A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 329 Convergence of Nine Kingdoms and Celestial Bodies

Chapter 329 Nine Kingdoms and Celestial Bodies Gather

"Dr. Eric Shavig, a well-known astronomer and physicist, was the chief scientist of S.H.I.E.L.D. in charge of studying the Rubik's Cube, and was also one of the scientists who was taken away by Loki in the last incident."

Tony whispered in Lin Yi's ear, with a trace of regret in his tone.

"This morning, I saw this guy on the news on TV. At that time, he was running naked near Stonehenge with an instrument on his back. I asked Natasha to go to the local police to release him on bail..."

"Obviously the guy had some mental issues after losing his job."

Lin Yi was a little surprised: "Unemployed? The chief scientist of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube project will also be unemployed?"

"Of course, he was controlled by Loki. How dare the one-eyed dragon in S.H.I.E.L.D. use him?"

Tony smiled and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, and walked over to meet Dr. Eric.

"Dr. Eric."

"Mr. Stark."

"I won't say anything out of politeness. I believe you should already know something about it, right?"

"Of course!"

Dr. Eric's eyes did not stay on Tony at all, and he looked fascinatedly at the gravity anomaly field with various earth and rocks floating in the abandoned factory.

"One of the nine kingdoms gathered... Tsk tsk, this is a cosmic spectacle once every 5000 years!"

"Wait!" Tony frowned suddenly, "What does this sentence mean?"

"It's what it means to express itself."

Dr. Eric didn't even look at Tony, he just looked at the gravity anomaly field ahead and muttered to himself.

"Taking the earth's 5000-year cycle as a cycle, there will be a spectacle of celestial bodies gathering in each cycle. When this spectacle occurs, the nine kingdoms on the world tree will line up on the level of that mysterious dimension. Every world all pass through each other, and all anchored relative spaces create links."

"At that time, not only the gravitational field in front of you, but also light and matter will be squeezed from one world to another..."

"and many more!"

Tony interrupted Dr. Eric's words, frowned and said: "Dr. Eric, forgive me for interrupting your narration, there are too many loopholes in your theory, let alone whether there is such a mysterious dimension , the 5000-year cycle alone makes me unbelievable-why is it such a regular value of 5000 years? Why use the year of the earth as the unit of measurement?"

"Because the Earth is Midgard, Midgard! Atrium!"

Dr. Eric looked at Tony with a look of hatred.

"Do you think this name is taken randomly? Although I haven't mastered the mysterious latitude and the operation rules of the world tree, the earth is obviously in the center of the nine kingdoms, and the time of the earth is applied on the large-scale time axis. It's like New York uses the standard time of the West Fifth District, so what's there to wonder about?"

"As for the regular time of 5000 years, ha! That's simple. The observatory also said that Halley's Comet passes the earth every 76 years! Why don't you doubt this? They are all imaginary numbers and average values. There is nothing to be particular about!"

Dr. Eric gave Tony a sideways glance, as if this was a common sense question that everyone should know.


Tony's head was full of black lines, and his face was drawn long.

The woman in the winter hat was originally looking bright, intending to go up to greet the two Avengers, but when she heard Dr. Eric's long speech, her eyes widened and her feet stayed in place awkwardly. Stomping lightly, he almost jumped over and covered Dr. Eric's mouth.

Not to mention the college student carrying the instrument behind him, he looked trembling as if he would turn around and run away in the next second.

Lin Yi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, feeling a little funny in his heart.

Although Jianxin's perception told him that Dr. Eric was only very confident in his conclusions and did not mean to humiliate Tony, but based on what he said... this karmic loss is not complaining at all.

Natasha didn't have a special reaction, she knew countless people, and she had never seen any kind of freak, and she had come into contact with more mission targets than ordinary people.

Seeing that the atmosphere in front of her was a bit stiff, the corners of Natasha's mouth turned up slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes swept around, and immediately stopped on a thin and light notebook.

"Guys, you have a new message, let me see, Professor Elliott..."

Natasha walked over with a smile on her face, and conveniently shoved the notebook into Coulson's hand, breaking the current dangerous and rigid atmosphere lightly.

Coulson and his team members breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took over the notebook. The woman in the winter hat and the male college student behind her also showed expressions of salvation.

Lin Yi asked along the way.

"Who is Professor Elliott?"

"A professor from the University of Seville, one of the most authoritative experts on Norse mythology, we consulted this professor on the incident of the hammer discovered in New Mexico and the last incident of the weapon of the Berserker in Asgard .”

While explaining, Coulson opened the email from Professor Elliott.

Lin Yi nodded with a clear expression, and at the same time sensed what Coulson hadn't said with his sword heart.

Professor Eliot is not just an authoritative expert on Norse mythology, he is a part of Norse mythology—the Asgardian berserk warrior left on Earth!

The weapon Coulson's team handled before was hidden by Professor Elliot hundreds of years ago.

After this violent weapon incident, Professor Elliott confessed his identity and reached an agreement with Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. Information and intelligence related to Asgard.

This information did not appear in the Avengers' intelligence library.

It seems that it should be to guard against the Asgard member of the Avengers-Thor Thor.

Sure enough, it is the style of black marinated eggs. No one can know all the information, except himself...

Lin Yi thought to himself.

Coulson on the side naturally didn't know that Professor Elliott's information had been leaked, and he was reading the mail on the computer screen quickly and clearly: "...the Nine Kingdoms are hung in the world tree 'Yuktla On the branches of Hill'... Whenever this special time node comes, the various kingdoms will be connected into a line, and this phenomenon is called... the convergence of celestial bodies."

After Coulson finished reading the email, everyone looked at Dr. Eric in surprise.

Dr. Eric showed joy on his face: "It seems that I am not the only one who is sober. Can you give me the contact information of this Professor Elliott? He must be an accomplished astronomer. I believe we There must be a lot of common topics."

"No, he's a historian and a mythologist."

"That's also a historian and a mythologist well versed in astronomy."


Before everyone could react, the woman in the winter hat rushed over, dragged Eric forward, and showed everyone an embarrassed smile full of apology.

"Sorry, Eric has some mental problems..."

"You have mental problems!"

"All right, all right, I have a mental problem... Hurry up, didn't you say that you have a way to solve the gravity anomaly field? That, who is that, intern, quickly bring Dr. Eric's instrument."

"Yes! Instrument, my gravity measuring instrument can stabilize the boundary point where celestial bodies converge, abaaaba..."

Soon, the chattering Professor Eric was dragged away by the woman.

The male college student carrying the instrument swallowed, nodded towards the crowd with a smile on his face, and immediately spread his legs and chased them, shouting behind them with a trembling mouth.

"My name is Ian, not an intern..."


The corners of Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him. If he remembered correctly, that woman should be Jane Foster's friend and assistant in the movie, Daisy Louise.

Lin Yi held Coulson by the hand and said in a low voice.

"Remember to send someone to watch them."

"I will."

Coulson nodded, and immediately turned around to make arrangements with Melinda, Skye and others.

Fitz and Simmons were responsible for the observations, Tony and Jarvis were responsible for recording all data and fluctuations, while calculating the boundaries and weak points of the gravitational anomaly field, and Dr. Eric and Coulson's team were responsible for the actual instrument placement.

Everyone got busy quickly, except Lin Yi.

For some reason, there was always a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Soon, Lin Yi couldn't help but found Tony again.

"Tony, are you sure you can't contact Saul?"

"Of course, as I said, the connection between us depends only on the gatekeeper named Heimdall. Generally speaking, as long as I send out information, I can get an immediate response. If there is no immediate response..."

"That means Heimdall didn't see it!"

Lin Yi blurted out instantly, and the general plot of the celestial body gathering event flashed through his mind.

In the plot of the entire incident, there are only a few scenes where Heimdall no longer looks at the starry sky, and there are only two times during the period when Thor took Jane Foster away and did not return to Earth.

Considering that it hasn't been long since Sol took Jane Foster away, Lin Yi thinks that the high probability of this happening should be the previous time, that is, the time when Malekith led the dark elf fleet to invade Asgard.

In just a few seconds, Lin Yi came to a conclusion in his mind.

Something happened to Asgard!
(End of this chapter)

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