I can see the finals

Chapter 507 New Rules

Chapter 507 New Rules

Four branches, four different systems, all need to be unlocked in the pve mode of the game.

According to the official statement, there are several unlocking tasks for several systems. As long as one is unlocked, this class can be played, but only the successfully unlocked systems can be played, and the others cannot.

After reading it, Ding Wen didn't think much about it, and put on a U-chip to enter the game.

Anyway, he has to unlock everything, so just take it slow, he didn't play pve mode often before, but the difficulty shouldn't be too big, after all, it's just an advanced task.

After entering the game, he chose the pve mode. Next to the copies of large monsters such as 'Doomsday Invasion' and 'Legacy War', there are more copies of those advanced professions.

Click on the mechanic, and Ding Wen has four options in front of him, the corresponding ones are avatar, nightmare, clock and thorns.

There is nothing to say, just hit one by one.

One day passed quickly, and Ding Wen's progress was not bad. He had already completed the unlocking of the three systems, and the only thing left was thorns. This test is perseverance, and it will take a lot of time. It will not be completed in a while.

So Ding Wen is going to do the task tomorrow, and try a new job in the ranking at night.

Everything was planned, Ding Wen opened the forum on the official website to see the progress of other players.

Because those players who intend to unlock the mechanism master... are basically blocked by the card owner.

After reading many posts, all the players are complaining about the difficulty of unlocking advanced classes. Ding Wen has already unlocked three, but these ordinary players have not even unlocked one, no matter if it is an avatar or a nightmare.

It's really strange that they get stuck on whatever they choose.

"No way, is the advanced profession of mechanism engineer so difficult?"

Ding Wen found it incredible. After all, this is just a single-player PVE dungeon. In this world, there is no single-player dungeon that can stump powerful players.

So, with doubts, he sent a message to Atlantis: "How is the progress?"

Not long after, the latter's message was sent over.

After a laughing and crying expression, there was a sentence: "Don't mention it, I have been busy for a long time, but in the end I realized that it was purely busy and a waste of time."

"Are you unlocking the mechanics?"


"It can't be that difficult, I've already unlocked three."

"Three?" Atlantis suddenly sent a shocked face: "How did you do it!!!"

"Just play the mission normally."

Atlantis is very keen: "It can't be that simple, what are your missions, can you tell me about it?"


Ding Wen roughly described the three mission processes that have been completed. After listening, Atlantis couldn't help thinking.

After a while, he sent another message: "I compared it carefully, and our missions are fundamentally different. Wait a minute, I'll ask the support players of other teams."

A few minutes later, Atlantis sent an explosive message: "Damn, we all have different missions!"

Ding Wen was of course stunned: "No way? Can the stand-alone copy be different?"

If everyone's tasks are different, it means that players can't copy the answers, and can't refer to other people's customs clearance process.

Ding Wen reviewed his mission process. It was indeed difficult, but it was not impossible to complete. Among the three missions, only Nightmare used his ability to predict the circle to know the precise location where the monster appeared, and then Avoid traps, the other two are just a little higher than the normal difficulty.

He also can't figure out the current situation. Atlantis hasn't sent any information for a long time. He doesn't know whether to go to the official website to give feedback or ask other professionals.

Ding Wen withdrew from the light screen and looked at the other people in the training room. They were all in the game, and it seemed that none of them had unlocked the advanced profession yet.

He shook his head, didn't think much about it, went to have dinner normally, and planned to come back later to try out a new job in the game.

After more than half an hour, when he came back, Jiang Tong had already taken off the USB, and sat on a chair to rest with a tired face.

Ding Wen asked: "Finished?"

Jiang Tong nodded: "Although it's a bit troublesome, fortunately it's still unlocked."

"I heard from Shuiren that the advanced tasks of the same profession seem to be different for different players?"

"Well, and it's quite difficult. Few people finish it."

"I don't know, I'll check the forum later." Jiang Tong actually didn't care too much, "According to the new rules of the World Championship, we are not sure yet that we will need to use a new class at that time, and it is not a big problem if we can't unlock it. "

One of the new rules of the World Championship is about career choice.

In the competition, you can choose either a normal class or an advanced class, but since the latter is much more powerful than the former, the official rules of the league are... If you choose an advanced class, you can only choose one, and you cannot choose another one. Double career now.

On the contrary, choosing a common occupation is still the same as before, and there is no change in this point.

It is not difficult to understand what the rules want to express. It is nothing more than a multiple-choice question about choice. If you want to be fault-tolerant, want to deal with more situations, and be more flexible, then choose dual occupations; if you want to enhance the ability of individual soldiers , then choose an advanced profession.

But if you think about it carefully, the so-called choice is actually more like a restriction.

For example, if the person in position [-] chooses an advanced class, then he can only play close combat. It can't be the same as before, the main class is melee, and the sub-class is linked to a long-range or auxiliary class.

That is to say, the new rule for the official withdrawal is to hope that the five positions can be fixed, and each position can do what it should do.

This general direction is correct. Among all the advanced occupations, only the single occupation in the second position has the ability to be close or far away. Other positions can only be melee, or can only support, and can only be long-distance.

Of course, this is on the premise of choosing an advanced class. If a certain team doesn't like this rule and still wants to be as flexible as before, they don't need to choose an advanced class.

All in all, the World Championship under the new rules will be full of unknown variables. Although the game will become more exciting, it will undoubtedly be a kind of psychological torture for the player team.

Before the World Championships, all teams need to make a game in advance, combining their own team's personnel play style to measure the weight of the two.

But having said that, this advanced task is really difficult. The official made the dungeon so difficult that everyone does not repeat it, which is also a test of the will of the players and players.

It’s okay for ordinary players to spend more time, if you unlock it later, it will be later, but the time of professional players is very precious, so you either spend a lot of time to do this with all the players, or just let some or a few The team members in need do the task, thus saving the time of other team members.

Ding Wen guessed that if the World Championships were not approaching, the officials would not have made the advanced tasks so difficult on purpose.

"Forget about that, do you still eat? If you don't eat, let's go up and play a few games and try a new profession."

(End of this chapter)

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