin Yi didn't care about Danas's reaction either. He reached out and took out a copy of "Common Spells and Solutions" from the bookshelf, and just stood there to read it.

For a moment, the only sound left in the room was breathing and heartbeat.

Danas stood beside the chair silently, neither speaking nor moving.

He just silently looked at Lin Yi who was watching with relish, his eyes full of complexity.

Danas really couldn't figure out what Lin Yi wanted to do...

Did he accidentally find the Room of Requirement?

Didn't he have any doubts or surprises?

Or... His previous guess was correct, Mr. Lin is really a time traveler?
Countless questions flashed through his mind, and Dana couldn't sit still for a moment. He gritted his teeth and walked over.

"Mr. Lin, do you know where this is?"

"Of course I know." Lin Yi put his eyes on the book in his hand and said without raising his head, "This is the Room of Requirement, also called the Room of Come and Go. It is a very magical place in Hogwarts."


Danas was terrified in his heart, but he still had a slight illusion of luck.

"Did Professor Dumbledore tell you?"


Lin Yi paused, then turned his head and looked at Danas with a half-smile.

Danas's scalp was numb, and cold sweat was dripping from his back, but he still bit the bullet and looked at Lin Yi.

A few seconds later, Lin Yi shook his head and turned his attention to the book again.

Danas felt much more relaxed in an instant, and his back was already drenched with sweat after just a few seconds of looking at each other.


Lin Yi's voice came lightly.

"Why do you always want to escape?"

"Don't you... really don't know who I am?"

Danas frowned and fell silent.

"Hannah Abbott's twin brother, the first grader in Ravenclaw, brought a rooster that is deadliest to basilisks when he entered school, discovered the Room of Requirement in the first grade, and is also very proficient in Chinese..."

"Danas, do you know how conspicuous my resume is to me?"

Lin Yi's faint voice floated in the Room of Response, like a powerful and heavy hammer, smashing the layer of luck wrapped in Danas's heart one by one.

After a long time, he sighed softly and smiled wryly.

"You're right, I've actually thought about it a long time ago, I just don't want to face it... Before that, I never thought that there would be people like me in this world, and I never concealed my performance, So after discovering the weirdness in you, I..."

"You subconsciously want to escape, to convince yourself..."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Danas nodded, but the expression on his face was much more relaxed.

Lin Yi smiled, and sat down straight with the book in his hand. The moment he sat down, a chair happened to appear behind him and took him down.

"...It's really responsive to every request!"

Lin Yi touched the wooden handrail covered with pulp in amazement.

On the side, Danas's eyes almost popped out.

Why haven't I seen this house so effective before?
Whatever he wants, he has to concentrate all his attention and recite it in his heart several times, and then the room will change for him, but what about Lin Yi?

Appeared in such a sitting?
Danas couldn't help but glance up.

At this moment, a gentle force was blowing towards him, and Danas couldn't bear the force, he staggered and fell backwards, just crashing into the chair that turned around behind him at some point.

Just as Danas came back to his senses, Lin Yi's voice sounded.

"Sit down and talk..." Lin Yi smiled slightly, "Actually, I didn't intend to contact you now. Although Dodo has a good impression of you, I don't think a mature person like you would I can't coax a ten-year-old girl..."

So it's just a coincidence?
The corner of Danas's mouth twitched slightly, as if ten thousand muddy horses had stepped through his heart.

"But now that I've met you in the Room of Requirement, I don't bother to find another time, so let's talk about it openly and honestly!"

As he spoke, Lin Yi put the books in his hand upside down on the table, then turned his head, looked at Danas seriously, and silvery-white light spots appeared around his body.

He asked word for word.

"Are you a time traveler?"


Danas was silent for a moment, then nodded vigorously as if he had made a decision.


"Hehe~" Lin Yi smiled unsurprisingly, "Then you—"

Before the words fell, Lin Yi's voice stopped abruptly, and the smile suddenly froze on his face.

He suddenly discovered that the picture of Danas's past life memory was written in the third person.

(End of this chapter)

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