My love options are a bit difficult

Chapter 332 It Can Only Be A Coincidence

Chapter 332 It Can Only Be A Coincidence
Liting Palace is a tea room located in Nakano District.

Many locals have never heard of its name, and only those who have reached a certain level may come into contact with it. It is obviously an elegant teahouse wooden seat, but it occupies an area of ​​two to three places of the University of Tokyo. There are hardly many houses, and more of them are used to build lake water plants.

Tea was introduced to the island nation from China.

At first, tea was only used for medicinal purposes, and it was not very common. Later, warriors also gradually drank tea and formed the tea ceremony, so it became popular, which is almost the same as the queen and princess of England leading the trend at that time.

And it was a guy named Qian Lixiu who really made the tea ceremony flourish, and his status in the island country was almost equal to that of Lu Chasheng.

Qian Lixiu created a grass-ann style tea house, plastering the walls with grass tendons, and using pole edges to frame the roof around.

Later, a new set of values ​​called "wabi-sabi" was proposed. Wabi-sabi refers to simple and quiet things. It comes from the three seals in Hinayana Buddhism, especially the meaning of impermanence. Find beauty in imperfection.

Islanders like to call various things Tao, such as kendo, judo, calligraphy, and tea ceremony. I have spent all my time.

Just like the reason that one always thinks that one's own children are the best-looking, these people who like tea ceremony always talk about natural inaction while secretly despising those so-called worldly things.

If someone likes to search for news about teahouses on the Internet, they may see "the three major national treasure teahouses in the island country, even the emperor had to bend down and kneel to climb in." This kind of extremely exaggerated and flattering compilation.

After all, teahouses are also divided into Kansai and Kanto. Due to historical reasons, the teahouses known as the top ten national treasures are all classified in Kansai, and they are actually not much better than those in Kanto.

Fukai Asaka has no interest in these.

If she is just a businessman in terms of status, then she is a woman with greater ambitions.

As a woman, she knows exactly what she wants and what she doesn't want.

I really don't like the tea ceremony that advocates the principle of "natural inaction", but I can't stand the arty style of many powerful people, and I always like to show their style in this kind of place.

So apart from receptions and private parties, the real talk of things is in places like the tea room.

Leaning against the alcove in the pavilion, this is the position where the distinguished guests sit. Asaka Fukai sat kneeling here with slightly closed eyes, wearing a rare light white kimono.

It's actually very uncomfortable, but because of etiquette, I can only respond.

Sitting opposite her were four men who were sitting upright. The same feature was probably that they were not young. Two of them had gray hair, but they were also full of energy.

If there were people from the Metropolitan Police Department or the Police Department present at this moment, they would definitely be able to recognize the old man sitting on the left in the middle as the newly appointed chief of the Police Department, Rijing Taihe.

The purple pottery pot is sitting on the stove and being roasted, wisps of hot air rushes out towards the small mouth, and the fragrance of tea gradually overflows to every corner of the room.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate Rijing-san. It is really enviable to control the power of the entire police system."

An old man on the far left spoke first, opening the first sentence of this private meeting.

"There is nothing to congratulate, Liang Yongsan, stop making fun of me. On the surface, Chief Kurosawa resigned due to illness. In fact, it was not for the sake of being wise and safe, and not getting involved in that weird thing. Judging from what we see now , Maybe when this cabinet meeting is held, I, the Chief of the Police Department, will be transferred away." The gray-haired Rijing Dahe shook his head helplessly, and said in a slightly sad tone.

Liang Yongwen couldn't help asking: "What is it, can it really not be revealed?"

"No." Rijing Dahe shook his head: "Everyone who was present at the time was silenced, and almost all the people below saw that thing was broken, except for all the cabinet ministers and the person in charge of the Police Department. can learn more.”

The other two, including Liang Yongwen, couldn't help frowning. They were already shocked in their hearts. Thanks to the fact that they are all people who have been struggling with the dyeing tank for decades, at least they can keep their faces unchanged. of.

But what Rijing Dahe said just now was too serious. After all, in their position, even if they sometimes make mistakes, they will not lose their foundation because of those things, and they cannot be shaken under normal circumstances.

But according to what Rijing Dahe said just now, it seems that this matter is really extraordinary.

The people present can be said to be one step away from entering the cabinet, and they can be said to have reached the peak of their lives, but even so, they can't know much about the inside story of that matter.

You must know that a consortium fell apart overnight, and everyone from top to bottom was directly silenced. This kind of thing has caused a certain degree of panic in the upper circles.

No one knows the background of a consortium better than them, and how important a consortium can represent.

It’s just the collapse of the Guangpu Consortium. On the surface, the authorities have calmed down the aftermath of the incident, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that many factors of instability have been buried, and because of its influence in the financial industry, this fall It is directly related to the decline of the entire island country's stock market and financial industry-and it is irreversible.

Fortunately, at this time, the Shenjing Consortium seemed to have made preparations in advance, and directly ate the cakes that had just fallen apart. While gaining benefits, it also reduced the negative impact on society.

This is something almost everyone did not expect.

None of the people present were fools, even if there was no source of information, they all suspected Fukai Asaka, not to mention more outside eyes.

You must know that they are people who are tied to the same warship with the Shenjing Consortium. If they really do such a thing, they must be notified. It is impossible not to tell them about such a big thing.

Everyone's first reaction was to suspect the biggest Sham Tseng Group that opened their mouths.

But the fact is that there is no evidence of any doubt.

Because no one knows better than Rijing Dahe what kind of existence the Guangpu family was destroyed by.

The few big figures in the cabinet also became suspicious at the same time, but when it was basically confirmed that the thing existed in the legendary weirdness, most of the doubts had been dispelled.

Even if everyone doubted it in their hearts, they couldn't find any strong or even signs of evidence.

That can only be explained by coincidence.
Is it really a coincidence?
(End of this chapter)

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