Chapter 606

The werewolf let out a painful howl, and his tall body rushed past Arya's side, plowed a blood-stained gully on the ground, and stopped in front of Viken.

The pungent blood came oncoming with the foul smelling wind, Viken shivered subconsciously, and stood up scrambling.

At this time, the hunter hiding in the surrounding bushes finally came to his senses. A vigorous woman jumped out of the grass and ran towards Viken anxiously.

She has golden-brown curly hair, beautiful facial features, and a tall and straight figure. She is wearing a capable leather hunting suit with a girdle tied around her waist, and she holds a gleaming silver sword in her hand...

Obviously, these people know exactly what they are facing.

"elder brother!"

Anna let out a low cry, and grabbed Viken's arm.

Feeling the worry from his sister's words, Viken's face finally turned red.

He patted Anna's little hand, indicating that he was fine, then turned his gaze to look at the werewolf howling in pain on the ground in front of him.

To be honest, after so many years of being attacked by werewolves, it was the first time for Viken to see the whole picture of this monster.

I saw that it had a wolf-like head, silver-gray fur, and a pair of blue eyes with conical pupils. It was about two meters tall, with strong muscles and stinky saliva hanging between its fangs and sharp teeth. , it looks like an evil dark creature.

But at this moment, a deep scar appeared on the chest of this powerful dark creature, the fur was soaked in blood, and the hideous wound spread from the shoulder to the chest.

Through the wound, Viken could even see the beating black heart in his chest...

Wait, a beating black heart? !
Viken's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Okay, trouble solved."

A cold voice came from the front, Anna was slightly taken aback, she looked up at the girl with a stern expression in front of her, and just when she was about to ask the girl's identity, she suddenly heard Viken shout 'be careful', then turned around and turned herself Fell to the ground.

Arya frowned immediately, and saw that the werewolf who was still howling just now suddenly hit the ground, his body jumped up like a spring, and the scar on his chest healed quickly in the light of blood.


With a roar, the ferocious werewolf rushed towards Arya behind him with a single step of his feet.

Arya snorted coldly, and put her slender hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist again.


The surging force exploded, and a metal-wrapped golden-red iron boot kicked fiercely on the werewolf's waist, sending the werewolf's huge body over two meters high flying more than ten meters away.

The werewolf slammed into a tree heavily, the thick tree broke suddenly, and slowly slammed into the bushes behind. All the hunters hiding there evaded in panic, and only then narrowly escaped the falling tree. trees.

It's not over yet, I saw the red armor warrior who stopped the werewolf jumped up, came to the werewolf in the same moment, and then mercilessly inserted the long sword in his hand into the werewolf's chest.


The werewolf let out a painful wail, and grabbed the long sword on his chest with sharp claws that could tear apart steel.

The red-armored warrior snorted coldly, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands and rotating the sword energy.


A raging flame rose from the blade, igniting its entire body into a ball of fire.

The werewolf roared angrily, his eyes were blood red, and his two sharp claws were gripping the blade tightly, as if he wanted to break free from the shackles of the long sword, but unfortunately, the long sword had already firmly nailed him to the ground.

The flames became more ferocious, but the wailing of the werewolf became weaker.

Soon, the werewolf engulfed by the flames was completely lifeless, only sporadic wolf oil crackled in the flames, and a scorching smell of burning fur permeated everywhere.

Generally speaking, this step can basically confirm the opponent's death, but thinking of the wound on the werewolf's chest that healed quickly, Seymour felt that it would be better to let the flame continue to burn for a while.

He lightly opened the hilt of his sword, turned and walked towards Arya who was frowning slightly, letting the flames continue to burn the werewolf's body.

"This is my trial task."

Arya looked at Seymour with some dissatisfaction.

Seymour shook his head: "It's a werewolf."

Arya rolled her eyes: "That's also the werewolf I met on the way to the mission!"

On the side, the brother and sister Viken and Anna stared at this scene dumbfounded. After recovering, the brother and sister could not help but tremble with excitement.

Oh God!There are such powerful humans in the world!
Are they soldiers sent by the Lord to punish vampires? !

Viken and Anna looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

The two swallowed, and quickly approached Arya and Seymour, who were still arguing.


The weak voice interrupted the conversation between the two. Arya and Seymour frowned, and Qiqi turned her attention to Anna and Viken.

"You came just in time." Arya turned to look at the two of them, and said in a cold tone, "I just have a few questions I want to ask you."

Viken hurriedly said: "You ask, I will know everything!"

"Very good, first question, how do you know that werewolf is still alive?"

"Because your sword just didn't break its heart!"

Viken explained in a deep voice: "The amazingly strong vitality of the werewolf comes from the blood flowing all over his body. The heart and the brain are the two main organs that control the blood. The heart can push the blood to his whole body, and the brain can Control them to work, so there are only two ways to kill a werewolf, either destroy its heart or destroy its central nervous system."

"...So that's how it is."

Arya nodded suddenly, and then her expression returned to sternness: "The second question—where is the nearest human gathering place?"


Viken and Anna looked at each other, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes.



Half an hour later, in the castle of Transphania.

Arya and Seymour sat at a long square dining table, eating bread smeared with honey and roast chicken, and the brother and sister Anna and Viken sat opposite them, exchanging messages with each other's eyes.

"So, you two are the lords of this town?"

A cold voice came from the opposite side, and Viken closed his eyes and nodded politely: "Yes, Miss Arya, Transphania has been the fiefdom of the Villeris family since ancient times..."

He could tell that the man and the woman were both people with a strong aura, showing a calm and unhurried temperament and demeanor in every move. They were definitely the children of nobles, and they had to be the kind of famous nobles.

In fact it is.

Arya is the second daughter of the Stark family, a descendant of the Guardians of the North that has lasted for thousands of years. No matter how the dynasty changes, she always has at least the title of duke. Seymour is from one of the most prominent elven families in Alfheim. His father was the general in charge of the entire fire elf army.

In comparison, the declining Villelis family really pales in comparison.

The only thing that can be obtained is probably the title of King of Gypsy.

That's right, although the Villeris family has fallen, they still bear the title of king. From this perspective, Viken and Anna are still princes and princesses.

Arya nodded when she heard the words, and asked with some doubts: "Prince Viken, I think your fiefdom is not small. Why are you so unhappy that there are only two of your descendants left?"

...Miss Arya really understands nobles very well.

Viken and Anna couldn't help but look at each other.

"That's a long story..."

With a wry smile, Viken told Arya and Seymour another side of the Villeris family history.

Only then did the two know that Transphania was the destination they were looking for, an ancient border town that was poisoned by the vampire Count Dracula, and Villeris, as the family guarding this territory, has been hunting Hunting and killing vampires, it has been their duty to kill Count Dracula for generations.

As a result, Count Dracula was not dead, but the Villeris family was almost dead.

Without the intervention of Arya and Seymour, one of the two remaining Villeris might die.

After listening to Prince Viken's narration, Seymour and Arya couldn't help but glance at each other.

Sure enough, there was a reason why the pass sent them here. Since vampires and werewolves would attack the town every month, it meant that Count Dracula's base camp was not too far away.

"Does this count as reaching the boss room directly?"

Seymour twitched the corners of his mouth, and turned his gaze to Viken and Anna who looked expectant.

He naturally understood what the brothers and sisters meant. It was nothing more than seeing the powerful combat power of the two of them, so he wanted to entrust them to kill Count Dracula...

"Are you going?"

Arya condensed her voice into a thread and asked in a low voice.

Seymour pondered for a while: "Wait a little longer, since the task requires us to help Van Helsing eliminate the vampire, it means that we are not the opponent of that vampire with our strength..."

"So you want me to wait here for that Van Helsing?"

Arya frowned tightly: "Who knows when he will arrive."

Seymour twitched the corners of his mouth, just about to persuade Arya to be patient, when he suddenly saw a flustered maid walking in from outside the restaurant, and immediately smiled.

"Isn't this coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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