Chapter 870 A Higher Goal
With the help of the power of the dark dimension, Casillas has been dealing with Kama Taj for more than ten years. Even if he was caught by the ancient master a few times, he escaped successfully after sacrificing a few insignificant dark believers.

This time, he thought it would be no exception!
Casillas looked calm, rubbed his hands together, and summoned a translucent twisted blade.

"Mo Du, I told you a long time ago, she has been using your trust to deceive you!"

"I'm protecting you..." Gu Yi said calmly.

"By means of lies?" Casillas showed sarcasm, holding a twisted sharp blade, and walked slowly, "Stop trying to deceive me, I have seen the truth that you concealed, and I have found someone better than you A more qualified new mentor!"

Gu Yi shook his head and sighed softly: "Wake up, Dormammu is the one who lied to you. You haven't seen his true face. His so-called eternal life is not heaven, but hell..."


A cold light flashed in Casillas' eyes, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and rushed towards Gu Yi with a twisted blade in his hand.

Gu Yi was not surprised, and immediately took a step back, raised his right foot, and stepped lightly on the floor tiles.

In an instant, the bricks and stones flew randomly on the circular platform, stopping the twisted blade that Casillas stabbed like a surging wave.

At the same time, the ancient mage waved the magic paper fan made of pure yellow sparks in his hand, and countless light yellow energy burst out instantly, passing through the waves of bricks and rocks as if there was nothing, and slammed into Casillas' chest.


Casillas' figure flew upside down like a cannonball, slammed heavily into the rotating and flying building debris outside the circular platform, and disappeared in the broken bricks and rocks flying all over the sky in just a few seconds .

Is this gone?

Wasn't it still full of momentum just now?
Strange's head was full of question marks. He really didn't expect that Casillas, who had been blown away by Modo for so long, couldn't even move a single move in front of Gu Yi...

This is a fart!

Just as such a thought flashed through Strange's mind, he was thrown to the ground by Mordo.


Two bursting sounds came from the side, and Strange didn't care to complain about Mordo's rudeness, and quickly stood up straight on the ground, only to realize that the dark believers following Casillas had rushed over.

Each of them held the twisted blade of the same type as Casillas, or various yellow spark artifacts, and they besieged Strange from both sides of the circular platform. The sound of piercing the air was two twisted sharp blades that were used as throwing objects. If Mo Du hadn't rescued him in time, he might have been pierced through the body by those two twisted sharp blades at this moment.

so close!

Cold sweat broke out on Strange's face as soon as he brushed it.


The twisted sharp blade that was in front of him was stopped by a short staff that shone with yellow light.

Immediately afterwards, Modu leaped out from the side in big strides, kicked the dark believer flying in front of him, and then swung his short stick to meet the twisted blade of another dark believer.

"Damn it, don't be distracted!"

While defending against the opponent's attack, Mordo yelled at Strange loudly.

Strange hurriedly got up from the ground, drew out a mana whip and went up to him.

It's just that most of these dark believers have been practicing in Karma Taj for more than ten years. Whether it is spells or martial arts, they are much stronger than Strange, who has just started for two years.

In terms of hand-to-hand combat alone, Strange was indeed no match for them.

Fortunately, he has a magical cloak with a little self-awareness, which can avoid evil in battle, help him avoid the opponent's twisted sharp blade, or wrap their arms holding the sharp blade.

With the help of the magic cloak, Strange was barely able to fight with the two dark believers without losing the wind.

But more words will not work, so the remaining three dark believers can only be dealt with by Modu alone.

Fortunately, Casillas had already been expelled by Ancient One. After confirming that Casillas' aura had indeed disappeared, the supreme mage joined the battle group waving the magic weapon paper fan in his hand.

This time, the situation that was originally inclined to the dark believers was reversed instantly.

All the dark believers are not an all-in-one enemy in front of Gu Yi, and they are sent flying by her with every gesture, drawing beautiful parabolas in the air, and then hitting the ground heavily.

When the last dark believer was about to be knocked down by Gu Yi, the sound of a sharp knife piercing into the flesh suddenly sounded.


Master Gu Yi's pupils shrank, and a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Strange and Mordo, who had just had their breath, were startled for a moment, and quickly turned their heads to look, only to find a small section of translucent twisted blade protruding from Gu Yi's chest.

Looking back, it turned out that Casillas lurked behind Gu Yi, and while she was distracted from fighting the dark believer, he pierced her heart with the twisted sharp blade in his hand.

"You... your... breath..."

Gu Yi asked himself the last question "during his life" with great difficulty.

A smile appeared on Casillas's face, and he said softly: "Unexpectedly, the Lord of Darkness gave me the ability to lurk in the dark space. No matter how strong your control over the mirror space is, you will not be able to detect my breath... Well, because of the love you taught me, I have answered the questions you want to know, now, you can die in peace!"


As soon as the words fell, the twisted blade in Casillas' hands exploded, blasting out a bowl-sized blood hole in Gu Yi's chest with the power of twisted space. Through the blood hole, one could vaguely see the little half still beating fresh heart.

"Supreme Mage!"

Modu looked at Gu Yi in disbelief, suddenly roared like crazy, and rushed towards Casillas.

Casillas had no expression on his face, and kicked Gu Yi's back. Modu was caught off guard, so he could only put away the magic weapon to catch Gu Yi's body.

Strange took advantage of this time to put on the hanging ring dropped by the Dark Believer, opened the portal beside Modu and Gu Yi, jumped and pushed them into it together.

Actually told them to run away...

Casillas frowned slightly, and the dark believers who hadn't fallen off the circular platform immediately surrounded him, looked at Casillas with worship and respect and asked, "The supreme mage is dead, what should we do now?" ?”

"...According to the original plan."

Casillas turned his head, looked at the followers around him and said indifferently: "Without the Supreme Mage, Kama Taj is no longer a threat, but the magic shields of the three holy temples must be removed!"


The dark believers responded respectfully, turned around and opened the yellow spark portal, and left the mirror space.

Casillas took a last look at the place where Strange and the others disappeared, and after a moment of silence, he also left the mirror space.

Then, the development of the story returns to the original plot.

Gu Yi was sneak attacked by Casillas, pierced her chest with a twisted sharp blade, and even destroyed her entire heart. This kind of injury was too terrifying. Even if Strange and Mordo took her out of the mirror space in time, she would have already died. It is hopeless.

In the New York Temple, Modu stood beside the bed, silently looking at Gu Yi's mutilated body.

Strange's face was also full of heaviness, but while he was silent, he suddenly noticed some fluctuations in his soul, so he moved in his heart, decisively operated the method of leaving the body, let the soul leave the body, and went to the New York Temple The roof of the building saw Gu Yi's soul suspended in the air.

Strange was silent for a while, looked back at the body that lost his voice on the bed, and then resolutely floated to Gu Yi's side, looked at her calm face and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Look, it's snowing..."

Gu Yi didn't seem to hear Strange's question, she just stretched out her hand gently, staring at the snowflakes falling around her in a daze.

Strange didn't expect Gu Yi to answer like this, he looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky, and said anxiously: "Supreme Mage, hurry back to your body, let's go to Your Excellency Juggernaut for help, Daniel He saved the serious injuries back then, and you are countless times stronger than Daniel, so you must still have a chance of survival!"

Gu Yi chuckled, turned around, looked straight into Strange's eyes and said, "You still haven't gotten used to your role as a mage."

Strange was slightly taken aback, and immediately heard Gu Yi leisurely say: "Strange, death is always relative, I have spent many years spying on the future, looking at this point in time, if I want to, I will There are countless ways to avoid this death, but I didn't, do you know why?"

"Why?" Strange couldn't help asking.

"Because everyone will come to this point." Gu Yi replied with a smile, "but the future will not stop because of this..."

Strange frowned: "I don't understand, what do you chose your own death?"

Gu Yi laughed again, she looked at Strange who was still confused and said softly: "As the supreme mage of Kama Taj, I have prevented countless terrible things, but crises do always follow one after another, Si Trange, do you know your future?"

Strange shook his head honestly: "I don't know."

Gu Yi continued to ask: "Then do you want to know?"

Strange originally planned to say no, but when the words came to his lips, his heart suddenly moved and he changed his mind.

"Of course I want to know!"

"..." Gu Yi twitched his mouth, turned his head again, looked at the snowflakes falling in front of him and said, "I can't see your future, I can only see countless possibilities about your future, you are a kind-hearted person Good people, great people, amazing achievements, but it's not because you want to succeed so much, it's because you're too afraid to fail."

"That's right." Strange said noncommittally, "It made me a successful doctor."

"It also prevents you from becoming a greater existence." Gu glanced at him, "Arrogance, desire and fear of failure make you ignorant of the simplest and most important things..."

"Oh? What is that?"

"The meaning of life is not in the self."

"..." Strange twitched the corner of his mouth, and said speechlessly, "Are you trying to teach me how to sacrifice?"

Gu Yi didn't answer his words, but asked with a smile: "I still remember when you first came to see me, you asked me how I cured Jonathan Pangborn...Actually, I didn't, he did it for himself Infused with dimensional power."

Strange asked in astonishment, "You mean, he has been relying on spells to walk?"

Gu Yi nodded: "Yes, before returning to a normal life, he once faced a choice, whether to return to his previous life, or to dedicate himself to a more noble goal, obviously, he chose the former - you are the same , you can choose to heal your own hands and return to the previous successful Doctor Strange..."

"Or choose a way of saving lives that is nobler, harder, and weirder than being a doctor."

Strange sarcastically said, "For example, become a mage stationed at Kama Taj like Mordo?"

Gu Yi said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "For example, becoming the next supreme mage of Kama Taj."

Strange suddenly turned his head and looked at Gu Yi in astonishment: "You... what did you say?"

Gu Yi chuckled and said: "On the first day I saw you, I told you that losing your hands is not the end of the world, it may also be the beginning, and death is the same, it gives life meaning and makes you I understand that time is short and there are not many days to go, just like now, although I am ready to accept death, I also hope that this moment in front of me can be extended indefinitely..."

Strange fell silent, looked at the snow scene in front of him and said softly: "I see, you want to tell me that immortality is not a good thing for civilization, so the ambitions of Casillas and Dormammu, we must To stop, is it?"

"Yes, and no." Gu nodded, then shook his head again.

"I don't understand..." Strange frowned.

"You will understand." Gu Yi said with a smile, "Okay, this is my last lesson."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Yi's figure suddenly shattered like a bubble, turning into countless light spots and dissipating in the air without a sound.

Strange suspended there silently, but finally returned to his body full of melancholy.

After Strange stepped into the corridor leading to Karma Taj with Gu Yi's body, Lin Yi's figure suddenly appeared in the air, looking at Strange's slightly heavy back, he said speechlessly: "You Karma Were Taj’s supreme mages of all ages so reckless in their inheritance? Now I have reason to suspect that you are taking revenge for the previous supreme mage’s behavior of the riddle..."

After the words fell, Gu Yi's soul appeared beside him, looking at Strange's back and smiling slightly.

"This is not a difficult riddle. As long as he takes the Time Stone, he will naturally understand what I mean."


Lin Yi rolled his eyes. As a bystander and an existence that also possesses the power of time, he certainly knows what Gu Yi is talking about. The guy's long speech just now, except for the superficial statement that Strange will take over as the supreme mage and fight against the dark dimension Lord, apart from dedicating himself to a more noble goal, he secretly set an example and used his own life to teach Strange a lesson called 'self-sacrifice'.

Gu Yi holds the time gem and can see many possibilities in the future, but she chose this future.

Why?Because among the many possibilities in the future, this future is the one that is most beneficial to the earth and Karma Taj.

In order to embark on this better future, in order to accomplish the so-called more lofty goals, even if Gu Yi needs to die in the hands of Casillas, she will not hesitate at all!

(End of this chapter)

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