I can see the finals

Chapter 118 World Record

Chapter 118 World Record
The stadium immediately burst into thunderous applause, deafening.

Ding Wen didn't seem to have expected their reaction to be so intense. As soon as he took off the USB, his ears were buzzing with cheers, and he almost lost his footing for a moment.

He looked around in surprise at the enthusiastic people in the auditorium. Some just applauded vigorously, some held up passing signs and shouted his name, and some even stood up and kept waving towards the competition area.

"DW! NB!"

Ding Wen was a little at a loss.

What kind of situation is this, they are all number one. In the third round, Qi Qi killed more than 20 and they didn't see them like this. Why are they so excited when they only killed four?
He didn't understand.

Like the NBA maybe?
People who are indifferent to a certain team does not prevent them from loving the star players. Individual performance is far more eye-catching than the team.

Is this the truth?

Finally, there was a time when Ding Wen couldn't figure it out. Although he was strategizing in the game, the human heart was his blind spot of knowledge, and he couldn't understand it, and he couldn't figure it out.

After all, in his opinion, the third game with high kills is the most exciting one. Whether it is from the perspective effect or the shocking power, can it be said that more than 20 eliminations can't compare with this... Only four eliminations Is it a game?

Perhaps there is another explanation.

The first one is there, people are used to relying on team battles to win, and they are used to it; but it is difficult for them to see Ding Wen's performance as a lone wolf today. Zhiman played around and around, that's why he was so excited.

"NB, Lao Ding!" There were so many passers-by beside him, they rushed up excitedly and gave him a bear hug, then shook his shoulder desperately: "Do you know what you did, Lao Ding!"

Even Ding Wen was even more surprised by his extremely excited reaction: "What's wrong with me?"

"Aren't you very smart, why are you confused at this time?" Passing by was also puzzled, and looked at him carefully: "I see, you are pretending to be a master, pretending to be calm."

At this time, the host's frozen voice resounded loudly in the clubhouse, seeming to have answered Ding Wen's doubts in his heart.

"Okay, let's welcome Ding Wen, the first player who broke the [Survivor] professional league's record of more than one wear, to win a one-on-five victory. Come to the stage for an interview, welcome with applause!!!"

It turned out to be a broken record.

Ding Wen's doubts were answered, why did he think about it, it turned out that it was only because of this.

He immediately returned to that flat look.

Others may be excited and overjoyed by breaking the record, but he will not overreact.After all, his long-cherished wish is to stand on a higher stage and let more people see him, rather than such a gorgeous title.

Compared with the championship, nothing else is important.

Of course, the main goal before was to advance, but now it seems that the promotion is almost stable, and they may have a chance to hit the first place and be promoted to PGK as the number one seed.

Seeing him look like this again, Passing Qi's shaking became much stronger: "Sure enough, you're just pretending, hurry up, go to the stage for an interview!"

Breaking two league records!

What is this concept?
This is the first time in all competitions in 11!

Ding Wen actually still looked calm and breezy, unaware that passing by even wanted to kill him.

The spotlight shrank and shone on Ding Wen. The audience was waiting for him to go on stage for an interview, so he had no time to chat with passing by. So he tidied up and walked towards the main stage for the third time.

Passing through the aisle, someone was still calling his name.

Among these people, Ding Wen seemed to hear a different voice.

"PGL No. [-] Old Six!"

As soon as the voice came out, someone beside him immediately shouted along with him.

"PGL No. [-] and sixth, no, the No. [-] and sixth in District [-]!!!"


Ding Wen was a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether it was a compliment or a derogation, and whether the speaker was praising him or satirizing him.

So he turned his head subconsciously, glanced roughly, and found that the person who said this sentence was a middle-aged man who looked well-dressed, but actually revealed a trace of wretched temperament between his brows and eyes.

Seeing him looking over, the middle-aged man was even more excited, waving his hands desperately, as if to greet him.

This reaction is naturally admirable.

Ding Wen's classic game that surpassed the teaching of textbooks just now seems to have gained a lot of fans who take pleasure in shady people.

But having said that, are all my fans like this kind of people...

Suddenly, Ding Wen was inexplicably unhappy.

I should...not be obscene, right?
The mysterious and unfathomable performance of the person who appeared in the maze just now, only heard his voice but could not see his person, isn't it the demeanor of a master, how could he become the sixth child.

Ding Wen subconsciously touched his fairly straight face, then forced a smile and waved to him.

After all, Ding Wen walked through this passage filled with cheers, wiped his sweat, and came to the main stage.

The host still had the iconic smile on his face: "DW player, we meet again."

"Yes." Ding Wen calmed down and said with a smile, "It's the third time."

Dingge raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling the audience to be quiet first, and then asked: "I saw you take off the U-film before, I didn't seem to understand everyone's reaction at that time, right?"

"Well... now I understand."

He stopped and smiled, his face suddenly a little mysterious: "Do you think it's just... breaking the double event record?"

"Ah?" Ding Wen was stunned for a moment: "Otherwise."

"Let me tell you." Ding Ge took a deep breath and turned to look at the big screen.

Immediately, rows of eye-catching black characters slowly emerged.

The frame followed the font, and read aloud: "In the history of all Survivor leagues, the record of wearing multiple and winning as a lone wolf was created by the ascetics of the foreign team in the second region of the sixth world championship. The number of people is 3 , and you..."

Speaking of this, the freeze couldn't help but look at Ding Wen, and the voice was louder: "It's 5! In other words, you broke... the world record!"

After the voice fell, applause, cheers, and shouts started again!
When they were a little quieter, they stopped and asked with a smile, "Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"Am I..." Ding Wen was not overwhelmed by the enthusiastic feedback from the audience, nor was he overwhelmed by breaking the record. He remained calm and said in a moderate voice:

"Actually, for me, I don't think it's considered a record. After all, it's the World Championship. It's a battlefield where the strongest players from all districts are assembled. The difficulty of my record can't be compared with his difficulty at all. .

Besides..." Ding Wen suddenly looked at the location of the members of Happy Forest in the competition area, and then smiled embarrassedly: "Strictly speaking, I didn't wear five of them, but I just took advantage of the terrain and used the system monsters to drag them to death." took them.I think the real wear is to have a strong strength and defeat five people head-on, not my indirect elimination.

Happy Forest is a very strong team. I have always respected them. If it is outside, let alone put it bluntly, I may not be able to beat any of them. "

 Thank you for the 5000 tip that I hate being alone but can't drive away.

  Forehead.Seriously, brother, don't tip, I owe too much and I can't make it up, I feel so guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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