Chapter 527
"...Master Bran?"

The familiar voice awakened Bran from his excitement, and countless stunned eyes fell on him, extinguishing the excitement in his heart like a basin of cold water.

Forget about them!
Bran was annoyed, and his joyful expression quickly returned to calm.

Only then did he realize that the guards in front of him had drawn their swords and looked at each other around the man in white... Wait, around Lin Yi?

Brandon was startled into a cold sweat, and immediately opened his eyes wide and shouted: "Presumptuous!"

"This is Sister Arya's swordsmanship teacher, the famous first swordsman in Westeros, Mr. Yi Lin, and also a distinguished guest in the north personally appointed by His Majesty, how dare you draw your swords at each other?!"

"……master Yi?"

"Is he Master Yi?"

The guards surrounding Lin Yi were shocked, and quickly put away their swords.

Bran ran up to Lin Yi in small steps, and whispered, "Mr. Lin, they are just eager to protect the Lord..."

"I know." Lin Yi smiled indifferently, "It's okay, I don't care, so hurry up and take me to the cemetery."


Bran nodded, greeted Hodor behind him, and the three of them walked towards the first castle.

The guards opened their eyes wide and looked at each other. Just when they were about to keep up with the pace of the three, Bran turned his head and gave him a glare. He quickly stopped and stood there in embarrassment.

Neither advancing nor retreating.

The guards could only watch the backs of the three of them disappear from sight, and then stared at each other, digesting the scene just now and the huge amount of information in the conversation.

"...Master Bran can go?"

"Did Master Yi heal you?"

"It should be... But I heard that Master Yi disappeared north of the Great Wall?"

"Ah, how is it possible? Last year, I heard that Master Yi appeared in the southern border and defeated several master knights in the fish and meat town!"

"Yes, but how did I hear that Master Yi only appeared in Braavos?"

The guards discussed in a low voice, and then they were surprised to find that Lin Yi seemed to be everywhere in the whole world. After some discussion, all the guards finally came to a conclusion with emotion on their faces——

As expected of Miss Arya's swordsmanship teacher!
On the other side, Lin Yi frowned slightly and walked behind Bran.

He heard all the voices discussed by the guards just now, and he didn't really care about the rumors about the southern border, but he had to carefully consider the news about Braavos.

If the sources are accurate, there is a good chance that there is indeed a person walking around pretending to be himself.

'...Could it be Jaqen? '

Lin Yi was thinking thoughtfully.

"Mr. Lin, the first fort is ahead."

Bran's voice came from the front, waking Lin Yi up from his contemplation.

The first castle of Winterfell is a round and low fortress, and it is also the oldest part of the whole castle. It has been abandoned until today, and even Bran has not been here for a long time.

But Bran frequented the cemetery next to the First Castle, not only because of the servants who died fighting for the Stark family, but also the direwolf 'lady' that belonged to his sister Sansa.

Yes, that's where Sansa's direwolf is buried.

If there is no accident, Bran's "Summer" will sleep here in the future.

Looking at the tomb belonging to the direwolf 'Lady', Bran couldn't help but look complicated.

After getting in touch with the Green Prophet through the third perspective, he knew what the death of the "lady" meant to his sister Sansa. Since then, the lady who yearned to be a lady in the past has ceased to exist.


Bran was awakened by a familiar wolf howl. Bran turned his head suddenly, and suddenly saw a silver-gray direwolf baring its teeth, lying on all fours in an attacking posture, and its smoky-yellow wolf pupils were staring at it. Lin Yi.


Brandon exclaimed suddenly, and quickly ran over.

Seeing his little master alive and kicking, the direwolf 'Xiamen' immediately abandoned Lin Yi in front of him, spread his legs and pounced on Bran who was running, and then grabbed his shoulders with two front paws, licking his shoulders non-stop. Looking at his little face.

Bran also likes to make out with 'Summer', but now is clearly not the time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin." Bran said with a wry smile while pressing the big head of 'Summer', "Maybe Xia Tian came here because of the smell, and accidentally disturbed you."

"... disturbed me?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows with interest, and looked down at the huge direwolf, his dark eyes instantly transformed into silver-white sword pupils.


The direwolf, who was still making out with his master just now, was startled by the overwhelming coercion like a wave, and quickly hid behind Bran with his tail between his legs, looking at him suspiciously through the gap between Bran's crotch. Lin Yi.

Bran, who possesses the ability of a skinchanger, was also taken aback. Only then did he remember how powerful this person in front of him was, so he smiled wryly and said, "I took it for granted. With your strength, 'Xiamen 'How could it possibly disturb you?"

Lin Yi smiled: "Don't compliment me, I didn't mean that, we were just greeting each other in the direwolf way."


Bran forced a smile.

This is called greeting?
Obviously 'Xiamen' was so frightened that his tail was clipped!

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows: "Why, don't you believe it?"

"I believe, I believe!"

Bran nodded quickly, but the expression on that handsome little face obviously had another meaning.

Lin Yi smiled, and waved to the direwolf at Bran's feet.

"Summer, right? Come here!"


Bran immediately lowered his head when he heard this, and looked at the direwolf at his feet, wanting to see if it would listen to Lin Yi.

In the next second, the direwolf at Bran's feet jumped out from under his crotch, and quickly moved forward in a strange posture of retreating with four limbs, and then moved his wolf head to the forest with a dazed expression. under Yi's hands.

"So nice."

Lin Yi touched the direwolf's head with a smile, looked at Bran who was stunned, and explained solemnly: "Look, wolves are such animals. Only when you show your strength, will he talk to you properly. That's what I've learned from years of dealing with wolves, and you can't go wrong."


Bran silently glanced at the 'Summer' with resistance written all over his face, and then glanced at the clear track that 'Summer' drew on the ground when he rushed past, he couldn't believe it.

He knew that Lin Yi must have used some kind of magic to make 'Xiamen' irresistible.

But... There is no way, Lin Yi has thick arms, and everything he says is right.

Bran had no choice but to nod unconscionably, responding with a smirk.

Lin Yi smiled and stroked the head of 'Xiamen', but sighed faintly in his heart.

He didn't do this intentionally to bully the poor direwolf, but just wanted to relax his nerves a little. For some reason, the closer he got to the cemetery, the more inexplicably heavy he felt in his heart.

It was as if he had accidentally stepped into a road covered with cobwebs. The more he advanced, the more he was bound by the cobwebs.

"... something is wrong!"

Lin Yi's brows were tightly furrowed, and the worries he had accumulated all the way from the underground tomb surged into his heart. He was still stroking the wolf's head, and immediately closed his eyes with a sense of understanding.

The silver light filled the air, and Lin Yi's sword heart instantly opened, examining himself from the perspective of the spiritual level.

Sure enough, some thin threads invisible to the naked eye were indeed wrapped around his body, and the crystal clear heart of the sword was also covered with some invisible dust.

In the next second, a bright silver light erupted, and the world in front of Bran's eyes flickered for a moment. He closed his eyes subconsciously, and at the same time raised his arms to block in front of him.

But then, the silver light in front of him disappeared in an instant.

Bran stared forward in a daze, then raised his arms slightly, looking at his hands in amazement and puzzlement.

What's going on, hasn't he already raised his arm?

Could it be that everything just now was an illusion?
Strong doubts surged in my heart.

For a while, Bran had a feeling as if he had passed away.

When he raised his head again, Lin Yi in front of him had already opened his eyes, and was looking at him with enlightenment at this moment.

"What... what's wrong?" Bran asked dryly.

"It's nothing."

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, and then let go of his right hand that was rubbing the wolf's head. The poor little wolf howled immediately, and rushed to Bran's back with his big head arching his legs for comfort.

Bran touched its head with a wry smile, as if the master was also powerless.

Looking up again, Lin Yi, who was still three steps away in front of him, disappeared without knowing when, and quietly appeared in front of a new tombstone 20 meters away.

It was Anser's tomb.

Lin Yi silently looked at the name on the tombstone and his achievements during his lifetime. After a long time, he let out a long breath, then took out a bottle of high-grade spirits from the inventory, unscrewed the lid, sprinkled half of it on the soil, and then Lift your head and pour the remaining half into your mouth.

Bran followed with 'Summer', sniffing the strong aroma of wine in his nose and showing surprise.

Where did it come from?
How could Mr. Lin's thin clothes hold such a big wine bottle?
Then again, didn't Arya say that Mr. Lin never left his sword... Where is the sword?
When Bran was full of doubts, Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at him, stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and Bran suddenly felt an irresistible force pulling him towards the tombstone.

"Drink with me, this guy died for you Starks anyway."

"... Stark never treats heroes badly."

Bran explained something calmly, and then reached out to the wine bottle in Lin Yi's hand.

But before he touched the wine bottle, Lin Yi slapped his hand with black lines all over his head, and took out a can of red painted cans from his arms, pulled the tab and handed it to Bran .

"Here, you drink this."

(End of this chapter)

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