I can see the finals

Chapter 528 Paddle, or...weakness?

Chapter 528 Paddle, or...weakness?
The behavior of xjbd like the anchor team may benefit from it, but more often they will drag a certain team down, and it is very likely that both of them will suffer heavy losses, and no one will be left behind.

Not long ago, the dark fairy tale was the one that was dragged to death, but now, it is the turn of the well-known wine merchant.

The anchor team chose the direction of "collecting points" on their side. Wuxing and Wusan have an extremely keen sense of the situation. As soon as they received the news of elimination, the two teams immediately acted, and their movements were synchronized. He rushed directly to the original position of the anchor team.

There are only two people guarding that place now, and the anchor team got together with people from a well-known wine merchant, so they can't come back to help at all.

How could the two of them resist the attack of nine top professional players, and their hometown fell on the spot. After they were eliminated, the two teams also started a melee in the room area.

The circle waits for no one. Although the anchor team cannot beat the well-known wine merchants, relying on the advantage of the circle, they still dragged the opponent to the edge of the circle. Neither side survived.

In the end, the battle with the largest number of people around the circle came to an end with five or three people surviving a tragic victory. This year's Five Elements is indeed not bad. They still eliminated four opponents in four-on-five, and they were just a little short of victory. .

Ding Wen watched all of the second game, and finally won this one with a high elimination of 16 kills.

Ding Wen was not surprised by this result. After all, Gao Renyi was in the same position as them at the time. After defeating the dark fairy tale, he also took over their position in the circle.

Ding Wen has the ability to predict the final circle, so any route he finds to enter the circle must be the most perfect one among all kinds of routes. Being superior is equivalent to taking advantage of his ability, and there is no need for too much complicated thinking later. It was very easy to eat this chicken.

Of course, those who are superior will not be aware of the mystery of this. They just think that this circle luck has taken care of them, that's all, and they don't think about other aspects.

In the replay session after the game, the two commentators also briefly commented on the performance of the superior player, and by the way regretted the dark fairy tale given for nothing.

After the two games, the X factor of the anchor team was gradually exposed. To some extent, it is not an exaggeration to say that the friendly match is more difficult than the world match.

The next three games started one after another, and Dark Fairy Tale scored high scores of 1100 points, 400 points, and 2400 points respectively, two chickens a day, and the total score ranked first in a single day.

One cannot fall twice in the same place. After suffering a big loss, Ding Wen worked hard and tried his best to avoid those anchor teams, and there was no more free pay.

After a day's play, no matter how good or bad the results are, each team has actually achieved what they want, and intuitively feel the strength and style of those future opponents in the same field.

After the game, the news that the Dark Fairytale Friendship Tournament ranked No. [-] in a single day quickly rushed to the hot searches in the seven districts. The news headlines of various media, after all, are teams from their own competition districts. The seven districts are not stingy in reporting this. The words made the fans of the dark fairy tales feel ecstatic, almost going to heaven.

"Let me just say, with my pupil goddess joining, the strength of Diablo Fairy Tale can be multiplied many times!"

"Really, I am so looking forward to the upcoming World Championship, I really want to start playing right away!"

"Yeah, our Seventh District has been beaten up in the World Championship for so many years, this year is the time for us to settle the score!"

Under various news, the forums are full of such comments everywhere, and people are endlessly happy and discussing with high spirits.

In addition to the seven regions, other regions in the same group of the friendly match also released some reports about dark fairy tales. Most of the headlines used the word "dark horse", and some media also faintly revealed their concerns.

Only from the first day of the game, except for the second round, the new recruits of Diablo Fairy Tale hardly made any mistakes, and more importantly - that is, their style is not fixed at all!

They can be steady, aggressive, or aggressive.

This reminded them of the team standing at the top of the world.

In terms of style changes, the dark fairy tales are really like the poor version of the gods. The style is not fixed, which means that they are difficult to target and difficult to guess during combat.

Of course, it's just the poor version. The current Fengshen is too strong, and there is still a big gap between the dark fairy tales and them.

In the Dark Fairy Tale Club, Ding Wen didn't care about the scores after the game, and immediately asked Li Zhenpi to find out all the results of the other groups of today's friendly matches.

What he cares most about is naturally the existence that the other teams fear...Fengshen!
Immediately, the others gathered around and looked at the report card given by Li Zhenpi.

However, to the surprise of most people, this top dynastic team that people looked up to... played extremely poorly today.

Their single-day total score is only 2600 points.


The total score of these five... is not as good as the first one of the dark fairy tale, and it is really far from that series of brilliant titles.

Li Zhenpi was not surprised, so was Jiang Tong, and Ding Wen was even more so.

As a coach, Li Zhenpi has done enough homework and knows that Fengshen's friendly matches every year are terrible; Jiang Tong is similar to what he thinks, thinking that it is just a friendly match for entertainment, Fengshen doesn't need to be serious, they are paddling, Simply Playing.

Among those who were not surprised, only Ding Wen seemed to notice something, his eyes flickered, and his expression was very abnormal.

Sister Mao once said that there are many top-level high-IQ AIs in this world. Whether in the eyes of creators or them, such AIs are just machines. They have the same appearance as humans. But still not real.

Reminiscent of Zheng Gongyang, who was trained by the haze, it is not difficult for Ding Wen to know that there must be many similar AIs in the future World Championships.

He guessed the abnormality of Fengshen very early on, so there is no need to repeat this point.To be honest, despite Ding Wen's calm surface, he seems to have a well-thought-out plan and great confidence, but Ding Wen still feels uneasy about this kind of opponent from the bottom of his heart.

After all, the human brain is still incomparable with a machine. The computing speed of a machine is too exaggerated. Take Bai Mu as an example. Can figure it out, and immediately find a solution to the existing situation.

With so much analysis time, it was enough for Bai Mu to die eight times.

Therefore, although Ding Wen has cheats, he has been looking for ways to deal with them.

And today's friendly match gave him some inspiration and speculation.

"Are they paddling, or... is this their weakness?"

(End of this chapter)

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