A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 681 The Truth About the Battle of the Gods

Chapter 681 The Truth About the Battle of the Gods

Steve swallowed, his lips trembling slightly.

God, he actually saw a wild angel!

And it is the royal angel beside God, Archangel Raphael crowned!
Steve couldn't help being agitated. Although he had guessed before, guesses were guesses after all, far inferior to the impact brought by his own confession.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, a golden light flashed in his right hand, and a golden cross necklace condensed from the void. A strong sacred power rose from his body, and three pairs of golden wings were quickly condensed.

Two pale golden lights appeared in Lin Yi's pupils, making him sacred and majestic.

Steve stared blankly at the seraph in front of him, feeling a little unreal in his heart, but in the next second, a big hand glowing with warm golden light covered his head.

The warmth and tranquility, as if returning to his mother's arms, made Steve couldn't help closing his eyes slightly, as if his mind was filled with hot springs and sunlight.

"Lost lamb, speak out your troubles, the Lord is listening..."

A gentle voice came from above, as if the most tender care from the elders, Steve couldn't help but choked up, and finally threw out all his troubles these days intermittently.

Lin Yi listened to Steve's heart with a gentle expression, and from time to time he spoke a word of enlightenment, basically using the words commonly used by priests, such as "the Lord has forgiven your sins" and "the Lord will have mercy on you, but you have to Open your mind and be a thoroughly frank person' or something like that.

These words from the mouth of ordinary priests are indeed rhetoric.

But from the mouth of an angel with golden eyes and three pairs of golden wings floating behind him, it is an iron truth!
At least that's what Steve thought.

Soon, Lin Yi easily changed Steve's mind and rebuilt his belief and self-confidence.

Lin Yi smiled and raised his hand, the golden light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the three pairs of golden light wings behind him also slowly dissipated, and soon scattered into translucent golden feathers that fell down, and finally disappeared in the air.

"Remember what you just said."

Lin Yi smiled and patted Steve on the shoulder, then took the little black cat back from the reluctant Diana, turned around and walked towards the marble stairs, and soon disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

Steve stared blankly at this scene, and suddenly heard Diana's puzzled words.

"What did you just say? Did you say anything just now?"


Steve's body shook, and he turned his head to look at the puzzled Diana in a daze: "You... didn't you hear?"

"What did you hear?" Diana tilted her head suspiciously, "Is it the teacher's acknowledgment of his identity, or the Pope of the Holy See you asked about?"

"No, it's what I just said!"

Steve's eyes widened, and when he was about to ask Diana if she was playing tricks on him, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the diamond-encrusted and gold-rimmed clock hanging on the wall, and immediately froze there.

what happened?

He remembered that the time on the clock before Lin Yi came back was 18:20, but now it is still at 18:27.

how can that be!

He remembered clearly that he had confided to Lin Yi for at least half an hour, how could it be possible that only 7 minutes had passed?

What's more, in this 7 minutes, the time for Lin Yi to talk with the two of them after he came back has to be removed-couldn't the half hour stop?

Steve's head was in a daze, and his thoughts were extremely chaotic.

Diana also saw something was wrong, and immediately frowned slightly: "Steve, what's wrong? After I hugged the little black cat from the teacher just now, I just saw you staring at the teacher in a daze, and didn't say anything during that time. said."

"……you sure?"

"Of course."

"So, haven't you seen the changes in Mr. Lin's body?"

"... What changes?"

Looking at the doubts on Diana's face that didn't seem fake, Steve couldn't help sighing quietly.

It seems that the time just now really stopped...

Diana raised Steve's face worriedly: "Did the teacher do something to you? I'll ask!"


Steve quickly grabbed Diana's arm. Seeing her pursing her lips tightly and looking at him with the expression of "what are you going to do?", he calmed down his agitated mood, and looked at Diana with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin didn't do anything to me, he just... let me see my true self."

"true self?"

Diana sat down again, looking at Steve with interest.

"Tell me."

"Actually, there's nothing to say, it's nothing more than the things I talked to you before."

"Like not getting used to life in London or something?"


Steve sat down with a smile, sank his body into the sofa again, and looked up at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, but this time, his eyes were clear and clear, without any confusion or worry before.

"I've already talked to you once, and it's meaningless to talk again. Compared with this, I want to talk to you about another very important topic."

"...What topic?"

Diana rested her chin on one hand and approached Steve with interest.

Steve stared blankly at her face, stretched out a finger to caress her fair and delicate face, and suddenly said seriously, "Diana, come back to my hometown with me!"


"Follow me back to my hometown, the hometown across the sea. I have a farm there, which is left to me by my parents. If you want, we can go back and live there...Of course, this is just a suggestion of mine. If you If you don't want to, forget it, I can-"

"I do!"

Diana readily agreed.

Steve froze slightly.

"You promised?"

"Why not."

"Don't you think farm life is too boring?"

"Have I ever told you?" Diana looked at Steve speechlessly, "I don't know what you are like, but I think life on the farm should be quite interesting, you think, we can visit Steve every day." Visit the farm, check the crops, and soak up the sun in your spare time."

"By the way, we can also plant some pasture and raise a few cows. If your farm is big enough, I would like to spare a piece of land for planting flowers. I have long wanted to plant a sea of ​​flowers as described in the book. It's just heaven. The terrain of the island is special, and my mother does not allow me to destroy the original landform..."

Diana imagined expectantly, and Steve showed a smile from the heart, and reached out to embrace the chattering Diana in his arms.



Damn it, he was actually fed a mouthful of rations by two juniors!
Lin Yi withdrew his gaze towards the ground with envy, the faint silver light in his eyes dissipated and retracted, and turned to look at the silvery space sword in his hand.

To be precise, it is the black-gold soul in the sword of space.

After possessing the three regular swords of holy light, space and sky, some miraculous abilities began to appear naturally on Lin Yi, and those abilities that originally existed on Lin Yi were also strengthened by the regular sword in turn.

Today, Lin Yi can even spy on the soul of Ares, God of War, with his sword heart!
You know, when Lin Yi came to Paradise Island for the first time, his sword heart could not even pry into the hearts of those Amazons who were protected by the divine power of Zeus, let alone one of the strongest gods in Olympus. Ares!
"Don't worry, uncle will take you to see God sooner or later, but before that, let me see what kind of secrets are hidden in your heart!"

There was a burst of silver light on Lin Yi's body, and his eyes turned into silver-white sword pupils again. Three regular sword feathers, one gold, one silver, and one green, slowly floated behind him, strengthening Jian Xin's spiritual ability together.

Half an hour later, Lin Yi slowly put away the silver light in his eyes, and a hint of enlightenment gradually rose in his expression.

Through the soul of Ares, Lin Yi finally knew the truth about the battle of the Olympus gods that year.

It all started thousands of years ago, when heaven was oppressed by the lord of the hell dimension, Lucifer Morningstar, and was forced to evacuate from this universe, and the gods of Olympus occupied the place of heaven under the leadership of Zeus , becoming the most powerful of the many gods on earth.

But the good times didn't last long, and the new gods of the fourth world also noticed the withdrawal of heaven, so they invaded the earth under the leadership of the leader of the new gods at that time, Darkseid.

Naturally, Zeus did not want to sit still and give up his hard-earned victory, so he led the gods of Olympus, united humans, Amazons, Atlantis, and the film police in charge of the Earth sector at that time—Green Lantern Together with a certain Green Lantern of the Legion, Darkseid and his dark army were driven from the earth.

By the way, Darkseid at that time was still called Uxus, and he didn't get the power of Omega. It can be said that it is very different from the powerful, terrifying, and suffocating Darkseid later.

Closer to home, after defeating Dakseid that year, Zeus proved his strength to the gods and humans. The three powerful mother boxes that could even destroy the earth were separated by humans, Amazons, and Atlantis. Everything seems to be back on track, but hidden dangers are also quietly buried.

As the God of War who personally defeated Darkseid and almost cut off his head, Ares felt for the first time how powerful war has increased his power. An ancient battle involving the gods can make him so powerful Beyond Zeus, the king of the gods, how many times will there be more wars like this?
Such thoughts have been lingering in Ares' mind since the ancient war.

Finally, Ares did not resist the temptation of power, bewitched the power of hero worship of mankind, and set off wars between humans and humans, between humans and Amazons, and even between humans and the gods.

As for why there was no Atlantis, it was entirely because the king of Atlantis committed suicide at that time, implicating the entire Atlantis being swallowed by the ocean, and Ares had no way to confuse them.

(End of this chapter)

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