A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 344 Escape from Asgard

Chapter 344 Escape from Asgard
Meanwhile, Heimdall informs Odin of Thor's actions.

Odin was furious, confiscated Heimdall's weapons, and put him in a military prison. At the same time, he ordered the Royal Guards and the Golden Armored Army to encircle Thor with all his strength, preventing him from taking the ether particles out of Asgard.

At this time, Lin Yi and Sol just flew out of the range of the royal court and entered a beautiful valley.

The surrounding military forces reacted quickly, and pulse energy cannons rose from the top of the buildings next to the valley, and the golden energy beams poured all over the sky, chasing the two silver streamers in the sky.

call out!call out!call out--

Lin Yi took the lead and flew in front, behind him were two flying swords glowing with silvery white light.

While the mind was turning, one person and two swords quickly avoided the energy beam chasing behind.

call out--

A golden light beam as thick as an arm passed by, Lin Yi couldn't dodge in time, the golden light beam rubbed against the gauntlet, leaving a scorched black mark on the silver armor.

Taking a hasty glance at the scorched black marks on the gauntlet, Lin Yi couldn't help being speechless.

"I'll go, are they really here?"

"What do you think?"

Thor stepped on the flying sword and turned around, raising Thor's Hammer in his hand high.

In an instant, dark clouds covered the sun in the sky, thunder rumbled, and blue and white electric snakes were winding and circling in the clouds, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Thor roared and swung Thor's hammer forward.

A blue-white thunderbolt as thick as a bucket descended from the sky, and landed on the energy pulse cannon closest to everyone with the brilliant might of the sky.

The huge pulse cannon was smashed to pieces in an instant, and white arcs centered on the pulse cannon spread to both sides.

Sol secretly apologized, turned around and hugged Jane Foster's slender waist, stepped on the flying sword and continued to fly forward.

At this moment, a group of diamond-shaped spaceships with flying wings on both sides flew up from behind and surrounded Lin Yi and the others.

Seeing this, Lin Yi sighed, his body stagnated in the air, and at the same time he stretched out his hand and pushed forward, the speed of the two Eight-faced Han Swords suddenly increased a bit.

Sol on the flying sword suddenly understood Lin Yi's meaning, and quickly shouted: "Don't hurt their lives!"

Lin Yi nodded, and pulled out a bright long sword from the void. The little black cat on his shoulder also meowed and turned into a black tiger about half a meter long.

One man and one tiger quickly greeted a whole group of diamond-shaped spaceships.


A series of explosions and screams came from behind, Sol sighed, and couldn't help but sadly changed the one hand around Jane Foster's waist into two hands.

Not long after, two figures, one silver and one black, chased up from behind.

"Don't worry, I only dismantled the spaceship and didn't hurt their lives."

Lin Yi said something casually, and immediately flew to Loki's side.

Lin Yi asked, "What should I do next?"

Loki grinned, a slightly crazy smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Move forward."

"Ahead is the mountain wall!"


"you sure?"

"Of course!" Loki had a slightly crazy smile on his face, "If this passage can be opened so easily, how could only I know it!"

"It makes sense."

Lin Yi nodded, the gravitational field exploded behind him, and flew towards the mountain wall ahead of the two flying swords.

After approaching, Lin Yi discovered that there was a narrow crack about three meters wide on the mountain wall. The gap only extended forward for more than ten meters, and then turned a corner and turned to another direction.

This also leads to the same internal color as the exterior, and the gap cannot be found from a distance.

It appears to be here.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at Luo Ji, standing in mid-air, controlling two flying swords to fly towards him quickly, and then dodged to stand behind Luo Ji.

"You better be right."

Lin Yi said something in a low voice.

Loki grinned, and before he could speak, the two flying swords burrowed into the cracks in the mountain wall.

After entering the crack for more than ten meters, the surrounding scene began to undergo tremendous changes. A series of radiant halos appeared on the rock walls on both sides, and the sense of space between the front and rear began to gradually lose.

Jane Foster just felt dizzy for a while, and everything around her seemed to start to appear double.

Saul noticed Jane Foster's strangeness, reached out and took her into his arms, and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, just go to sleep if you can't hold on, just sleep for a while..."

Jane Foster gradually fell into a coma and passed out in Saul's arms.

Lin Yi didn't care about Jane Foster's reaction, he put all his attention on the control of the flying sword, even though he gradually lost his sense of space and direction, he still flew forward regardless.

Finally, after a burst of extreme contraction, the two flying swords disappeared on the narrow mountain wall.

Five minutes later, the diamond-shaped spacecraft all over the sky rushed to the valley.

Odin sat on the frontmost spaceship with a cold expression, holding a golden spear in his right hand, his only remaining eyes were swollen, golden arcs flashed through his pupils, and he looked condescendingly at the valley below like a god.

"Scatter out, search the entire canyon, and make sure to find the location of Sol and others!"



dark world.

Two silver-white flying swords emerged from the void and landed on an extremely barren black desert.

Thor jumped off the flying sword, and put Jane Foster, who was unconscious in his arms, on the flying sword. The invisible wind rope extended from the blade, fixing her there firmly.

Lin Yi and Luo Ji also jumped off the flying sword.

The flying sword turned around and turned into a silver light and disappeared in front of everyone.

Loki raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "Not bad tricks, can you teach me?"

Lin Yi passed by Loki calmly, without any intention of answering him. The little black cat on his shoulder raised his head lazily, and grinned at Loki, as if laughing at him silently.

Loki smiled, not paying attention.

Walking to Sol, Lin Yi glanced at the unconscious Jane Foster on the flying sword.

"Saul, don't tell me that you plan to use Malekith to extract the ether particles from Jane Foster's body, and then destroy Malekith and the ether particles..."

Saul was a little proud: "How?"

"Shit!" Lin Yi cursed mercilessly, "I wondered, wasn't it very shrewd when arranging the escape plan before? Why are you starting to mess up again now? If you can destroy ether particles, you Will grandfather keep it till now?"


Sol had a stinky face, and Loki on the side gloated and suppressed a smile.

Saul asked angrily: "Then do you have any better way?"

"Of course!"

"what way?"

"Wait for me a few minutes."

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, his feet slowly left the ground, and he went back to the passage just now.


On the other side, Earth London.

A group of Avengers gathered in the square in front of the Greenwich Observatory, watching the pitiful frost behemoth curled up on all fours and shivering in the cage.

"It's been a day, and it still refuses to eat?"

"Yeah, it's all because Hulk casts too much of a shadow on it... What a poor kid."

Natasha shook her head and tsk-tsk, Tony, Steve and others all turned their heads and looked at Dr. Banner beside him.

Dr. Banner was slightly taken aback, and then spread his hands innocently.

"You know, after the transformation, I don't have much memory, so I really don't know what Hulk did to it."

Tony curled his lips, and was about to talk a little bit, but Steve suddenly jumped up on the side.

"and many more!"

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at Steve, only to see that Steve looked at the tablet in his hand in surprise, tapped it lightly with his finger, then flipped it up and turned it towards the crowd.


Lin Yi's voice came from the tablet, everyone froze for a moment, and then exploded.

"The phone actually got through?!"

"Aren't you in Asgard?"

"Can this work?"

Steve and the others were a little surprised, but Tony and Dr. Banner looked at each other and smiled.

"Be quiet."

Tony said as he walked towards Steve.

"I remember I said at the beginning that the convergence of celestial bodies will cause the nine worlds to squeeze each other, and the light and matter in each world will be squeezed into other worlds, including electromagnetic signals. What's the fuss about it, Lin Yi It must have found a weak boundary point that has begun to squeeze each other..."

Tony said with certainty while picking up the tablet in his hand.

"Am I right, Lin Yi?"

"Hmm... I really want to admit it, but I'm sorry, I'm on Earth right now."


Tony's cheeks twitched slightly, he didn't care about guessing that he was slapped in the face, and hurriedly asked.

"You're back?"

"Well, and also found the space entrance where Loki invaded the earth."


Everyone looked at each other in blank amazement.

Tony frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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