Chapter 538
Red Fork River, Pink City.

This is the castle of the Piper family in the riverlands, but it was captured by the 'Magic Mountain' Gregor Clegane during the War of the Five Kings, so it has already become a dead place.

After the northern army recaptured the Red Pink City, it became the front line of the battlefield between the northern border and King's Landing.

Generally speaking, the cities near the Heishui River and the Red Fork River are commanded by generals who fought on the front lines.

But today, Robb Stark, their king in the north, came here with Queen Caitlin and Princess Arya, only under the protection of a team of light cavalry.

This terrified the general here, Ser Marq Piper.

He is the eldest son of Claremont Piper, the heir to the Pink City, and a friend of Catelyn's brother Edmure Tully, a straightforward young knight.

"Don't worry, although the purpose of my trip is secret, it's definitely not that I don't trust Pai Baiqing."

"But Your Majesty, my scouts only found the Lannister cavalry yesterday, and I'm worried..."

"Don't worry." Robb interrupted Marco Piper without hesitation, with a strong confidence on his heroic face, "If the Lannisters attack, there will naturally be Sir Piper and many northerners. The soldiers kept them out of the city... Doesn't Pai Baiqing have the confidence to defeat Lannister?"

"This... I am naturally confident, but what if..."

Looking at Sir Marco Piper, who had a bitter face but still wanted to persuade him tactfully, Arya twitched the corners of her mouth, walked to Caitlin and whispered: "Mother, do you really want to wait for the teacher here?"

"Don't you want to see Sansa sooner?" Caitlin asked rhetorically.

"Of course I want to, but seeing you earlier doesn't mean you have to come to the front line. What if the teacher doesn't take the King's Road and can't meet our messengers, and ends up accidentally missing us?"

"Then go back to Casterly Rock City, anyway, it's only half a day's journey."

Caitlin said lightly, but Arya couldn't help but look worried.

Coming all the way in a hurry, she and Robb, who has never relaxed and exercised, are naturally fine, but Kaitlyn, who was in such a hurry for the first time, couldn't stand it anymore. Although she seemed to be understatement, her slightly trembling thighs Still exposed the truth under the strong appearance.

"Mother, your legs..."

"It's okay." Caitlin smiled softly, and took Arya's hand and rubbed it lightly. "However, the pain of mere flesh and blood is no match for the pain of my four years of separation?"


Arya sighed faintly. Even if Caitlin is bad in every possible way, she is still a model of motherhood of the Virgin (one of the seven gods) in terms of treating her children.

This is also the reason why she still doesn't want to make her mother sad even though she knows that her mother often comes up with bad ideas.

I can only hope that the teacher has noticed our tracks...

Arya thought with a sigh in her heart.


At the same time, Lin Yi was flying quickly in the clouds with Sansa in his arms, and a powerful gravitational protection field enveloped him, blocking all high-altitude clouds and cold currents.

In just over ten minutes, Lin Yi's figure had already crossed the Heishui River and arrived at the noble heart of Hejian Land.

This is a high hill in the Riverlands. It used to be a sacred place belonging to the children of the forest. There are thirty weirwoods lined up on the top of the hill, which looks very neat and orderly from a high altitude.

Lin Yi was flying fast at high altitude while admiring the bird's-eye view of Westeros with those silver-white sword pupils. When he passed the city of Riverrun he had been to before, Lin Yi suddenly found a group of soldiers in light clothes heading towards the city quickly. Driving in a slightly southwest direction, it seems that it intends to support the city in the southwest direction.

But there was no war in that city either?
A trace of doubt flashed in Lin Yi's heart, without thinking too much, he turned and flew towards the southwest, and soon reached the sky above the city.

Looking at the familiar figures on the city wall below, Lin Yi couldn't help but twitched his lips.

No wonder Riverrun City suddenly divided its troops, they came here to escort them!

As for why they came to this city suddenly, it should be to meet Sansa sooner... They are really smart!
Lin Yi sighed, after thinking for a while, he found a hidden mountain area, and then quickly fell down holding Sansa.

After another hour, Caitlin, who had already sat down to rest, suddenly heard Arya's joyful cry from the city wall. She immediately looked happy, stood up abruptly, and ran up the city wall again regardless of her tired legs.

Sure enough, the figure in white had already appeared in the sight of everyone on the city wall, and was running on the road outside Hongfen City, rushing towards the city wall.

But it wasn't the man in white that attracted the most attention, but the slender girl in his arms.

"It's Sansa!!"

Arya's face was full of surprise, and Caitlin's eye sockets instantly turned red and moist. She couldn't help crossing her hands on her chest, and kept chanting 'seven gods'.

There was also a smile on Robb's face, and he waved his hands and gave orders to Sir Marco beside him, ready to open his eyes and become the great benefactor of the Stark family.

Sir Marq now knew what his king was waiting for.

But out of caution, he still couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty, are you sure you want to open the city gate?"

"...Then there is still a fake?"

Robb frowned and stared at him. Sir Marco shrank his neck and gave a wry smile. Just when he was about to say something, the figure in white appeared under the city wall as if flashing, and then he bent his knees and jumped. , stepped on the city wall with both feet casually, and landed in front of everyone.

Sir Marco's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Lin Yi in shock.

But Robb, Arya, and Caitlin beside him greeted him without hesitation, and took away the unconscious Sansa in Lin Yi's arms under Lin Yi's smiling eyes.

Robb and Arya looked at Sansa's face with reddened eyes.

Kaitlyn stretched out her arms to hold Sansa tightly, and gently caressed Sansa's fragile face with her palms that had become rough from years of wind and frost. beautiful face.

After four years of separation, Sansa's appearance has changed a lot, but Caitlin recognized herself instantly with her exquisite cheekbones, clear blue eyes, and thick burgundy hair. daughter of flesh and blood.

"By the Seven, my poor Sansa is back at last!"

Caitlin prayed constantly, and big tears rolled down her cheeks.

Robb's heart was also full of emotions. He stroked Arya's hair beside him with a smile on his face. After calming down a little, he looked at Lin Yi solemnly.

"Master Yi, you have nothing to repay the kindness of the Stark family. If you have any request, just say it."

"Your Majesty is joking, I just want to make up for the regrets of the young disciple, not to mention any kindness."

If you have to say something, hurry up and tell Caitlin over there to stop praying to the Seven Gods, it sounds weird...

Lin Yi complained in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face.

Robb wanted to say something, but Arya stopped him decisively.

If he is not in his position, he will not plan his own affairs, and if he does not have the corresponding strength and status, he will not be able to really speculate on the other party's thoughts. In the eyes of others, Lin Yi may be just giving way modestly, but Arya, who has just seen the world for the first time, knows that Lin Yi He really doesn't care about Robb's so-called repayment.

And he was really serious about making up for his regrets, without any other distracting thoughts.

Arya felt that she was the only person in the world who understood Lin Yi, so instead of expressing her gratitude solemnly like Robb, she threw herself into Lin Yi's arms and whispered adoringly:

"As expected of a teacher!"

"Ha ha……"

Lin Yi rubbed her head with a smile, secretly thinking in his heart that the little apprentice really understands the heart of the master, but it's just a mere mortal's gratitude, which can't compare to the adoring gaze of the little apprentice!

"Is there any other wish unfulfilled?"


Arya let go of her arm in a hurry, then quickly ran under the city wall, took out a broken sword that was only half left from the package on the side of the horse's belly, then ran up the city wall impatiently, and presented it in front of Lin Yi .

"My 'needle' is broken, can you fix it for me?"

"...Only half of it is left, where is the tip of the sword?"

"I lost it." Arya said honestly, and then asked a little nervously, "Can it be repaired like this?"

"of course can."

Lin Yi took the broken rapier 'Sewing Needle', stretched out his hand and gestured on top of Arya's head, raised her arms to check the length of her arms, and then nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I understand. I will use this sewing needle as the base to tailor a new long sword for you."

"Thank you, teacher, you are the best!"

Arya cheered, and threw herself into Lin Yi's arms with a face full of joy.

The interaction between the master and the apprentice made Robb beside him speechless. It had been a long time since he had seen his sister smile so innocently, and Lin Yi's behavior also puzzled Robb.

He really seemed to be treating Arya without reservation...

'How can this be considered a teacher? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a father, right? '

Robb couldn't help but wonder, and others were also a little hard to understand. Only Arya, who had studied Chinese with Lin Yi, knew that after she decided to follow Lin Yi to explore the path of swordsmanship, the relationship between them was not just Teacher and student, but master and apprentice.

In Arya's simple and straightforward cognition, master and master should naturally be like a master and a father, and it is not difficult to understand that she would treat herself as her own daughter.

Arya's face was happy, and so was her heart.

Not only because of Sansa who has returned, but also because her master accepted her behavior. She has already decided that when she leaves Westeros, she will call Lin Yi her master.

At this time, Caitlin on the side suddenly whispered worriedly.

"Master Yi, what happened to my little girl, why haven't you woke up yet?"


Lin Yi smiled embarrassingly. After noticing Caitlin's eyes, he straightened his face, shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious, but I was frightened by the scene when I did it, so I was a little surprised for a while."

...the hands-on scene?
Robb twitched his lips, and subconsciously imagined the scene where Lin Yi entered King's Landing alone with his sword, and then snatched Sansa away in the siege of many knights, and couldn't help but feel his blood boil.

He wanted to ask Lin Yi about the details of the battle, but he also felt that the lord of a country was embarrassed to ask such a question directly.

'Let's wait until the news of King's Landing comes out! ' thought Robb with a slight sigh.

 The first day of the third shift

(End of this chapter)

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