A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 674 The Girl and the Black Tiger

Chapter 674 The Girl and the Black Tiger


The howling wind surrounded the black tiger and fell to the ground. The flapping black wings behind him were wrapped by the black mist and stuck to its side. Then it opened its mouth and put Steve, who had been holding it in his mouth for a long time, on the ground.

Steve scrambled to his feet, stroked his heart with his right hand and looked at the giant black tiger that appeared out of nowhere behind him, his expression full of lingering fear.

The giant black tiger roared, and just a single glance of its icy blue eyes made Steve's whole body icy cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Fortunately, Diana's melodious voice came from behind in time, pulling Steve back from the ice cave to the world.

Steve turned around quickly, and when he saw the beautiful girl running along the broken ground in the distance, her expression was full of joy and excitement.


A smile couldn't help showing on Steve's face, and he opened his arms slightly as he watched the girl running ahead.

At the dying moment of facing a desperate situation, Steve finally understood his deepest heart. What he couldn't let go of before his death was not the country and the people, but this girl who had just met for a month!

As a soldier who died to save mankind, Steve felt that he was worthy of the country and the people, but he felt extremely guilty about the girl he took out of Paradise Island.

It was he who brought Diana from the paradise island like a paradise to the outside world, but now, he wanted to leave the girl to die alone, and let Diana face this troubled world alone.

Thinking of this, Steve, who was sitting in the driver's seat, almost lost the courage to detonate the gas bomb.

However, it is precisely this beautiful girl who makes Steve regain his courage to die.

Thinking of Diana's helpless eyes when she knew the truth of the war, Steve felt a pang of pain in his heart. He really didn't want to disappoint Diana. He wanted her to know that although human beings are not as good as she thought, But it is by no means hopeless as Ares said.

With such a mood, Steve resolutely pulled the trigger.

In the new poison gas researched by the German army this time, Dr. Poison tried to replace the sulfur with hydrogen, which made all the previous gas masks lose their effectiveness. Flammability and dispersibility.

Therefore, after Steve pulled the trigger, all the gas bombs in the entire plane exploded instantly.

But at this moment, the giant black tiger suddenly tore open the steel bulkhead of the plane, and took him out before the aftermath of the explosion approached. In front of the pitch-black sharp claws is like a thin piece of paper, which can't hinder it at all.

Steve can still remember the shock, astonishment, rejoicing and joy at that time...

All kinds of complicated emotions were mixed in it, and all of them eventually turned into the fear of escaping from the dead echoed in Steve's mind, which finally made him no longer hesitant and hesitant like before.

At this moment, Steve just wanted to embrace this girl who made his heart so excited, and pour out all his heart.

So, with a smile on his face, Steve opened his arms and met Diana who was running forward.

"Xiao Mo!"

Diana flew past Steve with a face full of excitement and joy, hugged the huge tiger head tightly in her arms, buried her head in the black hair, and then used One hand kept ruaing the soft and smooth black fur around its neck, expressing his longing after being away for more than 200 years.

The giant black tiger also seemed to miss Diana a little bit, with a clever smile in its icy blue pupils, it put its chin on Diana's shoulder and arched it gently.

Only Steve stood there stiffly with a smile, maintaining an open arms posture. After a long time, he lowered his arms in embarrassment and turned to look at the combination of Beauty and the Beast behind him.

"You...you know each other?"

Steve asked with some embarrassment.

Diana paused while stroking Heihu's head, then turned her head and gave Steve a white look.

"Of course I do, it's Xiaomo!"

"Little Mo?"

Hearing Diana's standard Chinese pronunciation up close, Steve finally noticed a hint of familiarity, and quickly searched for related memories in his mind.

"Wait!" Steve's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at this giant blue-eyed black tiger with a body length of at least three meters in disbelief, "You mean, that friend of yours when you were a child is it? !"


"But didn't you say that Xiao Mo is the younger brother of your swordsmanship teacher? How could it be...could be..."

Steve didn't dare to continue, because the ice blue eyes of the black giant tiger had already fallen on him.

"Watch your words, human."

A majestic sound like a subwoofer came out of the black tiger's mouth, and Steve trembled all over. After recovering, he stared dumbfounded at this giant black tiger that spoke human words.

"He...he...he can talk?"

Steve stared blankly and opened his mouth wide. He only felt that the scientific worldview he had spent more than twenty years building had been destroyed in one day today.

Diana rolled her eyes at the ignorant Steve in disgust, then turned around and put her arms around the black tiger's head, rubbing her delicate face against it.

"Little Mo, I miss you so much!"

"Why did you and the teacher leave for so long this time? I still wanted to wait for you to come to my coming-of-age ceremony, but after waiting for more than 100 years, I couldn't wait, which caused me to have a big fight with my mother and aunt... "

"Little Mo, do you know that I have completely defeated my aunt in terms of fighting skills, and now I am the strongest female warrior on Paradise Island, and everyone is happy for me, but unfortunately, you didn't see that scene... ..."

Diana chattered about her thoughts, but some sentences were not logically logical, obviously she didn't put all her thoughts on it, so she said whatever came to her mind.

The giant black tiger could listen patiently at first, but soon shook its head impatiently, and its huge tiger paw patted Diana's back under Steve's terrified gaze.

Diana blinked her eyes twice, obediently let go of her arms and took a step back, then looked at Heihu expectantly.

Steve looked at this scene in bewilderment, and the warmth that had risen in his heart turned into deep doubt at this moment.

In the next second, this huge black tiger with a body length of at least three meters suddenly jumped up, and its body scattered into countless dense black mist and condensed towards the center. In just a few seconds, it condensed into a small black tiger the size of a palm. The cat threw itself into Diana's arms under Diana's delighted and excited eyes.

"You have finally changed back. Sure enough, Xiaomo who is still like this is cuter!"

Diana hugged the little black cat in her arms with a contented face, stroking his silky hair gently with her slender hands.

Steve opened his mouth again, stood there with a dull expression, and began to doubt his life.

The little black cat lay in Diana's arms depressedly. He originally wanted to fall on Diana's head, but because Diana grew much taller than when she was a child, the little black cat made a miscalculation and accidentally jumped into her. in the arms.

Mistake, misstep!
The little black cat looked angry, and just about to get up from Diana's arms, suddenly a hand pinched the skin on the back of its neck, and it was lifted out of Diana's arms.

"Okay, stop rushing Xiaomo, I will stay for a long time when I come back this time, and you will have plenty of time to stay together in the future, so now, let's deal with your own affairs first!"

Lin Yi smiled and lifted the little black cat out of Diana's arms, and with a pair of dark eyes, he glanced at the dull-looking Steve beside him with a half-smile.

"I know you still have a lot to talk about, so I won't bother you for now. When everything is settled, I will go to England to find you."

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hands, his figure rose slowly in the silver light.

Diana's face was slightly rosy. She didn't choose to throw herself into Steve's arms because Lin Yi was still watching from behind. She was really embarrassed to hug Steve in front of him, so she could only turn to Xiao Hei. The cat poured out his thoughts.

However, it is obvious that her little thoughts have not been hidden from her teacher.

Now that the teacher has seen through it, Diana no longer hesitated, but waved her hands generously, watching Lin Yi slowly fly into the sky, until he disappeared into the sky, then she put down her hand and walked slowly to Shi Yi with a dull expression. In front of Tiff.

Steve quickly came back to his senses. He glanced at the empty space around him, then at the beautiful and delicate girl's face in front of him, and couldn't help asking blankly, "Where's your teacher?"


Diana gave him an annoyed look, then threw herself into Steve's arms.

Steve was slightly taken aback, and when he came back to his senses, his heart beat uncontrollably. After a long time, he put his hand on Diana's smooth back and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm back..."


On the other side, Lin Yi flew into the clouds with the little black cat.

The little black cat raised its head in dissatisfaction, and just when it was about to ask Lin Yi why he was in such a hurry to leave, a finger was suddenly pointed on his head, and a powerful force called war suddenly poured into his body.

It is the power of Ares' war authority!

(End of this chapter)

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