A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 820 Those who play with time will eventually be played by time

Chapter 820 Those who play with time will eventually be played by time

At the end of the field of vision, a black figure leaps away.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and shook his head, looked away from the distance, and stepped into the silver-white crack.

In the STAR cutting-edge technology laboratory, Sisko wore a headset and stared nervously at the screen in front of him.

In order to provide Barry with timely assistance in technology and intelligence, the main console of the laboratory can be directly connected to the positioning system on the Flash uniform. Therefore, Sisko can monitor Barry's actions in real time indoors, and even With the help of a supercomputer, he can also use lines to simulate an extremely fast duel between him and Reverse Lightning.

Just like now, the screen in front of Sisko presents a three-dimensional map of the central city. Two solid lines, one gold and one red, shuttle back and forth between the urban area and high-rise buildings that are purely composed of lines. Chasing each other, climbing up high-rise buildings at right angles for a while, and leaping vertically and horizontally at the top of high-rise buildings.

On the surface, the two seem to be chasing after each other, and they are evenly matched.

But based on Sisko's understanding of Barry over the years, he would be driven to the city by the reverse lightning, and even take the risk of leaping back and forth between tall buildings, indicating that Barry should be at a disadvantage.

"Come on, Barry..."

Sisko clenched his fists secretly, and kept cheering Barry in his heart.

By now, the battle has been upgraded to a non-human level. Even if he has the ingenuity beyond the times, he may not be able to help Barry for a while, and can only encourage Barry spiritually.

Also feeling powerless like Sisko, there was Caitlin sitting beside him.

She took the little black cat out for shopping today, and missed the actions of Barry, Sisko and others. She didn't know the fact that Wells was Reverse Lightning until she came back.

Caitlin felt as if struck by lightning immediately, and sat down on the chair in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

Now, she is still wearing the black knee-length skirt she went shopping today, with delicate makeup on her face. If her dull eyes are ignored, she is definitely an urban beauty who is qualified to be on the cover of a magazine.

At the same time, the little black cat who came back from shopping with her is also curled up at this moment, lying between Caitlin's smooth and white legs, dozing off one after another, looking extremely lazy and carefree. Heartless.

It doesn't care about Barry and Wells at all.

As long as they can't affect Lin Yi's return, the little black cat has no plans to make a move at all.

After Lin Yi entered the Speed ​​Force space, the little black cat first went to Prince Manor, and then returned to the STAR laboratory to live temporarily, waiting for Lin Yi to return from the Speed ​​Force space.

Of course, among the three candidates for shit shoveling officers, Barry, Sisko and Caitlin, the little black cat chose Caitlin without hesitation. This was not because it had any dirty thoughts, it was purely Caitlin The living habits are better, and the living environment is far cleaner than the two bachelors, Sisko and Barry.

At this moment, the little black cat lying between Caitlin's knees suddenly raised its head, and looked at the air in front of it with eyes like ice blue jewels.

In the next second, a silver-white vortex appeared out of thin air.

The little black cat's eyes lit up immediately, and it jumped to the ground.

Caitlin was taken aback by the sudden movement of the little black cat, and only when she came back to her senses did she see the silver-white vortex in front of her.

"what is this?"

Caitlin's eyes widened, and she couldn't help crying out.

Sisko also turned his head quickly, looking at the silver-white vortex ahead.

In the next second, Lin Yi's figure emerged from it.

The little black cat immediately jumped up, jumped onto Lin Yi's broad shoulders, and rubbed Lin Yi's neck affectionately with its fluffy little head.

Lin Yi smiled and rubbed its head, and said softly: "Okay, sleep if you want to sleep..."

The little black cat immediately nodded its fluffy little head, and then couldn't hold back the drowsiness that hit it like a wave, and fell asleep completely as soon as it closed its eyes.

After getting the bonus of the characteristic skill [Awakening], Lin Yi's basic attributes have nearly doubled again, and the little black cat has also been greatly improved due to the inheritance of attributes between master and servant. At this moment, it needs a period of deep sleep To digest this power.

He didn't sleep before, because he wanted to wait for Lin Yi to come back.

Now that Lin Yi has returned, it naturally doesn't need to persist.

Seeing that the little black cat had fallen into a deep sleep, Lin Yi withdrew his gaze from looking at the little black cat, turned his head to look at Sisko, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face.

"Long time no see, Sisko."

"Are you...Mr. Prince?"

Sisko couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Lin Yi's familiar yet unfamiliar face in disbelief.

Although judging from the outline of the facial features, the person in front of him is indeed Mr. Prince, but he is too young, right?
Could it be that the speed force space also has the effect of rejuvenating people?

Sisko's eyes were strange, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

Caitlin also widened her eyes, looking at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Of course, unlike Sisko, her focus was not on Lin Yi's nearly 20-year-old face, but on the intimacy that the little black cat showed when it jumped on Lin Yi's shoulder just now.

God's poor!She has worked so hard to take care of the little black cat for so many days, and now she can only let it no longer resist the touch of her body, and even stroking the hair on its back is a luxury...

She thought it was because the little black cat had a cold nature and didn't like to be close to people.

But now seeing the interaction between it and Lin Yi, Caitlin suddenly realized:
It's not that she doesn't want to get close to others, it's just that she doesn't want to get close to her!
In an instant, Caitlin was hit hard again.

Under the double blow, her big eyes that were originally as beautiful as a deer looked even more gloomy at this moment, and she began to doubt life in her heart...

Soon, Sisko came back to his senses and looked at Lin Yidao with a face full of surprise.

"Mr. Prince, your face..."

"It's just a little younger, nothing to be surprised about." Lin Yi said with a smile, "Compared with this, I think you should be more interested in knowing the situation on the front line. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have all rushed over. Trust me, nothing will happen to Barry."

"What about Dr. Wells?"

Caitlin came back to her senses and couldn't help asking.

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, then turned his head and gave Caitlin a deep look.

"He will get what he deserves."


Both Caitlin and Sisko fell silent.

Although they knew that Wells was the Reverse Lightning and that he had become their enemy, the feelings they had cultivated after working together for more than ten years were not false.

If not necessary, they really do not want to see Wells fall into a too tragic ending.

But there is no way, who let him really kill Barry's mother?
Sisko and Caitlin looked at each other, and they could see the complex emotions in the eyes of both sides.

Lin Yi also sighed, stepped forward and gave the two people a hug in relief, then tore open a silver-white crack again, and raised his foot to step into it.

But just before he was about to walk in, Lin Yi suddenly turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, remember to tell Bruce for me that I am going to take those Kryptonian refugees to find their new home. In a short time, there is no need to worry about the Kryptonians. intrusion."

...Kryptonians?New home?intrusion?
After thinking about it for a while, Sisko noticed the huge amount of information contained in it, and immediately couldn't help swallowing, nodded quickly and said: "I will!"

"That's good!"

Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction, turned around and disappeared into the silver-white crack.

Looking at the space cracks that are gradually closing, Caitlin couldn't help turning her head to look at Sisko: "Bruce? Kryptonian? Can you explain to me why I just went out for a walk, as if I had left for a century Same!"

"...That's a long story."

Sisko sighed and began to tell Caitlin what happened in the past two days from the beginning.



On the other side, with the help of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, The Flash finally defeated the Reverse Flash.

On the roof of the Wayne Building, Bruce was wearing a black bat armor, standing in front of Reverse Lightning who was tied into a dumpling with a mantra lasso, behind him were Clark, Diana and Barry standing in the shape of a letter.

Looking at Reverse Lightning's indifferent eyes, Bruce stretched out his hand calmly, and unceremoniously took off Reverse Lightning's hood, revealing the face that belonged to Harrison Wells.

"Well, you won...you won, I am indeed not an opponent of the Justice League."

Wells curled his lips, looked past Bruce in front of him, and looked at Barry with a complicated expression behind him.

"What are you waiting for?" Wells said lightly, "If you want to ask, just ask, I know you have many questions that you want to be answered, and now I am tied here by the lasso of mantra, which is exactly what you are looking for answers good chance!"


Barry fell silent when he heard the words, and looked at his teammates around him as if pleading.

Both Clark and Diana nodded, only Bruce frowned, but after thinking about it carefully, Bruce stepped aside and made room for Barry.

Barry glanced at them gratefully, then walked up to Wells, looked directly into his half-smiling eyes and asked angrily, "Why did you kill my mother?"

Wells shook his head and said, "I've already answered this question - I hate you, not for you now, but for you many years later, when we will be enemies, rivals, opposites of each other... "

"Wait, why are we enemies?"

Hearing this, Barry couldn't help interrupting.

Wells smiled lightly: "Because you in the future accidentally traveled to my time, and for some reason tried to send me to prison, since then, we have formed a bridge, and began to fight in the next few centuries. China and China hate each other - but that doesn't matter anymore."

"The important thing is, you and me, neither of us is strong enough, at least not strong enough to completely defeat each other, until I discovered your secret, your real name—Barry Allen!"

A happy smile appeared on Wells' face: "Finally, I thought of a way to defeat you in one fell swoop, and that is to go back to the past, kill you as a child, and completely erase the name Flash from the earth."

Barry said calmly: "But you didn't do it..."

Wells came back to his senses and sneered: "Yes, because you in the future came back with me, and even in order to stop me, you would not hesitate to endure a supersonic punch to save you as a child."

"In the end, the future you succeeded, and I failed. Desperation and anger filled my heart, but soon, I thought of a new method, which is to let the young you suffer a blow, a terrible and sad blow So much so that you can't recover from it 20 years from now."

"That way, you'll never be The Flash."

"So, I stabbed your mother in the heart and killed her."

"When Gideon told me that the future has changed, and all the news and materials of The Flash have disappeared, I was overwhelmed with ecstasy—I finally succeeded, the existence of The Flash has been completely wiped out, and I I can go back to my time, to a world without The Flash."

"But just when I was about to go back, I realized that I had lost my way home and the ability to control the Speed ​​Force. Without it, I would be stuck here, unable to return to my own time."

"At that time, I thought it was because I had time traveled multiple times in a short period of time, which caused the speed force to be exhausted. It wasn't until the ancient god named Prince came to the STAR laboratory that I realized that the problem was not Me, but you—Barry Allen..."

Wells couldn't help but sighed: "You created the Speed ​​Force, which is the source of the Speed ​​Force, and erasing you is equivalent to erasing the existence of the Speed ​​Force, and the Speed ​​Force on me is no exception— —No way, in order to return to the future, I have to create the Flash that I erased myself."

"How ridiculous!"

Wells shook his head mockingly.

Bruce said lightly: "Those who play with time will be played by time."

Wells looked at Bruce and said lightly: "Believe me, Batman, I understand this truth better than you, but there is a saying-all drowned can swim."

"Why are you training me?"

Barry frowned and continued to ask.

Wells said calmly: "Because I need you to go faster, so fast that you can break through the barriers of time and space, and use the characteristics of the speed force to create a stable time and space channel-not a channel leading to the space of the speed force, but a real, A channel that can travel through the long river of time."

"Why must I go faster, can't you do it yourself?"

"Of course not. As I said just now, you are the source of the speed force. Only when your speed is fast enough to break through the barrier of time can I have the same speed."

"Then why should I do this?" Barry frowned.

"Because you give me what I want, and I can give you what you want!"

Wells chuckled and said: "Barry, this is a win-win situation. Imagine that you can go back in time, save your mother from me, save your father from prison, and reunite your family... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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