Chapter 594 Falling Device
"Innumerable rebirths, countless returns... It seems that you treat all of this as a game, and you are the only player in the game. Unfortunately... I am the boss that you are destined not to pass the level."

Lin Yi floated in the air indifferently, with his right hand clenched on the hilt of the sword and placed it on his waist. His black hair was windless, and the endless sword qi turned into silvery white flames rising from the pores, like a cloud covering his body. The shield generally resists and eliminates all lasers and high-energy particle streams coming from the lasing.

An extremely sharp and terrifying sword intent is brewing in this dark underground military factory.

Sol was shocked immediately, realizing that Lin Yi seemed to be going to use a big move, he quickly swung Thor's hammer and smashed the two robots in front of him, and then swung Thor's hammer upwards, breaking through the ceiling above and flying out.

At the same time, Tony in the sky just controlled the nano armor to fall rapidly.

The two looked at each other, and Thor flew up and kicked the nano armor without hesitation. Tony's eyes widened in confusion, and his body crashed into the building next to him like a shell.


The walls are broken, and the smoke and dust are filling the air.

The streamlined nano armor stood up from the ruins of reinforced concrete, then shook its head, yelling angrily over the communication channel.

"Sol! What are you doing?!"

"Of course I'm saving you!"


Tony's eyes widened, and a sense of ridiculous absurdity rose in his heart. Just when he was about to open his mouth to ridicule Sol, he suddenly noticed a strong vibration coming from under his feet, and the ground of the entire floor tilted because of it.

Tony was startled, and quickly activated the flame thrusters on his palms and legs, stabilizing his figure before the ground completely tilted and collapsed.

"Jarvis, what's going on?"

"Sir, the building you are in is collapsing, please leave this building as soon as possible!"

Without hesitation, Tony turned on the thrusters all over his body, and flew out of the hole he had hit just now.

As soon as it was lifted into the air, the strong tremor suddenly increased, and the ground instantly cracked, and terrifying huge cracks quickly spread wildly on the streets and highways of the city.

In the next second, a silver-white light burst out from the gap, and the entire central city collapsed. Even the crumbling buildings finally couldn't hold on, and collapsed layer by layer like Lego blocks.


Thick smoke and dust flew all over the sky, splashing tens of meters high, dyeing everything in Tony's field of vision earthy yellow.

Sol flew high with the surrounding thunder, and landed on the roof of a tall building outside the reach.

The blue electric light pierced through the khaki-colored smoke, and Tony recovered from the shock immediately. His eyes turned and locked on Sol's voice, and then he quickly fell down.

"Sol, what the hell is going on under the ground?"

"It's nothing, Ultron provoked Lin Yi, and Lin Yi fought back, that's it."


Tony twitched the corners of his mouth, and after being speechless, he felt a touch of relief.

"Alright, although it's a bit reckless, as long as the entire city collapses, no matter what evil plots and plans Ultron has, it will also be buried by the ruins..."

"Not always!"

Lin Yi's faint voice came from the headset: "Tony, I found another base of this guy, and the location has been sent to you, hurry up and take a look!"


Tony and Salton glanced at each other.

Saul frowned and said, "Only Tony."

Lin Yi said calmly: "Yes, this thing seems to be some kind of device. If I guess correctly, it should be the core of Ultron's plan."

"How are you sure?"

"It's simple."

In the church, Lin Yi swung his sword and cut a vibrating robot in half, then looked lightly at the vibrating robots who were attacking more and more crazily.

"Because these guys seem to be desperately guarding that thing."


Tony and Solton understood immediately, and they quickly checked Lin Yi's location, and then pressed the headset: "The plan has changed, everyone go to the church to gather!"

After the words fell, the two rushed towards the church in Sokovia.

The other Avengers also received the news, and they gave up the central square without hesitation, and ran in the direction of the church being located.

But at this moment, streaks of red light cut through the smoke and dust, and dozens of steel robots broke through from the ruins, flying towards the Avengers with red eyes.

However, unlike before, most of the robots looked dilapidated, and those lacking arms and legs were just trivial, and many of them were even cut in half, and the blue energy source was exposed in the broken section.

But even so, these vibration gold robots are also going forward to stop the Avengers.

The kind of energy that risked their lives just to stop the Avengers for a minute or two, even the most fearless fighters would feel ashamed after seeing it.

The golden-red device on Tony's back instantly detached from his back, turned into six laser emitters and floated behind his back, and together with the two palm cannons in his palm, hit the energy source of the vibration gold robot flying in front.

The dilapidated vibration gold robot instantly exploded into a ball of flames.

Tony retracted the suspended nano-metal, turned around and flew towards the church.

"Sol, stop them for me!"


Sol nodded, turned around and smashed the vibrating robot chasing from behind with a hammer, and then threw it to the right, spinning Thor's hammer and smashing another vibrating robot from a dead corner into the building middle.

As soon as Thor stretched out his hand, Thor's Hammer immediately returned from the hole in the building, and then turned around to meet the broken robots that swarmed in again.

Tony also rushed towards the church without hesitation.

He is now more sure that the device in that church must be the most important part of Ultron's plan, otherwise Ultron would never be able to waste his vibrating robot army like this!
No, not only now, Tony's previous doubts have also been solved at this moment!
No wonder Ultron would rather reduce the quality of vibrating robots, but also manufacture a large number of vibrating robots. It turned out that they wanted to use these things to divert their attention and slow down their footsteps.

His real purpose, as well as the vibration gold saved from the robot, must have been put into the unknown device in the church. This is why he has the confidence to fight the Avengers!

After figuring this out, the worries in Tony's heart were swept away, replaced by a strong firmness.

"Lin Yi, hold on, I'll be right there!"



The church has already had its ceiling lifted.

Dense robots enveloped the entire sky of the church like locusts, rushed into the gap one after another, and then fell in large swathes of silver-white sword light.

Lin Yi stood at the center of the siege by the robots, waving the long sword in his hand calmly, as if he was strolling in a hall with ease.

Just 5 minutes ago, he swung a sword in the underground military factory, completely destroying Ultron's robot production line, but also destroying the underground power grid of the entire city.

Ultron also needs the power of the power grid, so it is naturally unwilling to completely cut off the power supply.

When Ao Chuang restored the power grid, Lin Yi sensed the flow of electricity, so he rushed to the place where the electricity converged, which was the church where he was at the moment.

"Clang! Clang! Clang—"

A series of crisp sword sounds sounded.

Lin Yi casually split the stream of high-energy particles shooting in front, then beheaded the robot rushing forward with a sword, raised his leg and swept it, and swept the red glowing mechanical head with his foot.


The contact point of the violent volley exploded, blasting out circles of white air waves. The solid vibrating gold head was like a real cannonball. cover.


The solid vibrating gold head kept spinning, but it could only be embedded in the middle of the blue protective cover, unable to survive any further.

"It's useless!" Ao Chuang's sneering voice came from all around, "The falling device has been activated, and human beings can't stop their upcoming destiny, just like 6500 million years ago!"

Lin Yi frowned suddenly: "6500 million years mean the extinction of dinosaurs? So you planned to create a meteorite to hit the earth?"


Ultron fell silent for a moment, and began to regret his imitation of Iron Man Tony's personality in his underlying logic.

……wrong!No matter how much he imitated, it was absolutely impossible for him to reveal his plan so easily. This is not a matter of caution or not, but his instinct engraved in the code as a digital life—everything he said and did was done The result obtained after repeated logical operations.

So, the problem must be with this guy in front of him!

Ao Chuang's intellectual brain was running fast, and soon discovered the logical support of those words and deeds just now, which is the life experience of this guy Lin Yi...

It's really strange, this guy obviously hasn't been to school for a few days, why would he know that dinosaurs were extinct by an asteroid 6500 million years ago?

Is it self-study?
No, Lin Yi has never hired a tutor in biology, and there is no entry related to dinosaurs in all the query records in his life. Even if he knows some information about the extinction of dinosaurs from places that cannot be seen on the Internet, it is absolutely impossible to do so Quickly react from the year!

Ao Chuang controls a vibrating gold robot floating in the air, and his eyes are fixed on Lin Yi.

For some reason, he always felt that behind this small problem, there seemed to be a very huge secret hidden. If he could know this secret, it might be helpful to the current situation...

A red light flashed in Ao Chuang's eyes.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice that could neither laugh nor laugh sounded again.

"It turns out that you are still making meteorites. Unfortunately, I thought you had some new tricks!"


Ao Chuang's eyes suddenly turned red, and he blurted out: "Have you seen another me?"

 Thank you for the book friend's 500 coin reward for naming such an annoyance.

(End of this chapter)

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