A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 640 Level Weapon Refiner

Chapter 640 Tenth Level Artifact Refiner


The voice fell, and the forging room was dead silent.

Hephaestus fell silent. He was wrong. A profiteer is a profiteer. They are the only ones who take advantage of others. How could it be possible for others to take advantage of them!

Lin Yi looked at Hephaestus with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, it's just a joke. I know that Mount Etna gold is very precious. Even if it is to be exchanged, at least it must be me 5 you 1, right?"


Hephaestus was noncommittal, apparently still dissatisfied with this ratio.

The smile on Lin Yi's face was restrained, and his expression changed again and again. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said as if he had made some decision: "Okay! I'll take a step back, how about 1:10? No matter how precious your volcanic gold is, you can It’s impossible to exceed ten times the vibration gold, right?”


Hephaestus looked slightly moved.

He felt Lin Yi's sincerity, because in terms of grade, Mount Etna Gold is indeed only slightly higher than Zhen Jin, and it is absolutely impossible to exceed it by so much.

But helplessly, volcanic gold is too rare, and has an irreplaceable and powerful effect on the forging of weapons. Hephaestus is really unwilling to exchange it until he finds the next piece of volcanic gold.

Even if Lin Yi's ratio has gradually become more reasonable...

But looking at Lin Yi's pained face, Hephaestus hesitated for a while, but did not directly reject Lin Yi, but instead offered a price that he thought Lin Yi would never agree to, and wanted to make him Get out of trouble.

Hephaestus said firmly: "Buy it now, 1:50, don't persuade me any more, I will never agree to anything less than this amount!"


Lin Yi quickly nodded in agreement.

Hephaestus thought that Lin Yi would be furious when he heard these words, so after he finished speaking, he clenched his forging hammer tightly, ready to bear Lin Yi's anger.

But what he never expected was that Lin Yi agreed without hesitation, and judging by his appearance, he seemed afraid that he would go back on his word...

This is a 1:50 ratio!

No matter how precious volcanic gold is, it can't be equivalent to fifty times vibration gold, right?
Hephaestus fell silent, and at the same time, for the first time in his life, he began to doubt his forging ability and the level of knowledge of mineral materials...

"It shouldn't be, it's obviously a loss no matter how you calculate it! How could Lin Yi—"

Before Hephaestus could turn the corner in his mind, he suddenly noticed a flash of silver light in front of him, and a huge piece of metal that glistened with silver light and was comparable in size to a forging table hit the ground with a bang.

Lin Yi appeared next to him, reached out and patted the vibrating gold block, which was comparable in size to a forging table, looked at Hephaestus with a sluggish face and said with a smile: "How about it, 1:50, enough to exchange all your money Etna gold, right?"


Hephaestus stared blankly at the silvery metal in front of him.

He had already noticed that when Lin Yi slapped the metal, there was no sound coming from the metal surface, and the kinetic energy of the slapping had been stored in the metal in the form of energy, which could be released only after reasonable use...

In other words, this entire piece of shiny silver metal is actually vibrating gold! ! !

Hephaestus widened his bull's eyes, and only one thought of grief and indignation kept reverberating in his mind.

be cheated!
He was obviously very cautious, so careful, he was still fooled!

Hephaestus stared blankly at Zhenjin, and suddenly couldn't help covering his face and weeping like a sad child.

Lin Yi was dumbfounded, and a sense of guilt for bullying an honest person suddenly rose in his heart.

At a loss, Lin Yi had no choice but to put his hands on the vibration gold and prepare to put it away, while muttering softly: "If you don't change it, you don't change it, and I didn't force you, why are you crying..."


Just when Lin Yi was about to put Zhenjin away, a giant hand made of lava grabbed his wrist firmly. Lin Yi looked up in surprise, only to see Hephaestus wiped off his face. With snot and tears, he squeezed two words out between his teeth with a sound like metal rubbing:
"Me! Change!"


The deal was done anyway.

Because Hephaestus is really reluctant to part with so much vibration gold!
No, it should be said that he has never seen so many god-level metals in his life, so that he was caught in a difficult choice between quality and quantity. It was difficult to choose, and a deep sadness arose spontaneously.

Lin Yi has never been able to see tears, so he let Hephaestus go, leaving him with a piece of Mount Etna gold about the size of a finger.

As for the remaining vibration gold, it was naturally replaced with large and small mineral collections in the mine room.

Three days later, Lin Yi left Mount Etna contentedly with Hephaestus sending him off.

Don't get me wrong, it's not Lin Yi who makes Hephaestus feel sad, but the countless precious minerals stored on his body, which he spent tens of thousands of years collecting one by one!

Looking at the mine room which seemed much empty compared to before, Hephaestus felt sad again.

Fortunately, the piece of silvery metal standing in the center of the mine room gave Hephaestus a lot of comfort.

He looked at this piece of metal affectionately with the gaze of a lover, and gently stroked it with his rough giant palm like lava, feeling the great happiness brought to him by the god-level metal, and couldn't help murmuring road.

"Zhenjin...a lot of Zhenjin..."

"With you, I can finally forge a true god-level armor!"



On the other side, Lin Yi flew to Paradise Island after leaving Mount Etna.

Just like what he thought before, the act of personally forging the Vulcan Sword brought him a huge amount of refining experience. The refining master, who had been stagnant for a long time, was directly promoted to the tenth level, only one level away from becoming a The top god-level refiner!

Lin Yi originally wanted to stay on Mount Etna, while studying forging with Hephaestus, and at the same time get a lot of experience from forging artifacts.

But plans never keep up with changes.

The tenth-level refiner brought Lin Yi a brand new ability, which is called authority forging, which can refine one's own strength and authority into real artifacts, not just limited to objectively existing raw materials such as metal minerals .

From the introduction, this is a bit like a weakened version of the rules of the containment universe, but the refined artifacts will be limited by power and authority, and they are not as powerful as the containment.

The moment Lin Yi saw this ability, he realized that it would be the key to forging the five swords of rules and completing the task of the second awakening.

But there was one thing Lin Yi couldn't figure out.

Why does the second awakening task of the main profession Sword Soul require the high-level ability of the sub-professional refiner?
Lin Yi pondered for a long time, and only thought of three possibilities:
One, the compatibility between the soul of the sword and the craftsman is very good, so this is just a coincidence.

Second, the awakening task will change with the change of the sub-class. If he had chosen another sub-class, he would now receive an awakening task in a completely different form.

Third, it is also the most conspiratorial possibility. There is a big hand manipulating behind his back, and all professions, including the refiner, are options arranged by "fate".

All three possibilities are actually quite high.

Lin Yi couldn't be sure, but he knew that it was always right to become stronger!

Regardless of whether there is a so-called "fate" manipulation behind him, as long as he keeps getting stronger, there will always be a day when he can see the truth, even if the truth is the cruelest third kind, it will still give Lin Yi a chance to fight back opportunity and hope.

Anyway, the worst outcome would be death, or return the obtained power to that hand...

Lin Yi thought about this while flying towards the direction of Paradise Island.

To be honest, he has always been unwilling to think about this kind of problem, because as long as he has a sword in his hand, he is more willing to use the sword to speak. I will break through the difficulties and obstacles. This is the sword master in Lin Yi's understanding.

The silver light streaked across the sky, broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and exploded layers of sonic boom clouds.

Not long after, the silver sword light approached the peaceful paradise island in the Pacific Ocean.

The power of Zeus is still shrouded on the outside of Paradise Island, and its concealment weakens the existence of Paradise Island. If it is not for the aura of the little black cat to assist in positioning, Lin Yi may miss this island in the blink of an eye.

"No wonder Ares hasn't found Paradise Island for so many years..."

Lin Yi slowly landed on the balcony of the palace, the silver light on his body including the six-winged armor was put away, and he changed into the white clothes he wore when he first landed on the island.

"It's really a teacher!"

A crisp voice full of surprise came from behind.

Lin Yi turned around, and a petite and soft body flew into his arms like the wind.

After more than a year, little Diana has grown up a lot, and she can vaguely see the peerless elegance when she grows up, but it is a pity that Lin Yi is used to seeing beautiful elves. Her face was already resistant, and she felt like she was still a half-sized radish head.

Lin Yi rubbed Diana's head.

Diana also raised her small face and showed a sweet smile at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the palace ahead, only to see a black lightning bolt shooting out from the palace, and it came to Lin Yi in the blink of an eye.

"Brother! Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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