I can see the finals

Chapter 171 The player with 99 points

Chapter 171 The player with 99 points
Of course, the meaning of "not coming" is definitely not that Ding Wen is afraid of Bianhua, nor does it mean that he has nothing to do with her wretched style of play.

Through the two contests, Ding Wen has actually been very clear about the strength of Bi'anhua.

Unlike the information learned from watching videos in the past, only competing in the same field can bring the most intuitive feeling.

Bi Anhua's command ability is between super first-class and first-class. If the full score is 80 points, she should be around [-] points.

This is not a standard set by Ding Wen himself, and it is not made up out of the ground. The e-sports school has a special scoring system. He gave the score to Bi'anhua according to the scoring standard of the most famous e-sports school in District [-].

She is strong, but not so strong that she is outrageous and invincible.

There are quite a few e-sports schools where Ding Wen has been to the [-]-point players, but there are about seven or eight players in his class.

Like Bai Mu, who is known as the number one commander of the Seventh District of the Five Elements team, although he did not come from an e-sports school, he went to an e-sports school to take a special test after becoming famous. After completing all theoretical subjects, his score was 95 points.

Over [-] is the category of super-first-class conductors. Comparing the scores, the results are naturally clear at a glance.

So after Ding Wen came into contact with Bi An Hua, he already had a judgment in his heart, and he was not too worried about this woman.

Her tailgating style of play is very difficult for most teams, but for Ding Wen, it is actually very simple——

Just change the birth point.

Of course, after the birth point is changed, it must not be fixed, and each game must not be repeated, so that other teams will not be able to figure out where you have gone.

As we all know, the birth point is the beginning of the tactical play, and different birth points correspond to different tactical play and transfer ideas. This is what is practiced in training games on weekdays, so if a certain team wants to change the jump point, it must be changed. It is very troublesome to learn the tactics around the new birth point and so on.

Under normal circumstances, after the birth point is fixed, the team will basically not change unless it is absolutely necessary. Sometimes, they will even compete with other teams for the birth point to ensure that they become the masters of this area, and do not waste the previous training. style of play and tactics.

Changing the birth point means that the team members have come to an unfamiliar area, and they only have a general understanding of the surrounding terrain, and they don't know the station layout.If it was in the old birth point, these situations would not happen, because they are too familiar, and the team members don't need to be reminded by the command, they will know where to go and where not to go.

To sum up, it is very risky to change the birth point hastily. When you are on the field, there is no time for you to learn and adapt.

If there is a temporary replacement of the birth point, there must be only one situation, the command of this team... is very strong!
Not to mention knowing all the points on all the maps, at least he can know a general idea. As long as he is familiar with it, it doesn't matter if the team members are not familiar with it.

However, this kind of command is rare, and there are no more than ten players who can be found in the seventh district.

Bi'anhua changed the birth point in the first game, but she still can't be included in these ten people, because Huang Quan changed the birth point, they had specially practiced before the game, it was not a temporary idea, and they just found a birth point.

As for Ding Wen, well...

Although he doesn't have an exact ranking, he is quite confident...that he can be squeezed into these ten people. After all, his previous score in the e-sports school...was quite high.

Temporarily changing the birth point is an extremely difficult and high-risk matter for other teams, but for him... it is simply a piece of cake, not a problem at all.

It's just that doing so will consume more of his brainpower.

In addition, changing the birth point was not just for the sake of Huang Quan. In the second half of the second game, Ding Wen saw what the ordinary teams did.

Once the first person does some things, the second and third will soon follow suit.

If Qiqi does not change the birth point in the third game, then there is a very likely situation... There will be more and more enemies around them.

In order to rub Qiqi's luck, all teams choose a spawn point near them.

This is not alarmist talk. With the progress of the subsequent games, Qiqi's ability to find circles will be further proved. These expected teams will only increase, not decrease.

"How about I give these teams some... small gifts before changing the birth point?"

When going to the bathroom, Ding Wen was thinking about it.

He was a little entangled, because these 'small gifts' hurt the enemy a thousand and hurt himself eight hundred. From a utilitarian point of view, it didn't seem very appropriate.

Besides, these PGL teams are not worth it for him to do so.

"Hey, it would be great if there was only Huang Quan."

He was not without pity, but also felt helpless.

If the rest of the teams played sternly and didn't choose the spawn points around Qiqi, then he really planned to adopt this style of play to disgust Huang Quan.

But based on the omens shown by the deep-sea hairtail fish, department store supermarkets and other teams, the possibility of this... is really low.

"Hello, I'm Bianhua!"

Just as he was thinking about going out of the bathroom, a person suddenly stopped in front of Ding Wen.

This sudden person, like a ghost, not only interrupted Ding Wen's train of thought, but almost scared him out of his wits.

"Damn it!" His emotions were rarely affected, and he looked horrified at the woman blocking the door with a warm smile: "You... you, this is the men's room!"

"I didn't go in again." Bi Anhua spread her hands indifferently, and then shook hands with him forcefully: "Now we know each other."

Ding Wen came back to his senses, and instantly returned to his calm and calm appearance: "What are you doing?"

"You change your face quite quickly." Bi'anhua looked at him with a smile: "Don't be angry, I'm not strong enough, there's nothing I can do about it, and your scores are higher than ours, so it's not a disadvantage. Everyone It's good, let's advance together later!"

"No. You go to yours, I go to ours, don't let us go." Ding Wen tried to shake off her hand, but found that she was holding it tightly, and he couldn't forcefully shake it off, so he put on a straight face : "Let go first."

But Bianhua didn't seem to hear it, and said with a smile: "Speaking of it, we also have a certain relationship."


Bianhua finally let go of her hand, and turned into a serious look: "I am also from No. [-] E-sports School."

Ding Wen couldn't help being moved: "You... too?"

Bianhua nodded: "Yes, I am a class higher than you."

Ding Wen frowned: "But... I've never seen you before."

Bianhua smiled and said, "I haven't seen you either, but my teacher babbles every day, saying that there is a genius in the school who gets full marks in every theoretical exam."

"Then you have misunderstood the person." After hearing this sentence, Ding Wen didn't know what to do, and his expression suddenly became very strange.

Very very... strange.

He seemed to remember something, and his voice was bitter and difficult: "I don't have full marks every time, and I haven't even graduated."

"I know." Bianhua didn't seem surprised: "That's why your composite score will be judged... only 99 points."

"Sorry, I don't want to discuss this matter, can you please let me know." Ding Wen walked around Bianhua, deliberately hiding the disappointment in his eyes: "The match is about to start."

Looking at his back, Bianhua suddenly sighed: "We are the first team to do this, but we will never be the last. PGK's league is very cruel. In order to get more points, those teams will use All kinds of means...Of course, I have no other intentions, I just hope that when you get to PGK, you can show your skills."

She changed the subject, and what she said was also very vague, which might not be understood by others.

But Ding Wen understood. He understood the true meaning of Bi'anhua's words. He paused for a while, but didn't speak, and then walked towards the competition area.

(End of this chapter)

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