Chapter 577 Why do you do this?
Jian Junxi's face was as pale as paper, she was astonished, shocked, flustered..., helplessly supporting the dying old man, completely unable to understand what happened all of a sudden.

"'s fine..." The old man's bloody lips showed a smile, such paleness and effort made her eyes swell and become more and more hazy, as if she had thought of something.
Immediately laying the old man flat on the ground, took out all the medicines in the pocket of his trousers, and anxiously searched for her colorful pills, her two big hands were trembling constantly, because she didn't have the antidote for heartbroken grass... …

"Xue'er..." Mr. Ling's weak call brought her back to her senses.

Immediately helped him up again, subconsciously felt that he could not die, and said in a panic: "Hold on, I didn't bring the antidote, I will take you to my house now..."

But the old man held her hand tightly, choked up and said: "Come... there is no to me...Xueer, I'm sorry...I can go...not today easy
I must have suffered...a lot of hardships, it's all...great grandfather's fault, if...Yujie and Jiang Yichuan, Weiwei...maybe... nothing will happen.
That way... you won't..." Before she finished speaking, another mouthful of black blood gushed out, Jian Junxi panicked, her heart seemed to be blocked and pressed, making her unable to even breathe out.
With trembling hands, he wiped away the blood stains around his mouth, his vision became more and more blurred, and he wanted to say something, but found that his throat was so choked that he couldn't speak a word...

The old man stretched out his big old hand, caressed her delicate cheek, and said with a smile: "Xue'er... is better than Wei Wei..."

Jian Junxi felt that he had no strength, and immediately held his hand that was about to fall, two crystal clear tears dripped onto his wrinkled hand.

The old man looked at her distressedly, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and said weakly: "Don't feel sorry for me, I'm not... worth it..."

"Why? Why did you do this?" Jian Junxi's heart seemed to be full of bows and arrows, and it was tense. There was only horror and panic in his eyes, and he didn't know what to do?
"Xue'er...I...I know that you...don't believe me, but...what I said is...all are true, there is no... half a lie...a lie, in fact...

I should have gone to redeem my sins long ago... I can see you... I am... very happy... I can rest assured... I went..." He closed his eyes tiredly.

Jian Junxi shook him with tears, crying: "You can't die, don't die, please, don't die..."

Ling Guodong struggled to open his eyes, looked at her with a look of reluctance, wiped away the tears on her face with his big hand held by her, and said with a sob: "Xue' believe me...I said The... is true..."

"Well... I believe it... I believe it...", Jian Junxi nodded desperately, her heart was whipped like a whip, the pain made her unable to breathe.

"Your one...knows...don't worry...I let you...have no must...find out the truth.
Revenge for Weiwei...and...Hao Jiang...great grandfather...just...just tired...don't feel guilty...

Finally...I beg let Haonan go...they...really...know nothing, and Xu...Zhihui...he..."

The more he spoke, the lower his voice became, until he could no longer speak, the old hand slipped from hers, his eyes were full of pleading, after all... there was no rest...

(End of this chapter)

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