honor me as god

Chapter 810

Chapter 810
It is always the darkest before dawn, the blood moon hanging high in the sky has sunk to the west, the rising sun has not yet emerged in the east, and the whole sky is only left with endless darkness.

Looking from a high place, the torches of the palace medical hall were stretching at this time, the imperial guards formed an extremely tight line of defense, and intelligence personnel kept coming in and out, delivering the latest news from all sides to the hall.

Perseus was seriously injured, but now he couldn't lie down anymore. He sat on the hospital bed with his body propped up, gathered information and made corresponding deployments one after another.

According to the information from the secret guards in the palace not long ago, Andrei had brought his cronies to "crowned" in the highest auditorium. This "benevolent prince" who had endured for decades had finally completely removed his disguise at this moment.

Perseus hadn't taken Andre, Lan Xian and others directly before. On the one hand, it was because their power was deeply entrenched, and too radical methods would cause turmoil and shake the foundation of the kingdom.

Secondly, these two people have good reputations, and there must be a suitable excuse to remove them, so as to minimize gossip and not lose popular popularity.

It's all right now, and Andre crowned himself privately, was accused of usurping the throne, and jumped into the fire pit by himself. Naturally, Perseus had no scruples, and waited for Denisa to arrest Andre and others to interrogate him.

It's just that Denisa has been away for more than an hour, but she hasn't returned to report for a long time. With her usual efficiency, this is obviously abnormal.

The same is true for Sting. Five minutes ago, a report came from the Wangcheng Giant Wall observation post. The Scarlet Church headquarters tower could still be seen in the blood mist, and no signs of fighting were observed.

All kinds of strangeness made Perseus feel uneasy.

At this moment, a scout quickly entered the room and reported in a loud voice: "Your Majesty! There is an urgent military situation on the border of the Cardinal Province! The Army of the Night, the First Landing Army, and the Iron Beast Army have crossed the provincial border and rushed to the Royal City Come!"

As soon as the Winged Beast Cavalry finished speaking, several scouts entered one after another:
"Your Majesty! The cardinal garrison regiment guarding the northern border suddenly went south and has crossed the Lenglie Valley in the Tayu Province and is rushing towards the royal city!"

"Fengyunguan, the capital of Fenghuo Province, has issued a governor's order to the garrison in the province. The whole province has entered a state of war, and the elite Troy family has assembled in the capital!"

"The scouts of the Gray Fog Province have reported that there has been a change in the Sea of ​​Broken Moon. The main fleet of the Dagon Family has landed on the southwest side of Feiyuan Province and is joining forces with the capital garrison!"

The more Perseus heard it, the more gloomy his expression became, he was confused, completely confused.
After all, these people couldn't hide their tails anymore. They had invested too much political leverage in Andre, and they couldn't accept that the throne would fall into the hands of others. Now they all came to force the palace.

Looking back on the years when he first came to the throne, Perseus and the leaders of the kings worked together to fight bloody battles with the Far Eastern dynasty for the people behind them, and jointly repelled the ruthless invaders.

But now, the comrades-in-arms who once fought side by side raised troops to force the palace for the benefit of the family and led the army to rush to the royal city. This made Perseus feel an unprecedented sense of sadness in his heart, which made him extremely uncomfortable and unacceptable.

It would be very difficult to resist so many legions at the same time with only the personal guards stationed in the royal city. Even if they were blocked, a bloody battle would be inevitable. At that time, all the soldiers of the kingdom would die, and the national strength of the kingdom would be damaged.

Now the key to resolving the coup d'etat at the lowest cost is Andre. As long as Denisa captures or kills him, the kings and leaders will have no leader. self-defeating.

However, Denisa, who has always been unstoppable, disappeared without a word, which made Perseus extremely irritable. He gritted his teeth and looked at the darkness outside the window: "What the hell is she doing?"

Outside the palace medical hall, there were many imperial guards, and the continuous torches illuminated the flying king's flag. The firelight fell on the flag, and the blossoming laurel flowers seemed to be burning, and the air was filled with the smell of dust and gunpowder smoke.

However, today's night is too dark. No matter how fierce the torch burns, it will eventually melt into endless black. Except for the area where the imperial guards are stationed, there is nothing to be seen in other places, as if all the light has disappeared.

The imperial guards still don't know the news that the king's leader is attacking the palace, but the scouts come in and out so frequently, coupled with their panicked expressions, they are also very serious, knowing the urgency of the situation.

People's hearts are changeable. Even well-trained imperial guards will inevitably have traitors. However, the guards who still choose to station outside the medical hall at this time must be loyal to Perseus. They have the same life as His Majesty. The belief of dying together, so even if there is uneasiness in the heart, no one is shaken.

Time passed bit by bit, obviously only a few minutes had passed, but under the rendering of tension, it seemed like hours had passed.

When a royal guard was on guard, he suddenly fixed his gaze and asked sharply, "Who?!"

In the darkness, dots of red light suddenly appeared, like wild beasts preparing to hunt in the shadows. With the sound of noisy footsteps approaching, a figure came out from the darkness, and the surrounding firelight illuminated the pair of scarlet colored pupils.

"Prince Andre" the imperial guards couldn't help but froze when they saw the leader.

Andre stood at the forefront of the crowd, and the entourage behind him was fully armed, staring at the imperial guards eeriely.

Andre spread his hands and said in a calm tone: "Is my respected father in there? I want to see him~"

The imperial guards are not fools. Even if they didn't know about Andre's usurpation of the throne, they already knew that the prince was standing on the opposite side of His Majesty. He brought so many people here today, it was definitely not a good person.

In this rising and falling golden light, the seal of the sun god appeared between the brows of the imperial guards, and a prairie fire was formed in the surging, the leader captain looked cold, and said: "Your Majesty has ordered that no one except intelligence personnel be allowed to enter or leave." Here. The person who takes you leaves immediately."

Andre's eyes were wide open, with the unceasing fire reflected in his pupils, and he said quietly: "The son wants to see his father, but he won't allow him. This bastard is really heartless."

Calling His Majesty the King with such ugly words meant turning his face directly. The imperial guards had no scruples anymore, and they all stepped forward with swords, ready to subdue Andre with violence.

The imperial guards outside the medical hall are all the most elite fighters. Each of them has the ability to fight against a thousand. These people add up to enough power to wipe out several full-scale legions. As for the dozens of people behind Andre, I am afraid Couldn't even take a breath.

However, Andre had no scruples in the face of the rushing imperial guards, with a mysterious smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the air.


(End of this chapter)

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