A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 651 I'm not finished with you!

Chapter 651 I'm not finished with you!
Mount Etna, east coast of Sicily, Italy.

Hephaestus reluctantly put down the vibrating gold shoulder armor that had not yet formed in his hand, and looked at the silver armored warrior with a serious expression on the opposite side and the little black cat on his shoulder.

"Ask me about heaven...Lin Yi, are you serious?"

"of course."

"But you're not..."

Before Hephaestus could finish speaking, he consciously held back the words that were suspected of ridicule, and turned to show a helpless look, and sighed long.

"Okay, then I'll tell you everything I know."

Hephaestus put down the forging hammer, sat on the hot forging table and told Lin Yi what he knew.

Like all DC parallel universes, the earth in this universe also has many gods, the most powerful of which is naturally the heaven with God, the top boss, gods like Olympus who have lost their first gods. Department, can only tremble under the majesty of heaven.

But just a few thousand years ago, Heaven suddenly withdrew from this universe on a large scale.

Zeus did not know where he got the news in advance, and before the other gods could react, he led the Olympus gods to swallow most of the land and believers in heaven.

Since then, the Olympus pantheon has grown rapidly, and laid the groundwork for replacing Heaven in the future.

Prior to this, the Olympus pantheon could only dormant on the one-third of an acre of land in Greece to show off its prestige.

It can be seen how powerful Heaven was at that time, so that a god system that was originally only second-rate was suddenly powerful enough to reach the top of the gods.

Therefore, Zeus became the biggest winner after the heaven evacuation incident. No matter how dissatisfied the other gods were, they could only swallow their anger and pinch their noses to recognize his identity as the king of the gods.

Of course, if you do too much at a loss, you will naturally feel guilty.

Heaven's years of despotic power are not just words.

Therefore, even at the most prosperous stage, Zeus did not dare to completely sever the belief in God, which left the fire for the mission of Christ and the establishment of the Holy See...

Hephaestus sat at the forging table and appealed about the past he had seen with his own eyes.

The part involving the replacement of heaven is obviously euphemistic and beautified. After all, Lin Yi in front of him is a powerful seraph, and Hephaestus really dare not tell the past in detail in front of him.

Apart from this, other mythological historical events are quite objective.

Especially when it comes to Zeus, the king of the gods, Hephaestus is even more outspoken, unceremoniously describing Zeus's treacherous operation of "stealing the house", and the proud face of becoming the queen of the gods.

Reminiscent of the chaotic family relationship of the Olympus gods, and Hera's behavior of abandoning Hephaestus because of his ugly appearance, a few bad words are really nothing.

Moreover, with the wretched image of Zeus, these so-called bad words are likely to be objective descriptions.

Lin Yi stroked his chin thoughtfully. The past Hephaestus told coincided with his inference. The large-scale evacuation of heaven was probably forced by Lucifer, the devil of hell.

But this was actually thousands of years ago...

At that time, the European residents were probably uncivilized primitive people, right?

Lin Yi frowned and thought about it, but then he thought about it, maybe it was because the human beings at that time were too primitive, so their minds were pure and there were not so many twists and turns. Once they believed in a certain god, they would be extremely devout.

When every believer is a fanatic, the power of faith provided is naturally extremely huge.

From this point of view, the power of faith provided by a thousand believers is probably not as good as that provided by one or two believers at that time...

"By the way, you said Zeus didn't know where he got the news from?"

Lin Yi suddenly recalled Hephaestus' words, and asked quickly.

Hephaestus was slightly taken aback, and touched his stubbled chin as if recalling: "Yes! I remember very clearly, when I was still making weapons in the forging room, Zeus and other main gods rushed in , insisting that I open the arsenal and take away the weapons forged over the years."

"When I asked why, Zeus just told me perfunctorily that a friend of his in heaven had revealed to him the news that heaven was about to evacuate. As for who this friend was, Zeus didn't tell me until his death. Anyone, including me."


Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hearing Hephaestus' description, a handsome face couldn't help popping up in his mind.

Lucifer Morningstar!
How could those angels in heaven do such a thing of digging their own corners? Only Satan Lucifer in hell has this leisure and motivation.

Therefore, the friend in heaven that Zeus spoke of is likely to be Lucifer, or an angel disguised by Lucifer.

Considering the power of heaven at that time, the latter was more likely, but Lin Yi didn't believe that Zeus didn't know the fact that Lucifer was pretending to be an angel friend.

The most likely truth is that Zeus saw through Lucifer's disguise, but deliberately kept it secret, and even followed Lucifer's information to occupy the land and believers left by heaven, and swallowed the biggest piece of cake.

In this case, even if heaven is held accountable afterwards, Zeus can shirk the problem to Lucifer's bewitchment.

That's why Zeus kept silent about this and never mentioned the source of the news back then.

As for Lucifer, he doesn't care if Zeus sees through him, as long as he can achieve the purpose of disgusting heaven, then everything is worth it to him.

After all, he probably had already refined hell at that time, and his strength and vision had long been at a different level from Zeus. Only the creation gods of the major gods and the six-winged supreme angels of heaven could barely enter his eyes.

Following Hephaestus' narration, Lin Yi gradually put together many fragments in his mind, roughly restored the situation at that time, and immediately let out a sigh of emotion in his heart.

Good guy, no wonder even that boss will come forward to negotiate with Lucifer in person...

It turned out that he really wanted to completely erase the belief in God from this universe!

As for why Lucifer hates heaven so much, there is insufficient information, and Lin Yi is unable to analyze it for the time being, but it is estimated that it should be deeply related to Lucifer's fall into hell.

The camera returns to the forging room, and Hephaestus has already begun to evacuate from Heaven, and begins to talk about the power and scenery of Heaven that overwhelmed the major gods.

If Lin Yi is really a seraph with red roots, he will probably be very happy with this kind of rainbow fart.

Unfortunately, he is not...

"Okay, Lord Vulcan!" Lin Yi coughed twice, interrupting the chattering Hephaestus, "I have already obtained the information I want, and I don't need you to elaborate on the earlier things."


Hephaestus followed suit and closed his mouth very consciously.

Lin Yi smiled, suddenly patted his head, and took out a blueprint as if remembering something: "By the way, this is a set of protective magic tools I designed before, which can effectively resist high temperatures and flames, and it's just right for you These believers use."


Hephaestus frowned instinctively when he heard the effect of the magic weapon, but when he heard the last sentence, a look of surprise flashed across Hephaestus' face, and his eyes could not help but glance at the busy people in the transportation area. Amazons.

"Indeed, the protective clothing on them should be replaced. This is something I didn't consider before, thank you."

Hephaestus nodded sincerely, took the blueprint with a pair of lava-like hands, studied it carefully, raised his head, nodded at Lin Yi, and praised.

"Very good magic weapon, the design is very exquisite!"


Lin Yi smiled slightly, didn't say much, but said goodbye to Hephaestus sincerely, and then left Mount Etna completely with the little black cat.

Hephaestus sent Lin Yi away, and when he returned to the forging room, he was still feeling sorry for Lin Yi's kindness, and suddenly found that the Vulcan sword hanging on the edge of the forging table had disappeared!

Hephaestus' eyes widened immediately, he dropped the forging hammer without hesitation, and rushed out from the central crater, trying to find the thief who stole his heart and soul.

But unfortunately, three minutes had passed since the 'thief' left. Where could Hephaestus find him?

"Lin Yi!!"

"I'm not done with you!!"



On the other side, lies the city of Catania at the foot of Mount Etna.

A young priest in white stood in the preaching area of ​​San Nicolo Church, took a brand new teaching book from the bookshelf, turned and walked towards the desk in the reading area.

There, a white cat was squatting on the table, taking an empty seat for him.

A lady in a black dress and a veil looked at the cute little white cat with bright eyes. Seeing the owner's return, she quickly asked if it was for sale, but was politely refused by the priest in white.

The housekeeper next to the lady wanted to ask a question or two for the host, but after looking at the priest in white, the question that came out of his mouth turned into a sincere apology.

The priest in white politely watched the two leave, spread out the books and sat in the seat in front of them.

The little white cat didn't care about the eyes of the lady and the housekeeper, because there was no mortal in its eyes.

At this moment, the little white cat pretended to be listening attentively. After hearing the faint roar from the volcano in the distance, it couldn't help taking steps, walked to the arm of the priest in white, and said in a low voice:

"Brother, that guy seems very angry."

"Let him be angry!"

The priest in white flipped through the books in his hands indifferently, with a slight smile on his lips: "He should have expected such a day. Do you really think that the right to name the Excalibur is so easy to get?"

(End of this chapter)

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