A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 547 [Strict Master Halo]

Chapter 547 [Strict Master Halo]

"There's no need to go so fast, is there?"

Lin Yi looked at Liya dumbfounded, and quickly explained: "After all, Arya is not a child of this era, how could she be sent directly to high school, she hasn't even learned the most basic common sense yet!"

"...Then what should we do?"

Liya's finger tapping on the phone screen slowed down, and she raised her head with a slight frown: "Do you want me to change her to a junior high school?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "What I mean is to find a tutor for her first, let her learn the knowledge level of high school at home, and then send her to high school in New York..."

"Great idea! I'm going to ask Pepper to help me find a tutor."

Liya nodded in agreement, then immediately lowered her head to type on her phone.

But before she swiped open the lock screen, a silver light swished past her eyes, snatching the thin and beautiful mobile phone away in the blink of an eye.

Liya was startled, and quickly raised her head, and she saw the mobile phone in Lin Yi's hand.

"give me back!"

Leah glared at her, distraught.

"Don't be so anxious, listen to me."

Lin Yi pinned the phone on the table helplessly, and said softly: "Alia has a hot temper and a strong self-esteem. Since she has already worshiped me as her master, she will never recognize other teachers, so even if you It's really useless to find a tutor for her..."

"so what should I do now."

"It's very simple, let's teach ourselves."


Liya was slightly startled, and when she came back to her senses, she looked at Lin Yi with a strange expression, and couldn't help but ask, "You don't intend to let me teach her, do you?"

"As expected of General Liya, you can guess right!"

Lin Yi clapped his hands in admiration, not stingy with his cheap compliments.

Liya immediately rolled her eyes, and angrily took the phone that was turned upside down on the table: "I knew that as long as you came over to discuss it with me, nothing good would happen."

"...isn't that a good thing?"

"Then why don't you teach yourself?"

"I don't have time!"

"I sometimes..."

Before the words finished, Leah was at a loss for words. She thought about it carefully, and she seemed to really have time. Every day, she would accompany Pepper to go shopping, attend dinner parties, or stay at home to watch movies and catch up on dramas.

In terms of salary, there is a contract signed by the Stark Group. After a year, there is at least seven figures of dollars. It can be said that there is no need to worry about food and housing, financial freedom, and a lot of free time to squander every day.

Coupled with Arya's attitude of not rejecting her...


Thinking about it this way, it seems that this tutor position really belongs to me!

Leah stroked her chin thoughtfully.

At this moment, the mobile phone in her hand rang suddenly, and the sound of vibration woke up Liya who was in deep thought. She quickly raised the mobile phone and unlocked the screen protection lock with her fingerprint.

"It's Pepper! She's calling me back!"

"She introduced you to a high school?"

"Well, it seems to be a high school in Queens."

"……The Queen?"

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, then looked at Liya with a strange expression, sighed and said, "Let me guess, is it called Midtown High School?"



The next day, Lin Yi first sent the reluctant Dodo back to the world of Harry Potter, then returned to the villa in Brooklyn, and together with Lia told Arya about the tutoring and high school.

For the former, Arya will naturally not reject it.

But entering high school...

Arya frowned, and argued hard, saying that with her own mind, there was absolutely no need to play house with a group of brats at school, as long as she stayed at home and let Leah teach them all in one go, why bother to go to school What about wasting time?
Lin Yi said that entering the school was her experience, which allowed her to stabilize her mind and temper in her daily campus life, and gradually eliminate the influence of years of war on her.

Liya also persuaded from the side, saying that the knowledge she knows does not match this era. If she wants to truly integrate into this world, she has to go for a walk and see it with her own eyes.

So, under the persuasion of the two in turn, Arya finally reluctantly agreed, but she also had a small request, that is...

"Let me go to school?!"

Seymour's eyes widened, looking at Lin Yi and Liya in disbelief.

"No way, this is Arya's request, you just take it as an experience of life."

"But, I have already graduated from school..."

Seymour looked at Lin Yi and Leah with tears in his eyes. The world of elves is different from that of human beings. Their campus life is relatively short compared to the growth period. Generally, they will graduate from school in two or thirty years, and then they will find themselves. My favorite hobby is that there are no master's and doctorate degrees.

For them, once they fall in love with a certain industry, further studies and scientific research are the things of the rest of their lives, and there is no need to praise and seduce them with degrees and salaries.

But in the same way, elves will have exactly the same negligence and inertia for industries that they don't like.

Seymour obviously doesn't like campus life. For now, he only likes food and swordsmanship.

"Don't worry, you just have to agree to go with Arya. As for whether you want to go after you agree, and whether you want to go to class after you go, isn't it up to you?"

Lin Yi whispered in Seymour's ear.

Seymour had a bitter face, obviously a little confused.

With his temperament, as long as he agreed to go to school, he would naturally not do such things that violated school rules and disciplines, so what Lin Yi said was equivalent to not saying anything.

But if he really wanted to reject Master for this, he couldn't do it...

Seymour glanced at Lin Yi beside him, then at Leah in front of him, gritted his teeth, nodded resolutely and said, "Okay! I agree, but I also have a request."

"You said."

"Put me in the same class as Arya."

"……That's it?"

"That's right!"

"what are you going to do?"

"I want to supervise her to take classes well!" Seymour said through gritted teeth.

Lin Yi: "..."

Sure enough, honest people have the ruthlessness of honest people!

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, agreeing.

There is actually another reason why he agreed to Arya's rude request to let Seymour go to school with her, and that was the master-apprentice mission that was just updated about two weeks ago.

"[Task Name: Clear Mind]

[Mission level: 3 stars]

[Mission goal: within three years, understand the mind, comprehend the sword intent (0/1)]

[Task Reward: Master-Apprentice Intimacy +20, Mastering Progress +1, [Sword Soul Transfer Qualification] x1]"

This is a task with a very vague goal. Lin Yi can't get more specific information from the task, so he can only start with the name of the task.

First of all, "clearing the mind and seeing the nature" is actually the state of enlightenment in Zen Buddhism. To understand the mind is to discover one's true heart, and to see one's nature is to see one's original true nature. This is a very profound state in real practice.

Comprehending the sword intent does require spiritual practice, but it is not necessary to reach the level of clear mind, so Lin Yi guessed that the clear mind in the task requirements should be a reminder to teach Seymour, that is, Seymour wants to comprehend A requirement that must be met when it belongs to one's own sword intent.

In order to achieve the state of understanding the mind and seeing the nature, one must first calm down the mind.

Lin Yi let Seymour enter the campus smoothly, just to let him get away from the current crazy sword practice for a while, and to settle the previous gains.

After all, in the past few months, Seymour's progress has been too fast.

It only took him a few months to surpass his previous decades of hard work. This is not only a good thing in the practice of swordsmanship, but it will also encourage some demons and obstacles.

It's better to take it easy...

As for the previous two-star mission, it was completed within a month of Arya's return, and the rewards she got were also stored in Lin Yi's inventory. Of course, things like Enlightenment Tea and master-student intimacy should not be ignored. There are only three things worth mentioning.

That is [Strict Master Halo], [High Disciple Halo] and [Master's Practice Armor].

[Master's Practice Armor] and [Master's Practice Sword] are both system equipment that require a carrier of reality. They are still stored in Lin Yi's inventory for the time being, mainly because they haven't figured out what to build for Seymour. Armor, it will naturally be handed over to Seymour after the armor is refined.

As for the [Halo of Strict Master] and [Halo of High Apprentice], it can only be said that it is hard to say.

[Strict Master Halo: Strict teachers lead to high-level apprentices. After carrying it, it increases the apprentice's understanding by 50% and diligence by 50%. It can be actively stimulated to increase the apprentice's 200% respect for the master and 100% respect for others. The special effect of Yong Jinlian. 】

[Aura of High Disciples: Strict teachers lead to high apprentices, there is a 20% chance of triggering [Master's Teachings] during battle, and the trigger rate increases to 50% in battles where Master is mentioned ([Master's Teachings]: When triggered, Master's teachings will appear in your ears Voice, the picture of Master's teaching will flash in my mind, and at the same time increase my damage by 50% and understanding by 50%,)]

The attribute of [Strict Master Halo] was normal at the beginning, but later it became strange. What does it mean to raise the respect of others to oneself? Is this an abnormal state of mental confusion?

There is also the special effect of "flowers falling from the sky, golden lotus springing from the ground" when teaching, is it necessary to cos Bodhi Patriarch to sit down Brother Hou in the future?

As for [High Disciple Halo], the effect of increasing combat damage and comprehension is quite powerful, but this 'Master's voice will appear in my ears, and the image of Master's teaching will flash in my mind' is too strange.

The painting style suddenly changed from serious skills to the scp studio next door.

This also caused Lin Yi to only put these two skills in the inventory all the time, and never really hung them up for himself and his apprentice Seymour.

"Let's wait until some time to accept new apprentices, and then put this thing to use!"

With this in mind, Lin Yi completely sealed the two halos in his inventory.

(End of this chapter)

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