My love options are a bit difficult

Chapter 508 Summer Night Fireworks Yukata Girl

Chapter 508 Summer Night Fireworks Yukata Girl
A shadowy sky covered in dark clouds loomed in view.

Nothing at all.

But just when she was about to lower her head to reply to the message, out of the corner of her eye, she saw an orange light rising into the sky below.

The orange light is like a shooting star, rushing to the sky from the invisible land.

The flickering light was extremely fast, rushing straight towards the dark clouds stacked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After that little orange light, more light hit the dark clouds at the same time, and gradually began to hit more colors, and the sky was like stars shining from the ground.

Kagura Jingye's light red lips parted slightly, his eyes subconsciously looked towards the initial light, his whole body leaned forward towards the window, his slender fingers were printed on the thickened glass, suddenly a feeling rose in his heart. An inexplicable idea.

Soon time confirmed her thoughts.

The light that had disappeared into the dark clouds suddenly bloomed, printing the entire dark cloud in an orange color, and the dark clouds that were originally moving smoothly were stirred by the wind and clouds in an instant, and curls were opened from the middle. , The orange light was also reflected on the glass of the plane.


Even in the closed environment of the plane, there was a dull rumbling sound in my ears.

This is the sound after the firework exploded just now.

The bloom was only about ten seconds away from the sound.

Before Kagura Jingye could react from the gradually dissipating orange light, from the corner of his eye, he saw more dots of colorful light below.

At this time, the plane had just taken off and was still in the process of climbing, and even the tripod had just been put away, so the angle of looking at the fireworks on my side was the best.

Just a moment later, a large number of star dots rushed into the sky, shining with colorful lights, and inserted straight into the thick dark clouds!

The sky that was already shrouded in shadows is a little more beautiful.

But the next picture is even more pleasing to the eye.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of thunder, a big fireball burst out in the sky, and the whole sky was illuminated. Fireworks flew into the sky one after another, showing different charms. Some fireworks were intertwined to form a sea of ​​golden red. , and others are displayed in the sky like blossoming golden chrysanthemums.

The multicolored rays of light overlapped together, and the sky became a sea of ​​lights of various colors. After a while, it turned into gems inlaid in dark clouds, and finally gradually turned into a waterfall of stars falling down slowly.

The dark clouds in the entire sky seemed to have been dispelled. Although the sky was still not clear and there were thicker clouds above the head, the sky below the clouds had been stained with the color of light.

There are only various fireworks blooming in sight, and the mountains and mountains are piled up into various shapes.

Kagura Jingye looked at the fireworks in the sky with trembling eyelashes, and colorful colors were reflected in the trembling black pupils.

She seemed to understand what a gift it was.

And when Kagura Jingye was immersed in the shock, the passengers in the same car also noticed the strangeness in the sky, and they all approached the window and began to marvel.

Even the flight crew couldn't help but take a second look before announcing the announcement to keep the passengers from panicking.

"Is that... fireworks?"

"So beautiful!"

"Fireworks of this scale are no worse than summer festivals."

Looking at the fireworks in the sky, the woman who spoke couldn't help sighing, but suddenly remembered that Akita was under her feet, and couldn't help asking her companion:

"What month is this? Could it be that Akita's Fireworks Competition started earlier?"

"That's definitely wrong. Akita's Fireworks Festival is held in Hebian. Why are these fireworks set off next to the airport?"

The companion sitting next to him also looked out, heard the voice denied and also raised doubts.

"It can't be done privately, right?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"It won't affect the flight."

"It shouldn't be. It looks very close, but it's actually quite far away. Anyway, it won't affect us."

"It's really beautiful."

"It's a good experience to enjoy the summer festival in advance."

"Such a large-scale fireworks display is right next to the airport. How do I feel that this is the wayward behavior of some rich man?"

"It doesn't matter whether he is willful or not, anyway, we can see if we can see it, even if you are called by the police department, it is not you."

"That makes me worry too much."

It's just that the fireworks had just started at this time, and as the pictures in the sky became more and more beautiful, the people who were amazed gradually quieted down.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of exploding in the sky is endless, and there is no intention of stopping.

The sound of fireworks exploding in mid-air was deep and deep, but the gorgeous flowery scene was beautiful.

The fireworks festival is still going on, and it seems that it has not reached the moment when it finally burns out. No one knows where these fireworks come from, and they can't find the source when they look towards the ground. They can only see these fireworks rushing up with flashing lights. sky.

The Qionggou jade-like shape on the edge of the sky is outlined by fireworks, overlapping to form a more blazing and bright Gouyu. Various and complex images are combined, and at this moment, fireworks are used to form a picture.

At the last moment, hundreds of star points rushed one after another from bottom to top, but these unbroken fireworks are already beautiful enough.

Cyan, red, blue, silver, purple, orange, yellow.

The light spots of various colors seem to be arranged in a regular way. The first ones that were lifted into the sky did not shatter immediately until the entire sky was filled with these firework light spots. These light spots seemed to be simultaneously General detonated.

This time, the entire sky is illuminated by this image.

The strong light colors are reflected on the glass windows of the plane, and there is a picture composed of those lights.

Even though his eyes were sour and weeping because he hadn't blinked for a long time, Kagura Jingye didn't have the slightest intention to close them.

She competed for those eyes that reflected the gorgeous light, stared at the beautiful picture in the sky and fell silent, her whole mind seemed to be absorbed by this picture.

And in the sky that had already illuminated the entire area, countless fireworks bloomed instantly to form a shocking picture.

A girl in a yukata and clogs is holding a flower umbrella and smiling back at her.

The charm of that kind of smile is outlined extremely vividly, even the hanging tassels on the edge of the flower umbrella are lifelike, as if this is real.

Summer night, fireworks, yukata, girl.

When the fireworks bloom, countless faces looking forward to happiness are illuminated.

Fire trees and silver flowers pour down like thousands of fireflies.

How many confessions, how many beautiful moments, are all frozen in this moment.

This is the meaning of the Summer Festival Fireworks Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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