Chapter 862 Dark Ritual
In the dimly lit church, a group of mages with dark red marks on the center of their brows stood in the shadows, making weird and strange gestures with their hands, looking at the slowly rotating red spark magic symbol in the center of the church, revealing Pious and fanatical look.

There is no doubt that they are the group of dark believers who defected from Karma Taj.

And in the C position in the middle of them, the tall, expressionless middle-aged man with eyes like dark purple coke is the genius mage that Gu Yi would feel sorry for every time he mentioned it——Casillas.

Since his defection from Kama Taj, Casillas has held rituals to summon the Lord of the Dark Dimension many times, but no matter how standard the rituals he performed and how pious the spells he uttered, Dormammu never really Responding to him, at most, they only granted them the authority of dimension agents, allowing them to absorb the power of the dark dimension like the ancient one.

But not long ago, the great Lord of the Dark Dimension approached him personally, and declared that he would plot the earth with another great being from hell. This made Casillas very excited, and even forgot about mortals for a time The body cannot look directly at the taboo of the Lord of the Dark Dimension, causing the eyes to become the look of neither human nor ghost at this moment.

In this regard, Casillas was a little apprehensive at first, but after discovering that his master didn't seem to care about his offense, this apprehension turned into a kind of faint superiority and pride.

After all, not every mage is qualified to look directly at the gods with a mortal body.

And Casillas survived after seeing Dormammu's true nature.

This kind of experience is a legend among the dark believers led by Casillas. Therefore, under the guidance of Casillas himself, this appearance of being eroded by the dark power has not surprisingly changed into a legend. It has become a symbol of status and piety, and every believer in the darkness longs for one day to be eroded by the power of darkness...

If Gu Yi knew what they were thinking at this moment, he would definitely feel sad for his former disciple.

Because at the very beginning, Casillas just wanted to be like the supreme mage Ancient One, using the power drawn from the dark dimension to strengthen himself, so as to achieve the goal of immortality.

But he is not Gu Yi after all.

The power that Ancient One absorbed was forcibly snatched from the dark dimension. She was able to maintain herself under the erosion of dark power, and even ignored Dormammu's bewitching and used it for her own use. It does not mean that Casillas can do the same. With the continuous erosion of dark forces, Casillas and his followers today have completely lost themselves and become puppets of the dark dimension.

Now, Dormammu, the supreme master of the dark dimension, wants to devour this planet. As a servant, I must satisfy his greedy desire to devour...

Casillas beckoned expressionlessly, and the two dark believers walked into the shadows immediately, and five seconds later they carried an unconscious man in a yellow mage robe back to the center of the church.

Immediately afterwards, the two dark believers worked together and threw the unconscious man's body high. All the dark believers surrounded by red sparks waved their arms at the same time, and threw a magical long whip made of pure yellow sparks around the top of the church. The beams of the house hung down, completely binding the unconscious man's limbs, causing him to stop on the constantly rotating red spark symbol by a hair's breadth.

In an instant, the severe pain of being torn by the magic whip came from the limbs, and the comatose man woke up instantly, looking angrily at the pious and fanatical dark believers around him.

"Damn dark believers! Let me go! Otherwise, the supreme mage will not let you go!"


Casillas frowned, raised his hand to his lips in a gesture of silence, then stepped forward, walking slowly under the eyes of the male mage who was frightened and angry.

"Shut your mouth, the great master of the dark dimension is always watching here..."

"Really?" The male mage calmed down, a face full of disdain and sarcasm showing on his blood-stained face, "Then why hasn't your great master of the dark dimension descended to Earth yet? Look here, I'm yuck! It's just a robber and thief who covets the earth, and he is the same as other dimensional demon gods..."


Before he finished speaking, Casillas quickly pulled out a delicate dagger from his back, and without hesitation plunged it into the mouth of the male mage, twisted his wrist lightly, and cut off a piece of bloody tongue.

The dark believer on the side quickly caught the tongue with a black metal container, and then placed the black container under the angry male mage, followed by the bright red blood that kept leaving his mouth.

"Daniel, you know I've always admired you."

While wiping the blood on the dagger, Casillas said indifferently: "So I think, the great Lord of the Dark Dimension should also like you as a sacrifice."

Daniel grinned the corner of his mouth full of blood, and said under Casillas' indifferent gaze: "Ka... Casili... Yas, the Supreme Mage... will not let you go... sooner or later... we will See you in hell..."

Without his tongue, Daniel still made an indistinct sound with the help of mana vibrations.

Casillas is not surprised. He has been against Kama Taj for so many years. He has seen countless tough mages who are tough and traditional. I don't know at all that the Supreme Mage, whom I have always respected, is actually the same as him, relying on absorbing the power of the dark dimension to survive until now.

What an ironic fact!

A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Casillas' mouth, he reached out and grabbed Daniel's hair, raised his head, looked straight into those angry eyes and said indifferently: "Of course, we will see you again."

"But that's not hell, but the dark dimension ruled by the great Dormammu!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the expression on Casillas' face changed from indifference to piety and fanaticism, and then he suddenly stabbed the dagger in Daniel's heart, and then pulled out the blood-stained blade with a puff.

Hot blood spurted out from the wound, and fell into the black metal container under the action of an invisible force.

Daniel's eyes widened suddenly, and the mana that could barely condense collapsed in an instant. Severe pain came from his heart like a tide, and an indescribable sense of weakness immediately flooded his mind.

Seeing that Daniel's face turned pale and his breath was weak in just a few seconds, Casillas showed a smile on his face, stepped back without hesitation, and formed a circle with other dark believers around him. With Daniel's hard work, he uttered some kind of low and indistinct strange spell with a solemn expression.

The strange sound of magic echoed continuously in the dimly lit church, and an invisible aura of darkness penetrated the wall, spreading rapidly in all directions at an extreme speed beyond the usual.

High in the sky, the Kryptonian warrior who was flying at high speed overlooking the entire city suddenly froze, his sharp eyes turned for an instant, and fell on the abandoned church covered in ancient trees and vines more than ten miles away.

In the next second, the body of the Kryptonian warrior turned into a stream of black light, rushing towards the church amidst layers of sonic boom clouds.


The ancient and solid marble wall exploded in an instant, and a black figure walked out slowly in the smoke and dust.

All the dark believers standing in the magic circle were attracted by this sudden movement. Two unlucky guys were even hit on the head by the splashing boulder, and blood and brains rushed out.

Judging by the way they were out of breath but not in, it should be hopeless.

The ceremony was forced to be interrupted, Casillas' face was full of anger, he threw the short sword in his hand without hesitation, and then rubbed his mana in both hands, twisting a translucent twisted blade from the air .

The other dark believers also reacted quickly, either taking out magical artifacts, or using magic to condense weapons, and they all set up their fighting postures, looking at the tall black figure in the cave waiting in full force.


The Kryptonian warrior swept across the crowd in the church expressionlessly. He had just put away his visor when he was poked on the skin between his eyebrows by a galloping dagger. Unfortunately, the material and strength of the dagger were too strong. The weak chicken couldn't even leave a white mark on his skin, so it fell powerlessly at his feet and was crushed into powder by his feet.

During the whole process, the Kryptonian warrior didn't even look at the short sword!
" is this possible?!"

Casillas couldn't help questioning, and looked at the dagger at the Kryptonian warrior's feet in surprise.

The Kryptonian warrior turned his gaze, looked at Casillas who just spoke and said indifferently: "Tell me, who are you, and why do you have such a strong dark aura?"


Casillas came back to his senses, and winked at the dark believers who were waiting around him.

The two dark believers who were closest to the Kryptonian warriors gripped the magic weapon tightly, and while the Kryptonian warriors were looking in other directions, they moved silently, and then stepped on their feet, facing the blind spot of the Kryptonian warrior's perspective rushed over.


A deafening roar came from the front.

The fist that was hanging on the Kryptonian warrior's waist was raised as if teleporting, and it exploded the air in an instant, turning one of the dark believers into a puddle of unknown composition on the wall.

Everyone in the church was stunned by this punch.

Casillas stared in horror at the meat paste hanging on the wall more than ten meters away.

As a powerful mage who has absorbed the power of the dark dimension, his nerve reaction speed is dozens of times faster than that of ordinary people, but even so he did not notice the movement of the Kryptonian warrior punching, only saw his arm seem to teleport From falling to lifting, the hapless dark believer also disappeared in place as if teleporting...

Not only that, but Casillas also used Kama Taj full of close combat, so it is fully possible to see how powerful the power, speed and skill are contained in this punch.

According to common sense, hitting a person with such a fist with both speed and strength will definitely make the person being hit fly through the wall. A puddle of meat, this is completely unscientific, the only explanation is that the opponent turned the unlucky guy into a meat the moment he punched.

To achieve this step, not only strength and speed are needed, but also powerful skills with extreme precision

Can't beat it, absolutely can't beat it!
Casillas couldn't help swallowing, and the alarm bells in his heart kept ringing.

At the same time, another dark believer was still waving the magic weapon and stood still.

The Kryptonian warrior frowned, grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up in the air like a chicken, looked straight into his eyes full of fear and said, "I'll ask you again, who are you? Why do you have such a strong dark aura on your body?"

"I...we are...uh...uh..."

The dark believer who was lifted into the air by the Kryptonian warriors had his legs trembling, tremblingly wanting to explain, but before he could speak, two lines of bright red blood and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and he himself was also wide-eyed. When the eyes were closed, the pupils instantly dilated and lost their luster.

The Kryptonian soldier was slightly taken aback, and found that this guy lost his breath in just a few seconds, and died in front of him in a strange and strange way.

No way, the Kryptonian warrior had no choice but to drop him, and then turned his attention to the other people in the church.

But it wasn't until then that he realized that most of the dark believers in the church had disappeared, and the remaining seven or eight people were also rushing towards a portal that looked like a broken mirror.

Mirror space!

It turned out that Casillas decisively opened the mirror space when the Kryptonian warriors were attracted by the death of the dark believer, and escaped into the mirror space with his most core members.

As for whether the remaining dark believers can escape in, it depends on their fortune.

Casillas stood calmly in the mirrored space, staring at reality through the broken mirror in front of him, seeing that the Kryptonian warrior had noticed the portal leading to the mirrored space, so he decisively closed the portal in front of him.

The dark believer at the front had only stepped in half of his body, and was torn in half by the suddenly closed mirror space.

Facts have proved that Casillas' decision was correct, because the moment the Kryptonian warrior discovered the effect of the Chuan Songmen, his body came to the front of the mirror space as if in an instant, only one step away from the dark believer who had stepped into half his body. a step far.

But this one step away, placed between the mirror space and reality, is the distance between the two worlds...

"Unfortunately, I couldn't catch up."

The Kryptonian warrior frowned, looked at the bloody half of the corpse at his feet, then turned around slowly, and looked at the remaining five dark believers who couldn't escape and were trembling and full of fear at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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